What's with MEN??

Liebling:-))) said:
Very true, overweight women should stand themselves and be smart in positive way toward immature men who made the fun of them and belittle them...

But support each other with health issue is a different.

Women gain weight due health problems which it's also different which it's hard for them to lose weight.

Yep. The only smart choice is try their best to keep themselves healthy by takin' care of themselves - like I mentioned earilier in my post about exercisin', eat small portions and so on. This will PREVENT men from hurtin' the overweight women's feelings/ judgin' them by their looks, etc. , etc. I know it's hard, but that's HOW the overweight women could have that power by NOT lettin' the men to say not nice things to them. It's like the overweight women could use their own perspective to twist men's perspective to avoid facin' men's rude remarks. Sometimes, some men are hard-headed ... very stubborn for not acceptin' the overweight women. Some men are very picky. Some men are concerned about overweight women's health - don't want it to cut their women's lives short. Diabetic, for instance and it could kill you. Or, let's say it is bad for heart and it could kill you - there are many things that could happen and some men are worried about it. Of course, some men accepted their women who are overweight.... it's women's responsibility to be sure that their men don't cheat on them. Supposedly IF, I am overweight and knew that it will affect a man's mind the way he looks at me, then, I wouldn't want to have a relationship until " I " make sure that I cut my weight down to PREVENT him from hurtin' me down the road. That's a smart move to avoid that. That is what I mean about the power - I control it, not him.
eternity said:
Give me a break. They have to deal the truth. Don't forget about Amendant I - freedom of speech.

Eternity, you obviously do not know the true meaning of "freedom of speech"; it is not completely free. Geezzz, all ya wanna do is come in here and push people's buttons! For most of us that does not work! What works is YOU looking like a silly fool! You RARELY contribute positively/constructively to any topic.
Eternity -

Jealousy don't help. Friends will leave you, if they see "jealousy" comin' out of your mouth the way you say things toward certain members. Be sure you protect yourself from gettin' hurt when it comes back at ya.
Let me see if I can get some of you to understand what this thread is all about. We were talking about how important a person's inner beauty is and it needs to be looked at before judging on what is outside on her or him. It is like when a hearing person meets a deaf or a blind person with beautiful personality and full of love and the hearing person likes the deaf or blind person for who she is inside but not what is on the outside which is the deafness or blindness.
We have not said all skinny people have lame personalities. Even some overweighted people have lame personalities. What we are discussing about is people need to look at people for WHO they are, not at what is outside on them. Get what I am trying to say?
Oh yeah I know what your talkin' about, ButterFlyGirl. I am just sayin' my pieces from my heart through experience. That's all. Just my 2 cents. :)
Liebling said:
was like huh after read some of your posts saying that "overweight" have lovely personality and better than "skinny" with lousy or lame personality and more.... I can't understand why some of you judge skinny for? Why is those issue important to you? It sounds that you are jealous of skinny or what?

Liebling dear,

No sweetie that's not what he meant as what you and FreeWoman77 thinks...

He was trying to set an example as if there was a skinny woman with a lousy personality compare to a woman who is 800 pounds more with a good personality, he will pick the 800 pounds lady is because she has a good personality than the skinny one, so what he trying to point out is he rather to look at the person from the inside than looking at them from the outside....

I hope this clear up any misunderstanding...
ButterflyGirl said:
Let me see if I can get some of you to understand what this thread is all about. We were talking about how important a person's inner beauty is and it needs to be looked at before judging on what is outside on her or him. It is like when a hearing person meets a deaf or a blind person with beautiful personality and full of love and the hearing person likes the deaf or blind person for who she is inside but not what is on the outside which is the deafness or blindness.
We have not said all skinny people have lame personalities. Even some overweighted people have lame personalities. What we are discussing about is people need to look at people for WHO they are, not at what is outside on them. Get what I am trying to say?

Amen Thank you Butterflygirl.....I'm getting the feelings this thread isn't such a good idea.... :(
^Angel^ said:
Amen Thank you Butterflygirl.....I'm getting the feelings this thread isn't such a good idea.... :(

don't blame yourself girl :hug:

i like this thread! it is true about LOTS OF men! :ugh:

some people just DON'T GET IT! :squint:
Aww Thank you FC, that means alot to hear you say that... :hug:
There is no reason to 'hate' and 'love' what they look inside and outside. I always look inside and outside in skinny and overweight people. Important to me is their personal.

In high school, I had boyfriend who is chubby and I am skinny. Few years ago, I been with girls are more weight than my regular weight.

I am very encouge and support for DreamDeaf with her depression weight for all weight, she had in few years ago. I saw her old picture and she look GOOD and hot, ofc.... I always tell her 'you look hot' no matter what her weight is. She felt so GOOD and excite more than she had in her male relationship. She admits and she show me her 400 weight picture and I could say 'look bad in there' but I am happy she is very bit with that picture because she has bad experience in that year. She been giving out postive to everyone about herself. I admire her. :D

By the way, those pictures that draws were so beauitful. I would wish I can keep them but DD 'hawk' at me. :lol: She is kind same one of those picture, I know. I can draw that from her. wink!
It's sad when well-meaning people do not even take the time to read a thread thoroughly before posting their own opinion or comment - a lot of times it will derail a thread and it takes time and effort to pull it back on track.

Anyhoo, there have been times when a guy would come up, and start insulting me by saying, hey, doublecheeseburger, Big Mac, fatso, wide load, lard bottom, etc., etc... and then telling me what I should do and saying that he can control me, my eating habits and making me exercise and I will lose all the weight, and then he insults me more when he says that he expects me to support him and give him my car whenever he wants it, and no sex for me til I lose the fat, and then...he says he will continue to have sex with other women til he thinks Im ready for him...I just give him a withering look and tell him, no thanks, I don't think I need a deadbeat with a dead worm in his pants, and that I'm fine on what I'm doing, and I don't need any help from a person that only thinks of himself and his wants, and especially from someone that doesn't even know who I really am.

Of course, to save face, he has to insult me one more time, in the worst manner possible, such as... hey, big fat bitch ass, no one wants you, you're so fat, you can't even have sex with a MAN like himself... little does he know what he's getting himself into.

I just say - I don't see any MAN around here, I only see a worm in front of me...and walk off.

Of course, through all this, I'm really hurting inside because it does sting, no matter how many times I've heard this... and I know I will continue to hear this for a long time to come.
^Angel^ said:
Amen Thank you Butterflygirl.....I'm getting the feelings this thread isn't such a good idea.... :(

No, I think this is a great eye-opening thread, Angel. I read every post here but did not post here because it is too close to my heart to feel comfortable posting about my experiences but it really has opened my eyes a great deal :ily: Thanks for being brave to do it for rest of us who dont have much courage to speak out so openly in the public. :hug: Of course, there would be a few bad posts but overall, it is a great thread! :)
DreamDeaf said:
I just say - I don't see any MAN around here, I only see a worm in front of me...and walk off.

:rofl: I'm sorry I just couldn't help myself.....

My ex husband was the same way, after being pregnant , he would call me a bunch of fat names out of a book, he used to call me fat whale a couple of times.....

That's another reason why I starve myself rather than hearing the fat name calling.... :squint:
Gemtun said:
No, I think this is a great eye-opening thread, Angel. I read every post here but did not post here because it is too close to my heart to feel comfortable posting about my experiences but it really has opened my eyes a great deal :ily: Thanks for being brave to do it for rest of us who dont have much courage to speak out so openly in the public. :hug: Of course, there would be a few bad posts but overall, it is a great thread! :)

*grins* Thank you for the kind words Gemtun, it means alot :hug:

I understand sweetie and I know how you feel, and that's why I'm worry, cause I care about people's feelings...
Awwww Missy :hug: You post made me have tears. I feel you girly!

When I was pregnant my ex would say hey cow, why don't you say "moo" We never had sex during my pregnancy either, He refused to have sex with me even when I'm carrying his baby. After my son was born I was still overweight not too much, but still he refused to make love to me too, and still mocked at me about my weight, told me that sea world was looking for someone like me to swim with the dolphins. It just digested me the more he mocked me the more I would put myself in a pile of junk food, just eating it all day long. Of course, I had a courage to dump him on the side of the curb, He wasn't worth a penny to keep. It like why didn't he just leave me, if he didn't like the way I am? All I had to put up with from his mouth was negative comments toward my weight. That doesn't help me want to lose weight, It turns me the opposite by eating too much. I felt like he stayed because he knows he can't find a place on his own, which today, he is still the same guy who doesn't have a place to live on his own but depending on others for a place to live. Creep!
Reiko said:
I don't understand men. My mom is always playing the match maker. She arranges dates for me but she never tell the guys I'm deaf. When they meet me and find out they never want a second date. :(

That's awful! If a guy ever gives you trouble for being deaf, let me know. I'll come by and throw him off a roof ;)

I haven't had that problem, though I think everyone already knows I'm deaf before anything else.
Critizite their overweight...

Think twice someone who has problem health which CANNOT lose their weight some of kind pieces of body health.. Likely eg: Thyroid , diseases and much more...

and also Gene who has strong heavy bone and big broad runs in the family.. will you make them do lose weight? How giving them postive ways ?
I doubt.
I've seen lot of people who overweight who trying battle their lose weight long haul way.. which good appluase for them "goal reach to the lose weight".

By the way, Hopefully some of men who willing open mind and understand mother becomes have children affect their weight little bit increase that normal for preggy term. Some of men doesn't understand open the mind and seeing whine about women's weight, give a break! Just help team work will helps than PUSHY PUSHY or forcing you out of cliff... DO WORK lose the weight. How woman feel inside the emotions "think my man is way off cliff?"
Can be lead worst relationship or leaving spouse reason "overweight".. I find this abursd!
Yes I do have overweight but due my thyroid.. so many thanks.. don't know who coming from gene.. Must be my Dad's side... have not found health background. By the way, Wishes me good luck and will get brand new doctor in kitchener... :fingersx:
GalaxyAngel said:
Critizite their overweight...

Think twice someone who has problem health which CANNOT lose their weight some of kind pieces of body health.. Likely eg: Thyroid , diseases and much more...

and also Gene who has strong heavy bone and big broad runs in the family.. will you make them do lose weight? How giving them postive ways ?
I doubt.
I've seen lot of people who overweight who trying battle their lose weight long haul way.. which good appluase for them "goal reach to the lose weight".

By the way, Hopefully some of men who willing open mind and understand mother becomes have children affect their weight little bit increase that normal for preggy term. Some of men doesn't understand open the mind and seeing whine about women's weight, give a break! Just help team work will helps than PUSHY PUSHY or forcing you out of cliff... DO WORK lose the weight. How woman feel inside the emotions "think my man is way off cliff?"
Can be lead worst relationship or leaving spouse reason "overweight".. I find this abursd!
Yes I do have overweight but due my thyroid.. so many thanks.. don't know who coming from gene.. Must be my Dad's side... have not found health background. By the way, Wishes me good luck and will get brand new doctor in kitchener... :fingersx:
Well said there GA.
I have broad hips due to being big boned. I have had men wooed at me for having rounded big hips but not for who I am. I have had some other men telling me that I need to lose my big hips and I would tell them to poke at my hips and then tell me what they feel down there. They would say I can feel your bone on your hips and then I ask them HOW in the world can I lose that bone?? Want me to saw off my hip bones to make me look slimmer huh?? :roll: @ them
ButterflyGirl said:
Well said there GA.
I have broad hips due to being big boned. I have had men wooed at me for having rounded big hips but not for who I am. I have had some other men telling me that I need to lose my big hips and I would tell them to poke at my hips and then tell me what they feel down there. They would say I can feel your bone on your hips and then I ask them HOW in the world can I lose that bone?? Want me to saw off my hip bones to make me look slimmer huh?? :roll: @ them

Extactly as same as mine struggle w/my weight due hips and somatch..
Btwn my somatch to hips looks so big... UGH.. I can see my hands and arm so skinny.. *puzzled why am I strange ?* Oh right, I forgot I have thyroid.. whcih it's great... I ain't happy myself but accept who am I too..

sometimes bothers me, honestly.. I do whine about my body looks.. of course I have 3 kids.. I don't care anyone who looks.. Tend good personalities inside and outside.. Have great friendship.. if they think r u fat or huge hip.. need rid of it.. I find this ridcouisly none of respect their women's... no matter how long takes patience long haul goal their weight goes piece off... take time cannot be have BIG MAGIC... *zapping* wow, wonderful body! Oh shush! .. I'm very second w/you Butterfly.. way to go.. Your guts speak it out so am I...
I know it's not easy talking about the past experiences or what you may look like now, but it takes alot of guts to stand up for what you believe in and doing what makes you happy by losing the weight and how you all stand up from not allowing some men taking control of what you may look like from the outside, some men and women can be quite cruel, but I know you girls are doing what you can by losing the weight not because of what others think but what you guys really want is to be heathly again and look good for yourself....

I'm really proud of you girls :grouphug: