What's your dinner tonight?

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Actually funny story - I go pick up Chinese, cutest little Chinese man call Simon work there. Every time I go there, he "sign" (just random hand movements). Annoying when anyone else do same, but so cute Simon! Lol. He do things like flag wings then point his crotch (while blush) for chicken balls...lol...he so sincere though I always try very hard not laugh!
I skipped lunch and had pizza hut pizza for supper. Meat Lovers, breadsticks and eggnog. :rockon:
If I ever get my patootie moving, we are having bbq'd chicken breast tenderloins, whole wheat pasta shells and green beans.
Large Pizza Hut Italiano pizza!
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Chicken dogs with sour kraut for him, chicken dogs with tomato, onion and pickles for me. Lazy Friday! :)
:wave:Sunshine liked your story about the man who works at the Chinese restuarant-

last night I had salad with quinoa and walnuts, yogurt and oatmeal
Turkey sandwich, mixed vegetables, and Diet Coke.
Actually funny story - I go pick up Chinese, cutest little Chinese man call Simon work there. Every time I go there, he "sign" (just random hand movements). Annoying when anyone else do same, but so cute Simon! Lol. He do things like flag wings then point his crotch (while blush) for chicken balls...lol...he so sincere though I always try very hard not laugh!

Rooster balls? Now I wonder what they put in your Chinese food.
I'm having a very simple dish tonight: rice piliaf with egg and pieces of chicken with wilted spinach and milk tonight.
Fried egg, bacon and cheese sandwiches.

Oh, so yummy. Nom Nom Nom.

Oh, so heart-clogging. Nom Nom Nom.
my hubby wants to eat at your place, AC:giggle:

me - leftover curry/veggie wrap, lentil soup, eggs
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