Who likes Sylvia Browne?


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I do and I have her book..Secrets & Mystries Of The World. I Love it.. I plan to get more books of hers when I am done with it. Also, I watch her on the Montel Williams show every Wednesday. :angel:
To be perfectly honest, I think she’s a fruitcake. And a crooked fruitcake, too.

From Wiki:

In 1992, Browne and her estranged husband were indicted on several charges of investment fraud and grand theft. The Superior Court of Santa Clara County, California, found that Browne and her husband sold securities in a gold-mining venture under false pretences. In at least one instance, they told a couple their US $20,000 investment was to be used for immediate operating costs. Instead, the money was transferred to an account for their Nirvana Foundation for Psychic Research.

Browne's ex-husband has been quoted as saying that Sylvia was unaware of the investment fraud and should not be held accountable for his actions.

Sylvia has attempted to explain her inability to foresee her own conviction by claiming that her psychic abilities do not work on herself and calling her critics 'ignorant'.
I may not like her personally but I liked her book Adventures of a Psychic and really liked her version of the "after life".

i do like her she is my favorite psychic

i have some of her books
i plan to buy paperback of secrets and mysteries of the world
Lev, while I believe that many psychics aren't exactly operating honestly, I DO think that some people do have psychic abilities..... I've had weird dreams of people whom I later met. There's also those incidents which have NEVER been debunked.One was a minister who had a dream that a great ship was sinking. He felt that to be a sign from God, and arranged an emergency service. One of the hymns they sang was the one that goes " For those in peril on the sea.(I think there's an aside to this at the Then there was that writer at the Boston Globe who had a dream about Karatoa exploding....right when it happened, and nobody else had heard about it. He wrote it down. His editors thought it was a real story, and so printed it. There was a scandel...and then a few days later when people started realizing it was true.....
Cane Corso,

Quite good question.. why don't you try contact her and to see if sense yours..

Worth it try..
GalaxyAngel said:
Cane Corso,

Quite good question.. why don't you try contact her and to see if sense yours..

Worth it try..

Ha, what's her number then? I went to one of her seminars and I thought she's full of it.
Cane Corso said:
Ha, what's her number then? I went to one of her seminars and I thought she's full of it.


dunno ph nbr# try look up directory listing in usa.. Sorry I'm canadian.. SAD! :D
deafdyke said:
Lev, while I believe that many psychics aren't exactly operating honestly, I DO think that some people do have psychic abilities..... I've had weird dreams of people whom I later met. There's also those incidents which have NEVER been debunked.One was a minister who had a dream that a great ship was sinking. He felt that to be a sign from God, and arranged an emergency service. One of the hymns they sang was the one that goes " For those in peril on the sea.(I think there's an aside to this at the Then there was that writer at the Boston Globe who had a dream about Karatoa exploding....right when it happened, and nobody else had heard about it. He wrote it down. His editors thought it was a real story, and so printed it. There was a scandel...and then a few days later when people started realizing it was true.....

I second that...I had several weird dreams of people whom I later met too! I believe in warning sign, prophecy, and future sign...

Im not sure about psychic...If I met one, If this person gave me correct information...I probably would be shock and maybe start believing..but honestly I do have funny feelings about psychic people like Sylvia... :dunno:
Something seem not quite genuine about her...john edward seem much more "tuned in" and caring about people..
Cane Corso said:
Ha, what's her number then? I went to one of her seminars and I thought she's full of it.

You probably couldn’t afford it, CC. The illustrious Ms. Browne charges $750 for a half hour phone reading. And even if you had the money, I don’t think it would do you any good, because Sylvia Browne wouldn’t know what a TTY was if it jumped up and bit her on the ass. :|

Read Psychic for a Day by Micheal Shermer. It’s a long essay, but well worth reading. I especially liked the part entitled 'Talking to the Dead'. Someday I want to get this book, but it’s $65 plus shipping, so it will have to wait.