Are you, what? A troll? Who cares if the hearing world knows about Marlee Matlin? The deaf community around the world knows her.
why you keep picking on me and calling me name?
I never pick on you and I never call you bad name...
did you ever notice that? Huh? Stop being so mean to me like that.
I'm just saying she isn't famous.
What is the different between famous and well known?
Are you saying Joseph Mesa is famous?
What about I King Jordan, is he famous or well known in deaf community?
What about Ridor or whoever?
What does famous really mean?
I thought that someone who is really FAMOUS is like OPRAH, everybody KNOWS HER....
you can ask someone... oprah? and they said "yeah we know Oprah".
but if you ask someone... marlee matlin? they will ask, "who is that?"
I forgot the name of the movie she was in.
I keep thinking Silence of the Lamb.
I don't know....
I know you probaby gonna google it up and find out... that is ashame.
If Marlee Matlin walked down the street, nobody would know her. She can go to grocery store
and everything... and Paparazzi wouldn't even take her pictures.