So, lately even with my Naida hearing aids I've been struggling with understanding speech. In noise I am completely lost, in a small group I depend on the person closest to me to repeat or paraphrase what was said.
One on one I rock my hearing aids and can understand the person I'm talking to UNLESS they mumble or look away or there is any other noise.
In fact, tonight I'm not out with my husband and friends because I honestly couldn't face a few hours in a noisy bar, not able to understand anything and depending on my husband to sign the main points to me.
I really feel like I hear "well enough" at home (but of course I'm "hearing" the TV with captions) and my husband as long as I can see his face.
So my question is, am I deaf enough to go for a cochlear implant evaluation? I always thought I would have to wait until I was completely deaf in both ears (my left ear is already useless and I have progressive hearing loss in both ears).
My hearing aids are maxed out, often it seems that the amplification provided by my hearing aids only helps in knowing that there is a sound but sounds don't make sense. It even seems like it is harder to hear+lip read when I'm wearing my hearing aids (I guess because I spend so much brain power trying to decipher the sounds I'm hearing and there are so many random sounds).
Any thoughts would be welcome. In the past few months I've only worn my hearing aids when I'm outside our house AND expect to have to talk to people. So, grocery shopping...DEAF.
And I'm pretty annoyed with this seeming self-imposed isolation. I'd love to be out in a bar talking with friends but right now it just seems impossible.