Miss*Pinocchio said:If Simon from American Idol was here, he would say that fat people's bodies are ugly, gross, and disgusting.
Fat people don't even look at themselves in the mirror, how the hell can they expect anybody to make love by touching.
And plus they sweat too much during sex... Ewww might as well have sex with fish.
Sorry Mods, hey hey hey pls don't ban me cause it is true.![]()
CODAchild said:![]()
I agree with Angel, Cheri, you are beautiful inside and out. If a man doesn't look into your heart, and see what a beautiful person you really are? Then he doesn't deserve you at all!!!! The body is only a small part of the relationship. The men need to look into our hearts, our minds, our intelligence, and accept us for who we really are. You have all that Cheri, and I feel now, that you already have a great man who sees you for all those beautiful possessions you now hold.
^Angel^ said:Can you please say something nice, if that not so hard to do.... :Oops:
Yiffzer said:Thanks.Who are you in DM? I have to say DM is just completely in the trash. DM = immature. I'm glad to see some people making sense here at least.
This post I made is a way of just balancing things out without anything in favor. I never come from one perspective - I come from all. I try to be as understanding as that. Yes, believe me - a lot of these things I said about women also applies to males too. Women can also pick and choose the same way. If a woman accepts a male's fat belly when he doesn't accept her fat thighs, and she gets upset - who's fault is it? A woman should learn to cope with this and actually find a male that she wants. Although the most dreamiest man would be next to impossible, once you go through life, you begin to appreciate even the littlest things. So a guy with intelligence but completely lacking social skill may be something to appreciate. It's what makes him different from others after all.
Cheri said:I cannot stand shallowest men who thinks the outside are most important than the inside of women, Same goes for women as well who are shallowest women for the same reason. I also hate it when men asked me "How much do you weight" It's like why is weight a factor?
Think about this for a moment, Would you rather to have a skinny women with a lousy personality and has nothing in common with you? Or would you rather to have an overweight woman who has a great personality and has the same things in common with you?
I've heard some women would say 'I'm too ugly for someone to date me', I would say, 'No, You're not ugly, You have a beautiful personality'. If men cannot see that, they are missing out on giving you a chance in knowing the real you, instead of just the looks.
It's not about showing off who has the good-looking girlfriend or boyfriend, or husband, or wife. If you love them, that's all it should matters, Who cares about what your friends think. I've had my friends said my ex boyfriend was ugly, looking like a nerd. I would say, Well, He has a great personality. Why does my friends care? I'm the one dating him not them.![]()
Cheri said:I cannot stand shallowest men who thinks the outside are most important than the inside of women, Same goes for women as well who are shallowest women for the same reason. I also hate it when men asked me "How much do you weight" It's like why is weight a factor?
Think about this for a moment, Would you rather to have a skinny women with a lousy personality and has nothing in common with you? Or would you rather to have an overweight woman who has a great personality and has the same things in common with you?
I've heard some women would say 'I'm too ugly for someone to date me', I would say, 'No, You're not ugly, You have a beautiful personality'. If men cannot see that, they are missing out on giving you a chance in knowing the real you, instead of just the looks.
It's not about showing off who has the good-looking girlfriend or boyfriend, or husband, or wife. If you love them, that's all it should matters, Who cares about what your friends think. I've had my friends said my ex boyfriend was ugly, looking like a nerd. I would say, Well, He has a great personality. Why does my friends care? I'm the one dating him not them.![]()
jazzy said:I do not know what is going on here but it is old old old news, been alike this for years and years. Men are still same as it was yesterday.
Miss P, your post above sucks :thumbd:Miss*Pinocchio said:If Simon from American Idol was here, he would say that fat people's bodies are ugly, gross, and disgusting.
Fat people don't even look at themselves in the mirror, how the hell can they expect anybody to make love by touching.
And plus they sweat too much during sex... Ewww might as well have sex with fish.
Sorry Mods, hey hey hey pls don't ban me cause it is true.![]()
I understand what you are saying here but you have to remember that it can be very hard for some people to lose weight due to some medical reasons. Also some people like me have a large body frame (big bones) that we look like we are overweight which we are not. Anyway the point we are saying in here is that some people look at others by their outside looks but what about their inner beauty?CyberRed said:Well, I believe that it's best to stay in a good shape rather than gettin' overweight, because when you get older - it will make things more harder to lose weight, because of immune system breaks down. It's wise to eat small portions rather than eatin' large portions. And, also keepin' up exercise to burn up the calories to keep the weight under control. Swimmin', hikin', walkin', bicyclin', and so forth can help to work out on losin' some weight.
I noticed some overweight people are havin' a problem with their breathin' when they climb up the stairs or walk that long, because they sit all day every day - and, they don't move around much to keep the blood pumpin' to give more oxygen.
Everythin' that I just mentioned above is my opinion. I believe that it is good for health to stay slim - I don't mean to say that it is good to stay THIN or SKINNY, but for the health's sake instead of gettin' overweight. Overweight will hurt the body/ and its health.
ButterflyGirl said:I understand what you are saying here but you have to remember that it can be very hard for some people to lose weight due to some medical reasons. Also some people like me have a large body frame (big bones) that we look like we are overweight which we are not. Anyway the point we are saying in here is that some people look at others by their outside looks but what about their inner beauty?
I didn't say that. Did I?FreeWoman77 said:so ok to say skinny with lame personality?![]()
Miss*Pinocchio said:Look at all the women in Desperate Housewives on tv, the show is always top in tv ratings and those women are so beautiful and hot and thin.
If they were ugly, fat, or whatver, it will get low ratings.
So that is the fact, you guys can say wonderful things but you guys are liars.
And I saw on here a thread "Who is your crush tv stars" and you guys picked the thin and pretty people.
I don't see Sequoias chose Kirstie Alley and I don't see AJ picked Whoopi Goldberg or Oprah.
All men want Angelinaaaaa Jolieeee
and all women want Bradddd Pitttt.
So you guys are hypocrite.