What's your dinner tonight?

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Thanks Jillio. I'm just really stressed with my mother. And when I get too stressed I can't eat. The changes in her are just too hard for me to deal with. I guess we are just too close since she's lived with us our whole married life. I think in my 46 years she and I have lived in separate homes for a total of 18 months and not all in one run.

I did nibble on some leftover rice and a raspberry creme puff.

That is a very difficult situation for you. I certainly understand about stress taking your appetite. I am the same way. Please do eat when you can. You will be of little use to yourself or your mother if you get ill.:hug:
That is a very difficult situation for you. I certainly understand about stress taking your appetite. I am the same way. Please do eat when you can. You will be of little use to yourself or your mother if you get ill.:hug:


Holy crap, that was hard to find here.

I used to eat those every night while in dorm...

Souvlaki... not hard to find. Gyros is similar... but it's not quite the same... but donairs? Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss *hisses*

Best thing is that they are actually worth their weight in gold. So for a $5 item that fill you up... man, I don't know any other food that keep me full.

Dooooooooooooooonair, how much do I miss you in Edmonton. It's funny I never noticed how fixated I get on certain cuisines until I moved. I miss my Eastern European/Turkish cuisines. :(
Tonight I had crumbled chicken with ham and cheese inside of it and roast potatoes and salad. :)
Fairly typical Thanksgiving dinner, but vegetarian burgers instead of turkey. Plus French Silk Pie not pumpkin since it is my birthday too and I don't like pumpkin pie as much.
Tonight was leftover chicken catchetory with garlic bread and wings.
Spaghetti with meat sauce and peas. Kid food. I had a hot chocolate with whipped cream for dessert. My stomach is full and warm.
Baked penne pasta with marinara sauce, under a blanket of mozzarella.

Now having dessert of Terry's chocolate orange, and Cella's chocolate covered cherries.

Post Thanksgiving tradition.

Oh, with my hearing daughter here last night I found out PSP captions are not complete in Jak and Daxter Lost Frontier. I was trying to kill something I was supposed to help. She heard it but the captions did not tell me.
I was having a strange craving for some reason. I fixed sausage gravy and biscuits and scrambled eggs. All I could think of that would taste good was breakfast food.:dunno2: I don't suppose it matters, as long as I am getting the nutrition I need right now.
jillio, I think the biggest thing would be to eat SOMETHING and the eggs have the good protein. And am glad that you were able to fix yourself something.
I have often had eggs and hot cereal for dinner:lol:

I have strong desire for some hot chocolate! <with hemp or almond milk>
jillio, I think the biggest thing would be to eat SOMETHING and the eggs have the good protein. And am glad that you were able to fix yourself something.
I have often had eggs and hot cereal for dinner:lol:

I have strong desire for some hot chocolate! <with hemp or almond milk>

That is what I figured. As long as I am keeping up my caloric intake, it doesn't really matter how I do it. I did drop about 15 pounds during this ordeal, and I don't have extra to loose. I need to put that back on, plus about another 10 for insurance if I can. My activity level is reduced right now, and I'm trying to do high caloric intake, so maybe I'll be able to gain some weight for a change.
perhaps a fruity protein smoothie, too, then, or maybe in the morning?
they also have those packets you can just open and put into liquid, shake or stir and drink-

I am glad you are feeling better:wave:
Jillio, I'm glad you are feeling better. :)

Tonight, I had BBQ for dinner, sausages, meatballs, chicken, salad and garlic bread. :D
Haven't eaten anything (or much) in four days, so hopefully Chinese :D
Turkey salad with a vinaigrette dressing , soup and potato skins :)
Mushroom quesadillas at a local Mexican restaurant. Not bad, although I dislike cooked onion and there was cooked onion.
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