Momoftwo said:Jazzy
I read many of your posts in many threads. I found you that you may be very confusing about God like demons want you to follow their paths but God wants you to follow His paths. You are in the middle and you seem very confusing. Becareful..I just want to warn you and I can tell that you are a very nice person but your words showed me that you are very confusing.
I will pray for you.
Take care!
No, my english confuse u. I know Him very well and others think I don't so so they tried to smash me and my faith in Him. U know they told me I am not "saved" many time over again and again. I am so sick of them tell me that. U do not know Christian people well enough to know they attack people who is a liberal christians alike me. Demons, do u want me to telll u why God allow it to happened to me? U know u go to gym to work out everyday and eat right diet everyday. then u want to lose few pounds because u need to stay in healthy. but u notice too many women went wrong way on this one, many of them ended up have this disorder u know eating disorder. Well this was the case it happened to me 10 yers ago. I was not a believer baack then so if I see angels come to me in my dreams, I would ingore them. I was getting worse with my bad diets till one day, I was no longer able to control it. Then u know I was dying, finally only way to snap me out and realized what I have done to myself. God send this demon to scare hell out of me so then it was when I called Him, Jesus christ. He came by and brought me out of this. That was when I knew God do exist real. So god do have them to scare people and bring them back to God. But then u believe what others tell u, fine but with me no thanks. I will always listen to Him not any other Christians here. We think not same so if they see me as confuse then ur wrong. U see I am not worry about other people not being saved because I know God will saved them at the end whether it was last moment before they dies.
Enough now I got to go work now.