What's your dinner tonight?

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We (SO and I) have been sick with chest colds, cough, etc. so we are not exactly living it up at the moment with good food. I made homemade chicken noodle soup yesterday -- a big batch -- and we've been working off that.
didn't feel like driving to the restaurant tonight..i was too tired :(

so i ordered pizza with roasted red pepper and feta cheese instead
Salisbury steak, brown gravy, steamed red potatoes, green beans and tea. The house smells nice.
I supper bacon and mixing on potatoes,something1
Turkey sandwich, peach ice cream with chocolate caramel sauce, and hot chocolate.
Skinless chicken breast on barbecue, baked potato, mixed veggies
still very full from the greek food i had earlier, so i haven't had dinner yet. i think i'll just have salad and some left overs tonight.
Pizza, pretzels, potato chips, pop... It's a theme of sorts.
Cooked BBQ pork chops, home-made mashed potatoes and fresh corn on the cob and tea...was good...we ate while watching the Jets/Jags game, we got clobbered, big time.
Taco Bell. Whooo! No dishes the best. Last night I did make spinach and grilled chicken farfalle, a nice French style bread and a wonderful Greek salad with calamata olives, feta and baby bib lettuce so it was nice to get a break today.
leftover homemade chili. for odd silly reason, gives me a lot of gas. :)
i went to Au Bon Pain at the mall, and had their broccoli&cheddar soup with a piece of bread..cause i didn't feel like cooking
I went went with both daughters and granddaughters to Burger King. I ate a Whopper and a Diet Coke.
dunno what to eat, guess will wait till i wake up in a couple of hrs time...
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