What's your dinner tonight?

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it was cheeseburgers and a LOT of alcohol. I was in an intense party lol.
Dang! I have not even eaten Breakfast yet.. and people are talking about dinner! :lol:

I do not know what I will have tonight for dinner yet.
Will be a chicken breast salad, due to my starting on my diet.

(I did lose three pounds)
Will be a chicken breast salad, due to my starting on my diet.

(I did lose three pounds)


(I think I found your three pounds) :(

Gonna have to chlll out on the sodas! Been so hot, been drinking a lot of sodas lately. I am sure that contributes to gaining a few.

So I am going to cut back on that, and start drinking more water! Just hate the city water here. I did go out and bought bottled water!

A nice crisp salad for dinner sounds like an excellent way to keep cool, than putting a hot meal in my mouth!!

I will not have to crank the stove up either!

(I think I found your three pounds) :(

Gonna have to chlll out on the sodas! Been so hot, been drinking a lot of sodas lately. I am sure that contributes to gaining a few.

So I am going to cut back on that, and start drinking more water! Just hate the city water here. I did go out and bought bottled water!

A nice crisp salad for dinner sounds like an excellent way to keep cool, than putting a hot meal in my mouth!!

I will not have to crank the stove up either!

So sorry about that three pounds! And I have lots more to send to you! :P
Just had stir fry and milk. I'm full, but still thirsty for some Patron Reposado. I think I'll take a couple shots in a couple hours. It's the best I've ever had hehe.
We had burgers and salad tonight, pizza last night and club sandwiches Friday night.
I bought fresh 10 sushi for seven buck from farmboy store.

I ate five sushi MMM!.
I had Morningstar Black Bean Burger on Sandwich Thin bread, a banana, one cup hot cocoa, and a lettuce salad with raspberry vinagrette dressing.
Spinach Chicken salad w/dressing on side, veggie chili and apple. We had a lotta leftovers; it was HUGE salad! And Pepprmint Herb tea! WHo likes Peppermint?
My husband and I went to dinner with my folks. We hadn't done that in a while because my mom has been in hospital couple times. So it was nice to see them!:D
Just had some spanish rice and chips earlier. Currently eating chicken legs basted in campbell's chicken broth and mashed potatoes.
We had roast chicken, mashed potatoes (without crackers :P) and a rhubarb pudding for dessert.
We had roast chicken, mashed potatoes (without crackers :P) and a rhubarb pudding for dessert.

On my new diet those cracker topped potatoes are beginning to sound appealing.

I had a Boca Burger, banana, mixed green salad with 1/2 tablespoon olive oil, and orange juice.

Pity me. :(
awwwww, Bott......:aw:

But seriously that's the kind of food I eat most times. To me not a "diet" but just how I eat, mostly plant-based, whole, no dairy, meat, refined sugar unless it's special occasion like parent's birthday and then I might get dessert cuz I DO have big sweet tooth like my dad:giggle:
I had light food last night, just tuna salad and capri-sun drink. I don't know what I'll be having for dinner tonight :hmm:
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