What's your lunch tonight?

Lol did they have the little legs on them? I can't even eat shrimp if I see the head and legs it grosses me out... lol!

Wirelessly posted

Salad with a piece of baked chicken with a good dressing homemade.
Lol did they have the little legs on them? I can't even eat shrimp if I see the head and legs it grosses me out... lol!

I personally don't like food that looks at me lol. Whats bad about crawdads is not only that they have heads and legs but actually how they eat them..

Lol did they have the little legs on them? I can't even eat shrimp if I see the head and legs it grosses me out... lol!

Oh joy! Dem laigs too! :P

Like tiny lobsters, eat the tail and of course ditch the rest. Doesn't shrimp have legs too, hmmmm? :nana:
Oh joy! Dem laigs too! :P

Like tiny lobsters, eat the tail and of course ditch the rest. Doesn't shrimp have legs too, hmmmm? :nana:

D= I can't eat it if the legs are on them it freaks me out! D=!!! Most places don't serve shrimp with the legs still on it D= Eeeeewwww :shock:
D= I can't eat it if the legs are on them it freaks me out! D=!!! Most places don't serve shrimp with the legs still on it D= Eeeeewwww :shock:

hey theres about a dozen shrimp walking on the ceiling above your head!!!! :shock:
Hey look there in a cup of tartar sauce waiting to jump in your mouth legs all all!! open up babbbbyyyy!!! LOLOL:laugh2:

I hate tartar sauce, it's disgusting... I like cocktail sauce! :ty:

No sweet baby little legs!!! D=
ok ok cocktail sauce then with ALLLL them lil hairy legs coming at ya!!!!
Oh NOW you're just ruining shrimp for me! Cookies have already been totaled, now you got to go and ruin shrimp too!? :tears:

Sometimes my humor ranks right up there as one of the guys. Not your shrimp honey, won't allow it! :hug: