Who are the famous deaf in the Deaf History?

What book did you bid on? Was it "The Story of My Life"? if so, you can find that book at the library.

or check on Amazon.com, they always have almost every books. :)

No, not that one, it's the blue thick book, looks very old but in good condition I can't seem to remember the name of this book at this moment but I'll check on eBay to see if they have history of items that I placed a bid on.
Well, Cheri, someone once asked Helen Keller which she'd rather be....deaf or blind and it is a well known documented fact that she replied that she'd rather be blind than deaf. I don't know where that information is but someone will come along and post it, I am sure. ...

Because Helen Keller believes that blindness cut off from things that can not be seen, while deafness cuts you off from people and from communion that why she choose blind than deaf.

I can't seem to find it yet, but when I do, I'll post it
I wonder if Helen Keller said all those things cuz she was born in a time when Deaf people were pratically completely isolated? If she was born in our times, maybe she would have a different perspective, do u think?

Good point there, that could be why, but I still can not find that quote that she posted above, so I :dunno:.
Good point there, that could be why, but I still can not find that quote that she posted above, so I :dunno:.

Lol, Angel, that's alright....look back again to page 1 past post 17 and see Reba's findings.
Wow, many of you know a lot of famous American deaf people, but not International. I guess you guys need to travel more to find out more about deaf famous people over the world. Ever heard of Alexei Svetlov? Those Russian TOY SHOW?

Authentic, I know Vasily and his wife, Luda from Toys. They live near me and do odd jobs for deafies in between shows.
Linda Bove
Ed Waterstreet
John Mureau
Joel Baris
Ken Davis
Bernard Bragg
Marybeth Miller
Ben Soukup CSD
Karen Bregman-NADC
Robert Davila- Gallaudet
Robert cook-DSA
Alan Hurwitz- NTID
Bobbie B. Scoggins-NAD
Cheryl heppner-NVRC
Thomas Samuels
Damara Paris-IDC
Nancy Bloch-NAD
Carole Lazorisak
Lizzie Sorkin
Linda Bove
Susan Schaller
Harlan Lane
Angela Jones
Matthew Moore
Susan rutherford
William Stokoe
Lou Fant
Laurene Simms Advocates
Raymond Luzcak-Author
David Geeslin-Superintendent
Harry Lang- Resercher
John Yeh- Entrepreneur ( a good friend of mine ) :)
Frank Turk
Katherline Jankowski
Frank Hockman
Ernie Hairston
Heather McCallum
Randy Fisher - Hoy Activist
Greg Gunderson-Racer
Manny Hernandex
Joey Ber
Howie Seago
Don Tinsley
Alice Hagemeyer
M.J. Bienvenu ( I admire her alot)
Patrick Graybill

Roy Holcomb
John Carlin
Edmund Booth
william Willard
Juliette Gordon
George Hyde
David Peikoff
Hillis Arnold
Ernest Marshall
Boyce william
Art Kruger
Robert Weitbreck
Frederick Schreiber
Andrew Foster
Maclon Norwood
Cal Rodgers
Loy Golladay
Frances Woods
Mark Branson
Marie Philip (she taught me, not use voice when I sign to my two sons)
Bruce Hibok
T.J. O'Rourke
John Clarke
Douglas Burke
Lowell Myers
Gil Eastman (Deaf Monsic TV show)
George Veditz
William Mark
Jerry Hassell
Cadwallader Washburn
Douglas Tilden
Erastus Smith
Laura Redd
Laurent Clerc
LeRoy Colombo
Luther Haden
nellie Zabel Willhite
Regina Olson Hughes
Thomas Marr
William Beadell
William Hoy

There are many other actresses and actors Deaf famous out there. I forgot, their names. Also, write several famous books from Deaf authors.
Lou Fant is not deaf. I met him once.

Oops, someone already mentioned this. Did not read two pages till now. :)
I found it:

"Blindness cuts you off from things; deafness cuts you off from people." -- Helen Keller

Ah, Thanks Tousi and Reba, I'm sorry I'm just soo behind, I was looking through google and taken care of my kids by putting them to bed, so sorry

Can I have that link please so I can save it in my fave LOL
Ah, Thanks Tousi and Reba, I'm sorry I'm just soo behind, I was looking through google and taken care of my kids by putting them to bed, so sorry

Can I have that link please so I can save it in my fave LOL
I found several sites that use that quote but I haven't been able to find the original source. I beginning to become skeptical about it. In all the sites that list HK's quotations, that one is not included. Most of the sites that do attribute the quote to HK are sites related to "hearing impairment", if you catch my drift. This requires further research.

In the meantime, I did find something that you might be interested in reading about HK:

Herrmann, Helen Keller: A Life, excerpt

It caught my attention.
Olof Hanson. He was the first well-known d/Deaf architect in the early twentieth century. Architecture is my profession. He graduated from the Gallaudet University and travelled several countries in Europe to study architecture and arts. When he traveled there, he visited d/Deaf schools to socialize with d/Deaf children. He returned to the America and established his first architectural career at an architecture firm in Philadelphia. He designed and erected several buildings at the Pennsylvania School for the Deaf. Later, he quit his job and started his own business in Seattle. He designed and erected numerous buildings at several nation's deaf schools and Gallaudet University. I have visited one of the residential buildings, Frank Berry House, he designed in Queen Anne, a community of Seattle. Check out the attached link for info, Homes-Queen Anne House . Olof was a talented and successful architect.
Laura Bridgman was Deaf Blind, wasn't she?

You know, I've never noticed that it usually is on an oralism site that the HK appears...I don't agree with it. I am blind in one eye (well, I have colour perception), and sighted in the other (to sign) and I think it's different if you're late-deafened or late-"blinded" versus deafblind from birth.

I will say one thing, though, even just a little visual impairment has improved my use of memory by leaps and bounds. Who wants to stress the sight you have on the computer when you can memorise the keyboard shortcuts?

I will ALWAYS keep signing...even if I go blind, I'm not going to stop. Perhaps stop teaching the Deaf and interpreting but conversationally I will live on.
Yes at the age of 2, from scarlet fever and she also lost her sense of taste and smell too.
Was Beethoven deaf? If he was did he do anything for the deaf?