Who Created God?

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Are there any existing Gods who created our current God who also created the people and animals on our earth?
God is eternal. He has no beginnin' and no endin'. God has always existed and will always continue to exist. God is spirit. He is not material or physical as we are. As Spirit, He does not have the limitations of material form. Spirit enables God to be with His people everywhere simultaneously. As Spirit, God chose to humble Himself and take on the form of human flesh.

Philippians 2:6-11

" Who, bein' in the form of God, thought it not robbery to be equal with God: But made himself of no reputation and took upon him the form of a servant, and was made in the likeness of men: And bein' found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross. Wherefore God also " hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth: And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. "

So, it reveals that there's no other God before Him or after Him. There's only ONE God who exists and will always continue to exist. He is Omega and Alpha.
Everything has a beginning and an end. Secondly, God probably never existed. :dunno:
answer to who created god is no one our minds are created with the beginning and the end but with god thee s no beginning no end at all hence he wasnt created he was always there for him time have no effect hope this helps besides the bible said i am the beginning and the end thus he created beginning and end that we know and and are living in it if ya want more question about this just e mail me in this program
since Scientists and Atheists know the answer to everything...
evolution is the answer.
so who created dirt, cells, sun, water, stars, fire, gas, element, sulfur, and all that stuff???


the answer is evolution?
FreedummyRing said:
since Scientists and Atheists know the answer to everything...
evolution is the answer.
so who created dirt, cells, sun, water, stars, fire, gas, element, sulfur, and all that stuff???


the answer is evolution?
Maybe, but Jesus was born on 0 AD
FreedummyRing said:
since Scientists and Atheists know the answer to everything...

You obviously know nothing about science. Science is the search for answers. Science does not and can never answer all questions about the world and how it works. That does not mean, however, that we as intelligent beings should not pursue such knowledge which is what creationists would tell you.

Religion and science are not contradictory. Science and learning lead us to higher understanding of the world and through that, God.

FreedummyRing said:
evolution is the answer.

Evolution is an explanation for the existence of life. It is not an explanation for the existence of anything else.

FreedummyRing said:
so who created dirt,

Dirt wasn't created--It came to be through primordial chemical processes.

FreedummyRing said:

Cells came to be the same way as dirt, the process simply took much much longer.

FreedummyRing said:

The Big Bang.

FreedummyRing said:

As a compound, water already existed. Its formation on earth is, like dirt and cells, the result of primordial chemistry.

FreedummyRing said:

Big Bang.

FreedummyRing said:

Like fire, water as a fact of physics and chemistry already existed.

FreedummyRing said:

Primordial chemistry.

FreedummyRing said:

Primordial chemistry.

FreedummyRing said:

Primordial chemistry.

FreedummyRing said:
and all that stuff???

The above are all completely different things which in terms of chemistry, biology and physics exist for completely different reasons, though they have the same ultimate origin.

FreedummyRing said:
the answer is evolution?

Why don't you go out and actually learn what you're talking about before you start trying to say something is right and something is wrong? If you can't intelligently discuss the subject you're talking about, refuting an idea (or supporting an idea) just makes you look the fool.
Colossians 1:16-17

" For by him ( Jesus ) were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him ( Jesus ) , and for him ( Jesus ) : And he ( Jesus ) is before all things, and by ( Jesus ) him all things consist. "

John 1:1-3

" In the beginnin' was the Word ( Jesus ) and the Word ( Jesus ) was with God, and the Word ( Jesus ) was God. The same was in the beginnin' with God. All things were made by him ( Jesus ); and without him ( Jesus ) was not any thing made that was made. "

John 1:14

" And the Word ( Jesus ) was made flesh, and dwelt among us, ( and we beheld his glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, ) full of grace and truth. "

So, there's no such big bang or evolution. Neither primodial chemistry. Nada. How do you explain where all the cells came from and before that ?

Okay, let's read what it says ...

John 1:4

" In him ( Jesus ) was life; and the life was the light of men. "

John 1:10

" He ( Jesus ) was in the world, and the world was made by him ( Jesus ), and the world knew him ( Jesus ) not. "

Oops ! Who said that there was no life when the cells were formed ? Cells itself MUST have somethin' to breathe on its own to form somethin' - somethin' that MUST move. Sooo -- that scriptures above that I just typed out -- sayin' that it was really Jesus who spake forth out of His Mouth to form things, because as the scripture says that " In him ( Jesus ) was life ". He has this power just like He would heal people from their own diseases/or illnesses.

May I ask you : Where did all the cells came from ? And, by what form those cells to bring life ( breathin' and alive ) ?
CyberRed said:
So, there's no such big bang or evolution. Neither primodial chemistry. Nada. How do you explain where all the cells came from and before that ?

That's assuming a literal interpretation of scripture that I personally don't hold to be valid. I don't trust your scripture or your interpretations of it because it suggests things that are nonsense to a rational mind. I am one of the people who posesses such a mind.

Science, reason and learning explain a lot of things that scripture do not--The two are not mutually exclusive, but you're taught to believe that are because your religion opposes learning if it makes it more difficult to control the adherents.

CyberRed said:
He has this power just like He would heal people from their own diseases/or illnesses.

If Jesus actually healed anyone, it was through medicine and science, not through magic or superstition and certainly not because he was a superhero.

God has the power to heal people but it is far more common for man to heal another man, which is why we study the world and the environment in which we live--To fulfill God's directive and emulate the divine.

CyberRed said:
May I ask you : Where did all the cells came from ? And, by what form those cells to bring life ( breathin' and alive ) ?

Life developed through natural processes as a result of God's providence. That has always been and will always be the most rational explanation for the existence of the universe.
Mookie said:
Are there any existing Gods who created our current God who also created the people and animals on our earth?
No one created God; He is eternal.
VamPyroX said:
Everything has a beginning and an end. Secondly, God probably never existed. :dunno:
Everything in the material world has a beginning and end. The spiritual world is eternal.
FreedummyRing said:
since Scientists and Atheists know the answer to everything...
Even the scientists and atheists will tell you that they don't know the answers to everything.

...so who created dirt, cells, sun, water, stars, fire, gas, element, sulfur, and all that stuff???
rjr2006 said:
Maybe, but Jesus was born on 0 AD
Actually, there is no year "0 AD".

The years before Jesus' incarnation (birth into a physical body on earth) are "BC" or "Before Christ." The years after Jesus was born are called "AD" or "Anno Domini", meaning "in the year of our Lord." The year that Jesus was born (if it had been first calculated accurately) would be "AD 1". The year prior was "1 BC".

I hope that is not too confusing. :)
god is created though the uneducated and ignorant people of the past

what you think I'm actually serious :P
Mookie said:
Are there any existing Gods who created our current God who also created the people and animals on our earth?
Please show me a verse saying God created God. If not, no proof!
Creationists' questions reflect their ignorance - pure and simple.

They also resort to rhetorical questions trying to make people think scientists don't know the answers to their questions or that the questions are valid when in reality, their questions are invalid.
Reba said:
Actually, there is no year "0 AD".

The years before Jesus' incarnation (birth into a physical body on earth) are "BC" or "Before Christ." The years after Jesus was born are called "AD" or "Anno Domini", meaning "in the year of our Lord." The year that Jesus was born (if it had been first calculated accurately) would be "AD 1". The year prior was "1 BC".

I hope that is not too confusing. :)

What a waste of a year to use for dating stuff. 1AD with Christ's birth on December 25 (or so SOME Christians believe, when the rest of us know that Christ's supposed birthday was actually a non-Christian religion worship date) means that supposedly, a week later, it was already 2AD.

And most likely, just like all urban legends and all lies, God was probably created by someone's imagination as a way to discipline others and keep order, perhaps as small as something to scare someone's son. It grew over a LONG period of time into an organized religion complete with books, letters, "God inspired writings" and various other legends.

Somewhere along the way it gained critical mass with a small number of people who knew how to translate the texts knowing most of the truth (that it was all a sham) while the rest of society believed what they told them. Then, as the people who knew the truth died off, people began to question what WAS the truth, was it the lie or the truth (the sham)?
Creationist are not ignorance, those who follows man's idea to unbelief of God is ignorance. When God speak one word whatever He said, its there. How atoms, gas, atoms and etc. God created those for a purpose of the creations. Everything obey His command and His power is beyond. Human's unbelief of God will never firgure it out. But believers will never get the idea the awe of God that He created. Even tho, God gave each individuals the talents and that's why God gave us brain. But humanist taken it in selfish way like a kid grab the toys from other kid and yell, that's mine. That's what humanist are saying to God what God has given them. Without God, we won't be here and none of anything will exist.
hmm, I always thought human created god, I mean, where is he now then.
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