When expecting a child, would you want it to be deaf?


New Member
Feb 21, 2005
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The topic "Do we actually want our deaf child to hear?" is diluting. The question is often read as "Would you do anything to make your child hear?" and that is not what I meant.
Perhaps the question should be:

When expecting a child, would you want it to be deaf?

Keep in mind, the child will be loved just as much; hearing or deaf.

I am interested in the mindset of people without geting into a discussion.

For me, when we were expecting it never occured to me that our child could be deaf. There's no history in the family.
But for any new pregnancies, I would like the child to be able to hear.

Before I start a family, I knew they will be all born hearing.
Tamara said:

Before I start a family, I knew they will be all born hearing.
Well, you cannot check before the child is born.
If I am expecting a baby tomorrow, I will accept a deaf baby since we will share same id, and knows where to go as I am more expert than hearing mother of a deaf baby.
Myself and my husband are Deaf. We have three beautiful daughters. They are all Deaf. When i was pregnant, we didn't say we wanted Deaf or Hearing baby. All we want a healthy baby. We got the DNA genetic testing after the second one and found out that we have 50 percent of our children Deaf. The reason is for us to have Genetic testing, it was for medical reason. Deaf children didn't bother us. We love them to bits. Same goes if our baby born hearing we treat them with lot of love.
Under normal circumstances, one would ask "What kind of question is that?". I guess the situation isn't normal and I would have thought one would have said "When expecting a child, would you want it to be able hear?".

Oh well, I would think most people would like their child to be able to hear. I most certainly would. No matter what degree of deafness one has (except in the mildest manifestations), it is not an easy life.

As one pointed out, it goes without saying that I would accept the child as is...regardless of abilities or lack thereof. I have been blessed with two children who are hearing.
sr171soars said:
Under normal circumstances, one would ask "What kind of question is that?". I guess the situation isn't normal and I would have thought one would have said "When expecting a child, would you want it to be able hear?".
Absolutely, but the question in in this form makes one think longer - like you did.

I don't understand why it is a big deal about deaf children. To be honest this thread reminds me so much of my mother who called the hospital the day my son was born asking if my son was deaf or hearing, if he was deaf she was not gotta come to the hospital. You know some hearing parents starting to rub me the wrong way now. :pissed:

If I was expecting a child, I would ONLY care about having a healthy baby, I don't care either way if my child would be deaf or hearing. Big deal likely some parents here. Good Grief so judgemental!
Cheri said:

I don't understand why it is a big deal about deaf children. To be honest this thread reminds me so much of my mother who called the hospital the day my son was born asking if my son was deaf or hearing, if he was deaf she was not gotta come to the hospital. You know some hearing parents starting to rub me the wrong way now. :pissed:

If I was expecting a child, I would ONLY care about having a healthy baby, I don't care either way if my child would be deaf or hearing. Big deal likely some parents here. Good Grief so judgemental!
Totally not my intention. I'm sorry to hear that your mother reacted the way she did. I cannot image behaving like that. Like you said, we all want a healthy baby, and I was blessed with 3, one of them was deaf.

But please do not assume that your mother is an example for all mothers of deaf children. She's the exception.
Don't assume? What do you call this thread? This thread is one example of being judgemental. I wondered how your child would feel about that when they see you all talking about "wishing". Isn't that the same thing what my mother had done? Oh yeah It is. My mother was just like some of you here who would want a hearing child.

Are you afraid of your child become to....

will you dare dump your child if she/he mental handicappid or Deaf or others?

Why do you care this thread about..
cause some of members felt about this really quite turned it off fast..

Ohhh I should have fix my 3 children become DEAF? Heck no.. I do love my precouisly children who they are hearing.. I ain't complain.

Do you expecting PERFECT A CHILD? *phhhfffttt* Give a break!

I've seen this thread long time ago.. oldest thread version 1 or 2 (actually I cannot remmy which verision by AD)

Are you afraid your child is DEAF.. you want fix your child become hearing person and who really your child's identify? What if your child's future and angrily at you why you implant me like a BORG? How can you deal w/your child's decision? Are you dare made your own decision and have your child implanted? Pro vs con ? Can you care discuss ?

I've heard the historial stories who parent were dump a child who has mental handicap or Deaf or blind or else.. wha..ever name it.. and send a child to Oprhane home.. Made me sick!
They feel guility being thier child looks? Why can't you become "LOVING a CHILD"?

speak out w/me .. bring throw your feelings, why you bring this thread about.. ? Give this damn good reason!?
Cheri said:
Don't assume? What do you call this thread? This thread is one example of being judgemental. I wondered how your child would feel about that when they see you all talking about "wishing". Isn't that the same thing what my mother had done? Oh yeah It is. My mother was just like some of you here who would want a hearing child.
When we were expecting it never occured to us that our child could be deaf. We never wished for anything except a healthy child. And it was. (I allready stated this in the beginning.)

But isn't wishing for a "healthy" child just as bad as wishing for a "hearing" child. Would you love the child any less if it was disabled?
Please, do not use your mother to compare people in the forum. It's too offensive.
Cloggy said:

For me, when we were expecting it never occured to me that our child could be deaf. There's no history in the family.
But for any new pregnancies, I would like the child to be able to hear.

CUT THAT CRAP! your imagation.. I felt good that my history background whoever nobody have Deaf Child.. I felt better..

That r u sick!

No matter what, if came it up 1 out of 1 million.. For example alikely Down Sydrome.. wow unique a child.. can be smart and bright child..
Aren't you love your child who has Down Sydrome or not.? Do you prefer dump your child to ophrane home.. I think you're expecting PERFECT CHILD, what r u seek for!

I think you're...
Cloggy said:
Please, do not use your mother to compare people in the forum. It's too offensive.

Then please don't compare deaf children and hearing children. It's offended me.
GalaxyAngel said:
CUT THAT CRAP! your imagation.. I felt good that my history background whoever nobody have Deaf Child.. I felt better..

That r u sick!

No matter what, if came it up 1 out of 1 million.. For example alikely Down Sydrome.. wow unique a child.. can be smart and bright child..
Aren't you love your child who has Down Sydrome or not.? Do you prefer dump your child to ophrane home.. I think you're expecting PERFECT CHILD, what r u seek for!

I think you're...
Care to explain your obsession with orphanage? (Wrong spelling?)
Cheri said:
Then please don't compare deaf children and hearing children. It's offended me.
That's impossible. This whole forum is about that.

I'm really sorry I offended you, especially since this was absolutely not the intension. Far from it.

Deehamilton said:
Myself and my husband are Deaf. We have three beautiful daughters. They are all Deaf. When i was pregnant, we didn't say we wanted Deaf or Hearing baby. All we want a healthy baby. We got the DNA genetic testing after the second one and found out that we have 50 percent of our children Deaf. The reason is for us to have Genetic testing, it was for medical reason. Deaf children didn't bother us. We love them to bits. Same goes if our baby born hearing we treat them with lot of love.
Again, AMEN, Cheri!! I agreed with you!!

Cheri said:

I don't understand why it is a big deal about deaf children. To be honest this thread reminds me so much of my mother who called the hospital the day my son was born asking if my son was deaf or hearing, if he was deaf she was not gotta come to the hospital. You know some hearing parents starting to rub me the wrong way now. :pissed:

If I was expecting a child, I would ONLY care about having a healthy baby, I don't care either way if my child would be deaf or hearing. Big deal likely some parents here. Good Grief so judgemental!