When hearie person said to you something and didn't know you're Ddeaf/Hhoh....

thanx. i had it for awhile on my facebook. idk if you know or not, but they're a myspace sorta thingy for deaf ppl, called tagdeaf. it seems interesting. i still havent joined but i plan to.

I tried facebook, and I didn't like it. I stick to myspace :lol:
yeah, I've seen people talking about it on here but I haven't got around to looking at it yet.
I tried facebook, and I didn't like it. I stick to myspace :lol:
yeah, I've seen people talking about it on here but I haven't got around to looking at it yet.

me either, but i have a myspace too. you can add me if you want. :D its /sai005
my facebook is for school friends. back when i was hearing.
Hey, as a hearie, I think I have a great amount of patience. Although I can't say the same for some people I try to talk (sign) to who are deaf.

So I guess we can say it goes both way, just as long as we don't assume the worse of everyone.
me either, but i have a myspace too. you can add me if you want. :D its /sai005
my facebook is for school friends. back when i was hearing.

I had both, facebook and myspace, but dropped the one due to trolls that got on and I needed to close it down. Oh well. BTW, I signed your visitor page . . .
So I get the "neverminds" and "its okay." all the time. But what makes me sooo angry is this:

I am at mall with my friend, clearly signing, not talking at all. I know I make funny noises sometimes, my brother tells me to shut up when I signing, mad or happy. So they OBVIOUSLY have to know I cant hear them. And they just starred at us for the past 10 mins. But when we walk up to pay for our items, they start rambling off words like I can hear them. I look confused, point to my ears and shake my head... and they still keep rambling. Sorry but I am not good at reading your lips, talking about all your sales, credit cards and promos right now. Just tell me my total.

I get that they're just doing it for everyone the same, but sometimes I wish I could say " look, you just starred at us very rudely for a couple of minutes and now you have the nerve to try and hold a conversation with me?" Urgh.

I can honestly say that there are stores I go to frequently, just because of how they handled the fact that I couldnt hear them, the first time I visited them. Certain starbucks, clothing stores.. ect. I just feel more human at some places over others.
So I get the "neverminds" and "its okay." all the time. But what makes me sooo angry is this:

I am at mall with my friend, clearly signing, not talking at all. I know I make funny noises sometimes, my brother tells me to shut up when I signing, mad or happy. So they OBVIOUSLY have to know I cant hear them. And they just starred at us for the past 10 mins. But when we walk up to pay for our items, they start rambling off words like I can hear them. I look confused, point to my ears and shake my head... and they still keep rambling. Sorry but I am not good at reading your lips, talking about all your sales, credit cards and promos right now. Just tell me my total.

I get that they're just doing it for everyone the same, but sometimes I wish I could say " look, you just starred at us very rudely for a couple of minutes and now you have the nerve to try and hold a conversation with me?" Urgh.

I can honestly say that there are stores I go to frequently, just because of how they handled the fact that I couldnt hear them, the first time I visited them. Certain starbucks, clothing stores.. ect. I just feel more human at some places over others.

oh, i can sure relate to that. there are some stores i refuse to go to now because they're simply rude to me. i went into a convient store not to recently, kinda like a gas station, and as soon as i walked in, the guy at the counter said something to me and i clearly made it clear i was deaf, and i walked in and got what i wanted to pay for and went to the counter. when i tried to pay for it, he wouldn't sell it to me. i didn't want to go anywhere else so i left 10 bux on the counter (which was 2 dollars over) and took the stuff.
he called the cops on me but in the end, i got the stuff i wanted (and my change) and he got wrote up by his manager for refusing a sell.

i don't know if he thought i was being rude, or he did't know i was deaf, but it still made me mad. -.-

anyway, i shop at places where people don't look down at me or stare. makes me feel human
I don't care a shit myself about people staring at me, and they are free to stare for hours as long they don't understand sign language. If they do, then they are r u d e :)
So I get the "neverminds" and "its okay." all the time. But what makes me sooo angry is this:

I am at mall with my friend, clearly signing, not talking at all. I know I make funny noises sometimes, my brother tells me to shut up when I signing, mad or happy. So they OBVIOUSLY have to know I cant hear them. And they just starred at us for the past 10 mins. But when we walk up to pay for our items, they start rambling off words like I can hear them. I look confused, point to my ears and shake my head... and they still keep rambling. Sorry but I am not good at reading your lips, talking about all your sales, credit cards and promos right now. Just tell me my total.

I get that they're just doing it for everyone the same, but sometimes I wish I could say " look, you just starred at us very rudely for a couple of minutes and now you have the nerve to try and hold a conversation with me?" Urgh.

I can honestly say that there are stores I go to frequently, just because of how they handled the fact that I couldnt hear them, the first time I visited them. Certain starbucks, clothing stores.. ect. I just feel more human at some places over others.

I have been living in this neighborhood south of Baltimore for a year and half now. It has a small town quality to it and people who work at the stores love to start conversations. However, by now many of the cashiers know me and know that I am deaf but there is one cashier who still keeps trying to get me to start a conversation byt talking rapidly. I have told her again and again that I am deaf and just one statement at a time please but whenever she sees me she gives me this big smile and goes blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...I dont know why she is always happy to see me. LOL!
I have been living in this neighborhood south of Baltimore for a year and half now. It has a small town quality to it and people who work at the stores love to start conversations. However, by now many of the cashiers know me and know that I am deaf but there is one cashier who still keeps trying to get me to start a conversation byt talking rapidly. I have told her again and again that I am deaf and just one statement at a time please but whenever she sees me she gives me this big smile and goes blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah...I dont know why she is always happy to see me. LOL!

Ha, ha.. I had the same problem with one of the cashiers at one of the Harris Teeters grocery store in Charlotte. She talks so fast I don't think most people - hearing or deaf - can understand her.
how to ignore ppl when they jabber too much........................... ........ .......... be deaf one of the nature s gifts yay
I hate when you go to pay for something and the salesclerk rambles on and on about a promo. I just turn them down and just purchase the item I wanted.

I think for the sake of deaf customers, stores should have a written copy of their promos ready to hand out rather than trying a verbal promo. They might be surprised at how many people would start saying yes over no.
I get the "never mind" a bunch from my family a lot. I also get it from people at chuch who know that I lost my hearing. They say that I'm pretending or faking it since my speech is so clear. I have half a mind to quit speaking at all just to irritate them.
I am training as a mental health nurse. On my last work placement I was told to 'get a grip' by the boss after asking someone to repeat what they had said four times. They all know that I am deaf and could see my hearing aids, but did not make any attempt to speak clearly or help me in any way.
I get the "never mind" a bunch from my family a lot. I also get it from people at chuch who know that I lost my hearing. They say that I'm pretending or faking it since my speech is so clear. I have half a mind to quit speaking at all just to irritate them.


They say that? Okay, since you're a new deafie, all of us here need to step up to the plate and tell you what to tell them. This should shut them up.

Them: Oh, Kristina, quit faking the deaf game :roll:

You: How do you know I'm faking? Have you seen my audiogram? Were you to the audiologist with me when I found out about this?

Them: Oh, never mind.

You: I will.

Another thing, do not say "hearing test" or "hearing doctor." Use that terminology to set them and you apart. Reverse psychology and treat them stupid, just like they are to you.

By the way, I attend First Assemble of God in Fargo, ND First Assembly of the FM area  ◊  701.232.0003 Would you like me to contact your church on your behalf and report that some people are being verbally abusive to you? The pastor should love that, especially coming from a 3rd party. PM me is fine if you'd like and, as always, I release no information about you to anyone on alldeaf.com., nor would I release to the church your name.
I am training as a mental health nurse. On my last work placement I was told to 'get a grip' by the boss after asking someone to repeat what they had said four times. They all know that I am deaf and could see my hearing aids, but did not make any attempt to speak clearly or help me in any way.


I would report what the boss told you to the person you report to through your placement service and even suggest it as being a "hostile work environment" at the place that gave you hassle.

Also, take notes of who said what to you, date and the time. Any notes that you need to take, if they refuse to clarify, write down what you perceived they said and leave it as such, with no further explanation in your notes.
I get the never mind thing a lot from my mum and sister then they get mad at me. im deaf! not my fault, then if i say never mind or something back to them they get mad at me, and i get shouted at, oh excuse me? why cant i win grr!!

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