Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?


New Member
Sep 20, 2003
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And why do you choose to be a vegetarian or a meat eater?
I love cow! Because I need to fill for my body.
I love chicken! Because it taste so awesome!
I love fish! Because it help my brain into a better thinking!
I love eel! Because it give you a nice center - ahhh....
I love black shark! Because it's neat to eat weird food!
:shock: eating black sharks qq ack sounds so disgusting!

personally i consider myself a semi-vegetarian -- go heavy on chicken/white meat only
I'm a vegetarian.
Been one so long (going on 15 years now) that the thought of eating meat is like eating a table. Its just not food, is it?
My girlfriend is slightly more militant than me. She has a bumper sticker that says:
"If you love animals called pets, why do you eat animals called food?"

MMM... Korean food. (meow!)
MMM... Vietnamese food. (woof!)

LOL!! I like that saying!! I'm a vegetarian as well. Not for a long time but long enough for me to think meat is totally gross. :barf:

I decided to go vegetarian because I discovered the health risks assoicated with eating meat and I also discovered how animals were being treated and I felt it was morally wrong to eat meat.
I love eel! Because it give you a nice center - ahhh....
I love black shark! Because it's neat to eat weird food! :barf:

Those sound gross!! :P
Mainly, I eat white meat such as seafood, chicken and pork. Sometimes have red meat. Heaps of veggies on the side though! ;)
meat, you should have made this a poll question
I tried to being experience as vegetarian for short of time.

After I eat nuts, I usually love it but not eat it forever which make me sick.
I tried eat tofu. Nothing taste good. Bleeechh!

That's why I go back and eat animal as I love to eat :spam:
illustrator said:
I tried to being experience as vegetarian for short of time.

After I eat nuts, I usually love it but not eat it forever which make me sick.
I tried eat tofu. Nothing taste good. Bleeechh!

That's why I go back and eat animal as I love to eat :spam:
:werd: Can't live without :spam:!

People say that Spam sucks, but I think it tastes wonderful!
*Channelling Monty Python ...*

Spam spam spam spam. Lovely spam! Wonderful spam! Spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam spa-a-a-a-a-am spam. Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Lovely spam! Spam spam spam spam!
illustrator said:
I tried to being experience as vegetarian for short of time.

After I eat nuts, I usually love it but not eat it forever which make me sick.
I tried eat tofu. Nothing taste good. Bleeechh!

That's why I go back and eat animal as I love to eat :spam:

WHere did it say vegetarians eat nuts only?? O_o
We do eat lots of variety of food and I did get used to not eat meat and my taste buds have changed so no complaints. :D

I can respect why people need to eat meat. Their choices. But spam????? :barf: Heh....
butterflygal said:
And why do you choose to be a vegetarian or a meat eater?

I am both vegetable and meat eater. It is all about moderation and balance of eating both. I admit, I do not eat a lot of meat, but I am always surprised at how much meat my friends eat.
I am both vegetable and meat eater!! *Yummm*! But no Peas or beans Yuck!
I like vegeterian food. Taste so good!!! Especially TOFU!!!

Last month, I made peanut butter and oatmeal cookies for Christmas party. They loved it. I told them I don't add eggs, milk, butter, or so. They paused and said how?? Just add soft tofu with others.
What do you call a "vegeterian and a meat eater"? A Meatevegeterian?