You can not have real democracy. We need to look at history. Before there was kingdoms and aristocracy, it created a system ensuring the power stays with the power holder. With the industrial revolution it became obivous they can not hold their power anymore. Because companies started to dominate resources and banks started to dominate financial power. Kings and countries started to borrow from bankers. One day it was nobility titles and vatican was running the europan political scene, next day it became bankers and the corporation empires they created with their enormous funds.
In the mean time common people was demanding change too. You can see it all in European and American history. So they replaced the old system with the new one. Common people started to have better rights than before so they can stay calm, but nothing much changed in politics. Kings of old centuries were gone and new kings were assigned. But there was a difference. Instead of following the bloodline, now kings were assigned from the valuable members of the system.
People were given few choices to vote for. Nobody from outside could really replace the kings of this new world. Instead of following the already established system, if somebody started to become a hero of people from outside , they simply got eleminated. People thought presidents come and presidents go, but the real holders of power always remained.
Centuries later , you will read something close to this in history.