jazzy said:I am going to stop this for awhile and let myself enjoy the life with God along on my side and do not worry what others say about me. God gave me the greatest gift and I shall seize this every moment of my life. I wish others to get know Him as I have. I do not need a bible to dicate my life, I only have His presence in my heart. That is all I can do for now.
As for being liberal, yeah I understand your are in netural, no problem with me. I wish others accept me as same.
About prayers, I did not ask others to pray for me. Kind of feeling strange when people say a prayer for me. I do not know what to say but be polite and say thank you for a prayer. Pray is between me and God. I pray only if other ask me. I am not used to other people saying a prayer for me, maybe pride is in the way, who knows.
Maybe they need it more to get closer to God. who knows.
About saved ones, it is hard for me to accept this word. It is more alike a cult to me when they tell me people are "not saved". It is alike they were being told by someone else, not God's but man's. I do not believe in saying this to anyone else. It is alike put people down even they have their own faiths. That is why we are having a war among us.
Salvation and grace are gifts from God only if we ask for them. I love His gifts and enjoy them everyday. I wish everyone get them also.
webexplorer said:I cleaned up my storage room, and found a note. I recalled that it came from my old friend in Michigan. I thought that it would be interesting for you to read these stuff.
Rose Immortal said:CyberRed--Obviously Jesus would much prefer that we believe without having to see Him. But may I ask, why did He allow Thomas to do those things and not turn His back? Thoughts?
My personal guess is, He could tell that Thomas had a desire to believe. The inclination was already there...so He helped it along.
Rose Immortal said:CyberRed--Obviously Jesus would much prefer that we believe without having to see Him. But may I ask, why did He allow Thomas to do those things and not turn His back? Thoughts?
My personal guess is, He could tell that Thomas had a desire to believe. The inclination was already there...so He helped it along.
RedFox said:Why would Jesus want people to believe in him without having ever seeing him? How would others be able to tell the difference between a real god with believers following it without ever seeing it and a nonexistist god that has followers believing in it without seeing it? The first god gave no evidence for its existence and the second one can't because it doesn't exist. How could we know if the god was real or not with no
The writer of the letter said that it would be good to believe in a god that was real, but had no choice, but to have no such belief because of things like lack of evidence. It was written that "I may wish them to be true (or I may not)-- but I am not so naive to think that something can be true or false just because I desire it. There must be some reason, beyond wishful thinking."
The writer said they could either want it to be true, or not have the desire, and didn't say which one, because which one doesn't matter if the evidence that is good enough is not present yet.
I also like how the writer described the flaw in a god being the first cause. It's just replacing a mystery with another mystery.
CyberRed said:Because He was risen from the dead to prove that He is GOD and, then later on He returned to Heaven where He came from when He left Heaven to give birth through Mary to become flesh, "The Word". He taught, preached, healed, helped and showed people everyday and His apostles/disciples have learned alot from Him. Jesus wanted His apostles/disciples to go out and tell the Word of God after He returned to Heaven. Same idea with a farmer who owned a HUGE land and he picked several workers to work for him. The farmer told the workers to plant the seeds. The farmer's responsible is to feed the people all over the world, so the workers planted the seeds and the seeds spread into multiply, the more it multiplies they will reap which that are good, but to discard the bad ones. It interprets: to win the people's souls for Christ after plantin' God's Word to people who will ACCEPT Christ/ or REJECT Him. ( Another famous quote: You sow what you reap ).
It's all about "faith". Believe.
Try Jesus....bite Him, experience Him, drink Him, and taste Him. And, you will see the result yourself. It's all about faith.![]()