Where are you right now?

(bloodcurdling scream)

It's gone...

noOOOOoOoOo, curse people for caring a whit about other people's opinions :(
Sacramento, sitting in a haunted apartment and wondering who will stake out the place with me tonight?

*turns on night vision*

*shifty eyes*
Sacramento, sitting in a haunted apartment and wondering who will stake out the place with me tonight?

*turns on night vision*

*shifty eyes*

I would but I will be busy watching Sanctuary on SyFy where the monsters are better.
Gasp, Bott you gave in to the dark side?!?

NooOooOOoooooo :shock:

NO, I am for truth, justice and the American way.

I just told you what was pulling your shower curtain.

In no way did I give approval.

But I will be very busy with SYFY>
No idea what's the chatter all bout but back onto the subject...

Avery tasting room in Boulder, CO with Posts from hell having a cool pint of dugana. He's having sally (short for salvation for all you avery illiterates). We're waiting on meph release party so to taste 06 07 08 09 plus a blend named straight outta hell.

Good stuff
No idea what's the chatter all bout but back onto the subject...

Avery tasting room in Boulder, CO with Posts from hell having a cool pint of dugana. He's having sally (short for salvation for all you avery illiterates). We're waiting on meph release party so to taste 06 07 08 09 plus a blend named straight outta hell.

Good stuff
Our beer is currently at 10% abv, the mephs average out at 16%. The straight outta hell is rated around 13% abv.

There will be more special tappings. This will be a gooder night. r0xx0rz.

A couple more deafies are expected to come, the brewer signs so he will be here.. Matter of a fact. He just walked in. Take care all
Sitting at home on the computer... So glad it is Friday!! Of course having me a cold one while I'm at it.