What's with MEN??

Angel Good thread :thumb:
Aww Thanks Boult :aw:

Forgive me for not responding back sooner,
Yes, Endy - I know what you mean. In Renaissance times, you will see a lot of portraits of women that would be considered fat today, but were labled as voluptuous, curvaceous and even beautiful then...





I had quite a bit of searching, because so many depicted naked (horrors!) women...but these still showed what I wanted to show... look at the hips, the calves, the bosom...they all had...what?...CURVES!!!

Hey, shoot me thru time travel and take me to those times where I can feel beautiful about my curves. :giggle:

Growing up, I always had that "perfect" body and when I gained weight after my daughter was born, I became obsessed with my weight cuz I wasnt used to being overweight and lost it all and some more. Now, I am in the same situation again only this time I am not so obsessed cuz I got better things to obsess about and my husband loves me for who I am. If I was single and men were rejecting me cuz of my weight then yea, that would suck big time.

I never really had experienced being rejected by men for my weight so I really cant say "I undy how u feel" to those who had those experiences cuz I would be lying if I said that.

My brother always went for the skinny and beutiful girls and he told me he would never date a fat woman. I told him that he is an asshole. I dont understand it.
i don't undy men anymore since my EX broke up with me cuz i refuse to go to see him sheesh what is his plm scoffs

i guess that he just wanted sex from me GOD damn
so i am moving on without him even block him from everything i am not interested online dating i am done !!!!!!!!!!
Aw moonflower, I'm sorry to hear that, hang in there hon, not all men are alike :hug:

Btw, its good seeing my old thread up again, wow, it's been a while....
Aw moonflower, I'm sorry to hear that, hang in there hon, not all men are alike :hug:

Btw, its good seeing my old thread up again, wow, it's been a while....

who knows shrugs

yeah it was great smile angel hugs
=p i don't see whats wrong with dating chicks who are a tad overweight, underweight scares me and those sorts arent fun to cuddle, although I have to say I don't think I'd date an extremely obese chick either. I like short chicks, small enough to pick up and carry around and burry in my coat rofl.
Looks Are Deceiving.....^Angel^ on What's with MEN ???

I found a book here that talks about LOOKS ARE DECEIVING

Good lesson for MEN to Read This......

Furthermore, outward appearances can be deceiving. The Bible says: "Charm may be false, and prettiness may be vain." The glittering wrappings of a gift tell you nothing of what's inside. In fact, the most elegant wrappings may cover a useless gift.-Proverbs 31:30.

The Proverbs say: "As a gold nose ring in the snout of a pig, so is a woman that is pretty but that is turning away from sensibleness." (Proverbs 11:22) Nose rings were a popular adornment during Bible times. They were exquisite, often made of solid gold. Naturally, such a ring would be the first piece of jewelry you would notice on a woman.

Appropriately, the proverb compares an outwardly beautiful woman who lacks "sensibleness" to a "nose ring in the snout of a pig." Beauty simply does not befit a senseless woman; it is a useless ornament on her. In the long run, it no more makes her appealing than would a gorgeous nose ring beautify a pig! What a mistake it is, then, to fall 'in love' with the way someone looks-and ignore what that person is inside.

To Men.......The looks on the outside does not tell you who that person is, it does not counts, it is what's on the inside that's counts the most.

Love: Skanky PePe LePew
Is It Love or Infatuation ?


For everyone who wants The Real Love, here what you can looks for in a person on Love:

1. An unselfish caring about the interests of the other.

2. Romance often starts slowly, perhaps taking months or years.

3. You are attracted by the other person's total personality and spiritual qualities.

4. The effect on you is that it makes you a better person.

5. You view the other realistically, seeing his or her faults, yet loving that one anyway.

6. You have disagreements, but you find that you can talk them out and settle them.

7. You want to give and share with the other person.



For everyone who wants to avoid The Infatuation, watch out for a person who may be infatuation with you:

1. Is selfish, restrictive. One thinks, 'What does this for me ?'

2. Romance starts fast, perhaps taking hours or days.

3. You are deeply impressed or interested in the other's physical appearance. ('He has such dreamy eyes.' 'She's got a great figure').

4. A destructive, disorganizing effect.

5. Is unrealistic. The other person seems perfect. You ignore any nagging doubts about serious personality flaws.

6. Arguments are frequent. Nothing really gets settled. Many are "settled" with a kiss.

7. The emphasis is on taking or getting, especially in satisfying s
exual urges.​
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I had my share of experiences with men on this issue. I have always been chubby, some guys would tell me "you would be hot, if you lost some weight." That just tells me that they just want my body and not my heart.

I was taught in the church from a christian point of view, love the person for the heart ,inner beauty not the outter. Another thing the pastor said, take a good look at the person your going to marry bec you are with them for life. I like that advice, so true you marry someone for the inner beauty and more they can offer. Why settle for some creepy arrogant guy or gal. I am not bashing anyone whose beautiful on the outside. Everyone has beauty to offer just have to take the time to get to know that person, there's alot to offer in a person if you only give them the time of day.
I agree Oceanblue7, I like that advice too :) and PePe LePew Thank you! I do hope people will start buying that book, we could learn a thing or two :)
=p i don't see whats wrong with dating chicks who are a tad overweight, underweight scares me and those sorts arent fun to cuddle, although I have to say I don't think I'd date an extremely obese chick either. I like short chicks, small enough to pick up and carry around and burry in my coat rofl.

hahaha you're funni!

Thanks...thought it's helpful, hope it helps other to realized what's real and what's not....

I agree Oceanblue7, I like that advice too :) and PePe LePew Thank you! I do hope people will start buying that book, we could learn a thing or two :)
I totally understand this topic, I had been overweight all my life, and never once had a serious relationship. OK i am lying, I had one, my ex gf, but even then I can tell she wishes I was skinny.

Because of the fact that men don't want to date me because of my weight, it hurts me, as well as my self esteem, in matter of fact, my self esteem is very low. The more lower my self esteem goes, the more i resist to meeting new people because I don't want to get hurt again, and I just feel that nobody will want me for the way I look.
PePe LePew, :angel:

8 deaf men gave me and liked me phone the note. I found out and checked their background. I throw out notes. I thank God that I wont dated with 8 men because They weren't Christian. I goal find a right man who Christian and who good/serve with Lord. Finally! I met my sec husband.

Also, You can read the books are name, "Are you My Type, Am I Your?(GOOD ONE) and HIS NEEDS HER NEEDS.
Wow.. this thread is back!!! ahh.. well.. I was looking at my first post and thought what I said was stupid! ::o
I totally understand this topic, I had been overweight all my life, and never once had a serious relationship. OK i am lying, I had one, my ex gf, but even then I can tell she wishes I was skinny.

Because of the fact that men don't want to date me because of my weight, it hurts me, as well as my self esteem, in matter of fact, my self esteem is very low. The more lower my self esteem goes, the more i resist to meeting new people because I don't want to get hurt again, and I just feel that nobody will want me for the way I look.

Aww Darkangel :hug: Ya know that isn't true about nobody would want you for the way you look, I know there are some real jerk people out there, but there are " good " ones too, maybe you just haven't found the right one yet, but believe me when you do, you will be coming back here with an amazing smile on your face....

No matter what you look like from the outside, just remember you're special in every way!!! mwah....