When Gas hits $4 a Gallon ill bet you the media wouldnt criticize Obama

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People HAVE talked. The mainstream media doesn't report them. Seek and ye shall find. :giggle:

I know what you mean, though. I no longer research that stuff. Why bother?
The guys who supposedly planted the explosives? The conspirators?

Who actually said, "I did it; I was part of the conspiracy. This is what we did."?

Who bought and delivered the explosives?
They did but they were suppressed, their reports hidden or sent to Guantanamo. I'm guessing you didn't see Fahrenheit 9/11, Fair Game, or heard about Susan Lindauer or various other agents who did speak up about their concerns when something was not quite right. It was amazing to see how many international papers published reports that the American media didn't.
Concerns that "something was not quite right" is not the same as a smoking gun or confession.

Umm, Fahrenheit 9/11 was a theatrical movie. :lol:

International newspapers will publish whatever sells. Did any of them publish the names of the people who did the dirty deeds?

Then again...no big surprise there. Just because one doesn't take the time to find these things out for themselves, doesn't mean they don't exist.
I do research. One has to discern real stuff from movies and blogs.

I also have common sense and use logic.

I presented hardcore indisputable facts to you and you dismissed it as conspiracy. Oh well, when one just doesn't want to face certain truths, nothing can be done about that.
What do you call such allegations if not a conspiracy? Do you know what a conspiracy is?

Are you a truther?

What "certain truths" can you provide proof for?
Concerns that "something was not quite right" is not the same as a smoking gun or confession.

Umm, Fahrenheit 9/11 was a theatrical movie. :lol:

The constant reference to movies brings back memories of Matajan :giggle:
Why not? If you have forensic evidence and witnesses you should be able to do something.

It is apparent you did your "research" because you used the word "truther" in a derogatory manner. That speaks volumes of your attitude toward the subject.
I am outta here.
It is apparent you did your "research" because you used the word "truther" in a derogatory manner. That speaks volumes of your attitude toward the subject.
I am outta here.
Derogatory? I only asked if she was one. How is that derogatory? If she answered no, that would be the end of it. If she answered yes, then that would mean she didn't consider it derogatory. Why would that upset you?
Derogatory? I only asked if she was one. How is that derogatory? If she answered no, that would be the end of it. If she answered yes, then that would mean she didn't consider it derogatory. Why would that upset you?

Are you a bitch?
According their site, they say about themselves:

"Why I became a September 11 truther

These and other observations about the racketeering, lying and theft that is the essence of war have informed many of us around the world who today call ourselves '9/11 truthers.'

...Ultimately, 9/11 truthers are average people who are willing to stand up and say that two plus two makes four and who will not be bamboozled by the corporate media or intimidated by Big Brother. Evil triumphs because good people do nothing.

We are trying to do something. Future generations will remember us."

Why I became a September 11 truther - 911truth.org

Apparently, they don't consider it a derogatory term.
According their site, they say about themselves:

"Why I became a September 11 truther

These and other observations about the racketeering, lying and theft that is the essence of war have informed many of us around the world who today call ourselves '9/11 truthers.'

...Ultimately, 9/11 truthers are average people who are willing to stand up and say that two plus two makes four and who will not be bamboozled by the corporate media or intimidated by Big Brother. Evil triumphs because good people do nothing.

We are trying to do something. Future generations will remember us."

Why I became a September 11 truther - 911truth.org

Apparently, they don't consider it a derogatory term.

Hmmm, my mistake then. The only times I have seen the term used was in a jeering manner, so I assumed it was a negative label. Thanks for educating me.

And btw, I don't think you are a bitch. Just trying to debate with you. :giggle:
So, you weren't offended by the question? Be honest now.

Be honest now. Did that engender warm fuzzies for you in lobbing the question?
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