Who here is a vegeterian or a meat eater?

pimpdaddyposse said:
What do you call a "vegeterian and a meat eater"? A Meatevegeterian?

No... they're called omnivore

Carvivore are meat eaters only
Omnivore are both meat and plant eaters
Herbivores are plant eaters only
butterflygal said:
Heh.. GOod one!! I disagree with how they treat animals. If you really want to know... They hang pigs, cows upside down and cut their throats and let them bleed while ALIVE. Lots of things they do to animals like discarding them like a piece of garbage while they are alive and not properly putting them to sleep. When chicks hatches, they only keep the female ones so they would lay eggs and throw the male ones in the garbage alive and leave them to die.

I felt I couldn't eat any meats after finding that information out. Felt like it was wrong. I couldn't put any money in the meat industry and support that.

And for plants.. They are living things of course but use ur common sense!! Way different than animals!! :P Heh...

It takes more plants to feed the animals that humans later consume. So being a vegetarian consume less energy than it is to eat meat. It's easier to grow plants than it is to pack meat for your local grocery store.

I used to be a Vegan (I've gone through all stages of Vegetarianism... Ova/Lacto/Semi/Vegan) Now I do occasionally have turkey/chicken/beef.

My reason for becoming a vegetarian isn't really that easy to explain: Growing up I just couldn't tolerate eating meat (red and white), I still shun from seafood (ew, ahem). Later I knew about the negative consequences of eating meat (both in the industry part, and health part). And I simply choose what I like to eat.

Nowadays, slaughterhouses are decreasing in size, and more and more corporates/companies are trying their best to use a more humane way (yet I think knocking animals out are still inhumane). It is just my individual choice whether or not I eat meat.
I'm a semi-vegitarian or a "Cape Cod Vegitarian"I live on fish....love fish....every time I come home from college for long weekends we get fish n' chips from this local clam shack. I've never liked red meat, and went off chicken when I was in high school.
butterflygal said:
Heh.. GOod one!! I disagree with how they treat animals. If you really want to know... They hang pigs, cows upside down and cut their throats and let them bleed while ALIVE. Lots of things they do to animals like discarding them like a piece of garbage while they are alive and not properly putting them to sleep. When chicks hatches, they only keep the female ones so they would lay eggs and throw the male ones in the garbage alive and leave them to die.

I felt I couldn't eat any meats after finding that information out. Felt like it was wrong. I couldn't put any money in the meat industry and support that.

And for plants.. They are living things of course but use ur common sense!! Way different than animals!! :P Heh...

I believe it is not right for outside people to know how they kill their animals at the abattoir. In Muslim country they want to import Australian sheep alive after a gruesome journey, which last for a few weeks, with no proper foods, in a squash liveraboard ship, whereas most sheep found die from overheat inside the boat and it is fifthy dirty piling up with the sheep's droppings up to 15 inches high, some are drowning from it because no one can't be bothering to clean up for hygiene, and I understand the Muslim do not like the way how we killed them, as they are using swords according to their religious belief otherwise they will consider it uncleaning in western's society!! The Vet Dr, who travelling in that ship, was told to shut his mouth, otherwise he will lose his job! Crazy isn't it. It is much easier if Australia deliver frozen meats to overseas. It was upsetting to watch TV's 60 Minutes show recently.
Liza said:
ehm, i eat both meat and vegetables. i usually bless my food before i consume it, and thank the animals and plants for giving their lives to give me mine. typical native american way, i believe. i couldnt be a vegetarian since i hate nuts, and i would have no source of protein to rely on. show me new sources of protein that doesnt involve meat or nuts, and i'll be a vegetarian instantly! :D

I'm slow to answer, but I think I'll try to answer this some more. The fact of the matter is that protein is an odd type of nutrient. Protein is the collective term for several different types of proteinS that your body needs. Eating meat is an easy way to get them all, but veggies also have plenty. In an 'incomplete' form that is. Veggies usually have one or two of the several required proteins. If you eat a mix of different veggies, you will surprisingly get plenty of protein, above and beyond what is listed as the protein value listed for the individual veggies. The key here is to eat a wide variety of foods, which is recommended for overall health anyway. Once you have that, you are easily covered.
Proteins also behave a mite differently in your body. Your body absorbs what it needs for the day, and just flushes out the extra. So any 'extra' protein is wasted. The fact is that most Americans eat more than double the protein they require. So stating that you need plenty of protein is silly when you are looking at an OVERABUNDANCE of protein.

Lets see.. one hamburger has about 25 grams of protein. Your recommended daily intake is probably around 50 grams(varies). Think about it. Over the course of a day, how much meat do you really eat?
Keep in mind that this overabundance of protein in your body causes health problems. When you flush out the extra protein, you also flush out some other things you do need, most notably calcium. Osteoporosis anyone?
I consider vegetarianism a personal decision, but I do strongly encourage people to cut down on their protein intake for this reason.

As for different sources of protein, thats quite a long list. There's beans (soybeans, kidney beans, black beans, lentils, etc), potatoes(actually has more protein than tofu), seaweed, seeds (sunflower, sesame..), grains, ovo-lactan resources (eggs and dairy), veggies, etc. Almost everything you eat has some degree of protein. Some types of beans actually have a protein value equal or greater than meat.
Bring Vegetarian Back Into Scene!

I searched thru AD for topics regarding with vegetarian because I am considering that lifestyle and found this dead thread so I am breathing some life into this to see if anybody would discuss/debate with me.

I typed this entry in my blogger to give you an idea of why I am beginning to develop interest:
[URL=http://gnarlydorkette.blogspot.com]dorkette:EXPOSED[/URL] said:
Hm... I think hanging out with a veggie has caused me to turn into a semi-veggie. I began to wean myself away from the meats. I look at hamburgers with repugnance. As a matter of fact, last week when I took my niece to Jack-In-The-Box, I declined to eat the hamburger but my mom bought me one anyway and I couldn't finish the hamburger because it just tasted awful to me. Endless strips of Bacon, greasy meat, and excessive cheese..... ewwww. I only took five bites and put it away and told my mom, "That is why I declined it because I couldn't eat it. Yet I couldn't just say no to my mom's homemade finnish meatballs [drooling] well you cannot taste that much of meat.. it is packed with onions and herbs in it... yum yum. But when I think about the source of the meatballs, I feel sick to my stomach.
My love for animals totally wrecks my diet. I cannot enjoy my meals without thinking about the torture those animals were being put through just for our gluttony.
Dammit- yes I know I am a hypocrite when it comes to eat innocent animals while I am advocating for fair treatments and prevention of cruetly for the animals.
At least I do have some remorse and guilt for it. That ought say something.

There are four types of vegetarian:

Part-Vegetarian/Semi-Vegetarian: occasionally eat meats- opt to not eat it unless necessary. but mainly eats fowls (birds) or seafood and of course plants etc. They are technically omnivore, but more of a plant eater than a meat-eater

Lacto-ovo-vegatarian/Ovo-lacto: no meats, but still eat the animal products such as milk, cheese etc. (Ovo-Lacto vegetarians do not eat meat or flesh of any kind, but do eat eggs and dairy products. Sometimes ovo-lacto vegetarians eat meat by-products (e.g. fats, bonemeal, gelatin) and use animal-derived products (leather etc.).

Vegan: strict only plants and no animals products at ALL, not even honey. (Vegans are strict vegetarians. They eat only plant foods - no animal products, no eggs, no dairy, no honey.)

then there is an unique label- Macrobiotic Vegetarians. there is 10 levels or degrees of macrobiotic veggie but basically their diet excludes all meat, poultry, dairy produce and eggs, but at initial levels may include fish.

I found those useful informations over at this website: http://www.vegetarian-diet.info/vegetarians-types.htm

I would like to see myself as a semi-vegetarian but I feel such a hypocrite since I still eat chicken (no seafood, BLAH!) and now RARELY eat meats.
My major concerns, if I even get serious about vegetarianism, are that I would get sick from lack of calcium and protein. I am ... a big girl who has been lost pounds drastically in 6 months (from size 18 to almost 13 now... *girls: don't you hate it when every label has their own size system... you are size 11 in old navy but you are size 15 in Gap etc... ARGH! DAMN THOSE CLOTHES!*)
and I cannot drink milk or eat cheese due to my sudden lactose intolerance few years ago. I worry that I will hurt myself health-wise if I turn into a veggie.
Protein could be found in beans etc, i know, I have read the posts but,,, CALICUM?? I know there are pills for it etc but I am not a big fan of popping pills. Recently mom brought me a ... chocolate-favored chewables calicums but it tasted AWFUL and bitter for me to able to keep up the habit of eating it every morning.

It is hard to find calcium in plants so... Eep. Should I just discuss this with a doctor or somebody? .I am on a HMO plan so no way in hell I will go up to my hospital and pay a hefty fee to talk about this with a doctor who has no time to listen about my diets.

I guess I am only crossing my fingers that there is somebody that is an avid veggie that could help answering my questions and so on. :) xoxoies
gnarlyDorkette: google is your friend.
A quick search will give you several informative links about calcium and vegetarian diets.
some good links: http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=4777

if you read my last post here, you will see it says basically the same thing. Protein intake really isn't an issue as long as you eat a good variety of foods. Calcium intake is ironically easier, since you will have less of an issue of having it 'purged' because of excess protein. Heavy meat eaters need much more calcium than vegetarians.

fyi: there is a deaf vegetarian mailing list, although it gets little activity.
Protein could be found in beans etc, i know, I have read the posts but,,, CALICUM?? I know there are pills for it etc but I am not a big fan of popping pills. Recently mom brought me a ... chocolate-favored chewables calicums but it tasted AWFUL and bitter for me to able to keep up the habit of eating it every morning.

It is hard to find calcium in plants so... Eep. Should I just discuss this with a doctor or somebody? .I am on a HMO plan so no way in hell I will go up to my hospital and pay a hefty fee to talk about this with a doctor who has no time to listen about my diets.

I guess I am only crossing my fingers that there is somebody that is an avid veggie that could help answering my questions and so on. :) xoxoies

Here I come to your rescue! LOL Calicum can be found in Broccoli, Collard greens, soy Milk, Tofu, Molasses, all kinds of cheeses/milk/dairy products (I'm not sure what kind of vegetarian you plan on becoming) Here's a little brochure online (it's in Acrobat format) http://www.ny2aap.org/CalicumBrochure2clr.pdf

Anything else, let me know :)
I'm a PURE MEAT EATTER YUMMY!!! love those steak, deer meat, beef, geese, elk, chicken,, ETC u name it!
bree said:
I'm slow to answer, but I think I'll try to answer this some more. The fact of the matter is that protein is an odd type of nutrient. Protein is the collective term for several different types of proteinS that your body needs. Eating meat is an easy way to get them all, but veggies also have plenty. In an 'incomplete' form that is. Veggies usually have one or two of the several required proteins. If you eat a mix of different veggies, you will surprisingly get plenty of protein, above and beyond what is listed as the protein value listed for the individual veggies. The key here is to eat a wide variety of foods, which is recommended for overall health anyway. Once you have that, you are easily covered.
Proteins also behave a mite differently in your body. Your body absorbs what it needs for the day, and just flushes out the extra. So any 'extra' protein is wasted. The fact is that most Americans eat more than double the protein they require. So stating that you need plenty of protein is silly when you are looking at an OVERABUNDANCE of protein.

Lets see.. one hamburger has about 25 grams of protein. Your recommended daily intake is probably around 50 grams(varies). Think about it. Over the course of a day, how much meat do you really eat?
Keep in mind that this overabundance of protein in your body causes health problems. When you flush out the extra protein, you also flush out some other things you do need, most notably calcium. Osteoporosis anyone?
I consider vegetarianism a personal decision, but I do strongly encourage people to cut down on their protein intake for this reason.

As for different sources of protein, thats quite a long list. There's beans (soybeans, kidney beans, black beans, lentils, etc), potatoes(actually has more protein than tofu), seaweed, seeds (sunflower, sesame..), grains, ovo-lactan resources (eggs and dairy), veggies, etc. Almost everything you eat has some degree of protein. Some types of beans actually have a protein value equal or greater than meat.

Hi Bree, thanks for the input :D I haven't had real meat for a while, because I find that I could have eggs and cheese as a main source of protein even if I dont like beans or nuts. Of course, the eggs are in moderation with loads of veggies on the side for me. My cholestrol has always been very good even after a recent checkup earlier this Jan. I am still wary about calling myself a vegetarian, though, because I don't believe in making promises I can't keep - because I'll eat chicken and fish. I hate pig meat and I think it's very disgusting, though.

I have found sources of protein on a vegetarian list that is currently approved for phase 2 (losing weight mode) in South Beach Diet:

Eggs or egg substitute (are they accepted for some vegetarians?)

# American
# Cheddar
# Cottage cheese, 1-2% or fat-free
# Cream cheese substitute, dairy-free
# Feta
# Mozzarella
# Parmesan
# Provolone
# Ricotta
# String

* Black
* Black-eyed
* Broad
* Butter
* Chickpeas
* Kidney
* Lentils
* Lima
* Navy
* Pigeon
* Pinto
* Soya
* Split Peas

I dont understand how some of these meat substitutes could accepted as a veggie diet on SBD, though. I don't eat any of them anyway. LOL

* Bacon, simulated, 2 slices
* Burger, low-fat
* Chicken patties and nuggets, low-fat
* Hot dogs, low-fat
* Sausage, 1 patty
* Soy crumbles and patty mixes, 1/4 cup or 2 ounces
* Seiten
* Soy Nuts, Roasted, 1/4 cup
* Shoyu
* Tamari
* Miso
* Tempeh, 1/4 cup
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I am a vegetarian. I don't eat bloody red meats since I've discovered that the red meats contains "antibotics and hormones" in them. I don't like to eat pig meats, either. :barf: I love to eat seafood along with salads. It helps me to stay healthy and stamina ready for work (light food is better rather than heavy food). I love to eat tomatoes, spinach, and red/yellow/orange bell peppers (raw, of course). My fav. hot teas are Honey Peach Ginger, Almonds, Indian Spices and a few. And, of course lots of water bottles. The only best for me is havin' "antioxidant" like V-8 juice! :thumb:
I love eating meat, but I can understand why some people choose to be a vegetarian though. I mainly eat chicken though, I don't eat red meat very often. I don't really like vegetables very much. But I do eat vegies whenever I can, I'm learning to like it.
MEAT... MEAT... MEAT... MEAT... MEAT... MEAT... MEAT... !!!!!

hi alldeaf.... many people are innocent.... some people are awake and conscious. Many people are afraid to eat animals bec of madcow and birdflu disease.... many people dont see animals to be cut.... animals are created by god. god makes about 8 millions different species...wow.... according to bhagava gita, it says let animals live fully until death.. that is better... many people prefer fruits, vegetables, nuts, juices, yogurts, water...etc. My wife and I are vegetarians....also my dad is vegetarian...