Where are you right now?

Yep... about 1,400 calories worth.

Cabbage, two jumbo eggs, seaweed, chopped onions... carrots... and so on. :D

Dunno. It's working since I am gaining weight. Unfortunately I bought about 20 packages worth.. halfway through the box.

Doctor's order: eat less wheat, eat more gluten-free carb.

But I already bought a big box of that stuff. :\ So I am using it up at the moment.
Taking a break from motherhood. Laying down on my bed and catching up on the internet.
Dunno. It's working since I am gaining weight. Unfortunately I bought about 20 packages worth.. halfway through the box.

Doctor's order: eat less wheat, eat more gluten-free carb.

But I already bought a big box of that stuff. :\ So I am using it up at the moment.

what work are you doing?
Just your basic IT bullshit. Sit on my ass all day long. Looking for a trade apprenticeship or internship.

If you means what I do during my spare time... rockclimbing, hiking, soccer, rugby, swimming, running. I want to go back to the gym though.... do some weights.
Just your basic IT bullshit. Sit on my ass all day long. Looking for a trade apprenticeship or internship.

If you means what I do during my spare time... rockclimbing, hiking, soccer, rugby, swimming, running. I want to go back to the gym though.... do some weights.
At home..called in sick from work...again. :(
Sitting in my room and having the family constantly interupting to tell me to fix dinner.
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Sitting in my room and having the family constnatly interupting to tell me to fix dinner.

You gotta to mean to them and throw them in the closet. When you are finished your cooking, then let them out and sit in the kitchen and get started eating... Nah.
You gotta to mean to them and throw them in the closet. When you are finished your cooking, then let them out and sit in the kitchen and get started eating... Nah.

Dinner is done and dishes are all cleaned up. Son and mother are watching NCIS and daughter and hubby are watching Harry Potter 3 on DVD. MIL is cooking her dinner now and I have a peaceful time here on AD again.