Well I've been sick all week and had one episode on Tuesday and two more on Wednesday. I have actually been exhausted and weak for the past three weeks since my seizure. After yesterdays two episodes I was FORCED to go to the doctor and turns out I have a severe infection that is throwing my BGLs way off causing the fainting, dizzyness, and weakness. At the moment I am tired but not exhausted like I have been. In the last three weeks I have had 4 episodes of where my body just simply gave out.
I was continuing to work 9 hour shifts at the poultry processor and an additional 2 hours pet-sitting two dogs for a family friend that was out of town for vacation.
On top of all of that - Ive had to help these same people get through the week as they had to cut their vacation short due to their father passing away unexpectedly.
Im better now as when I returned to work this morning my bosses and co-workers commented that I looked better today than I had in a while with colour returning to my face, more energy to perform my job duties, etc. I felt better today than I have in a while as well after starting my medications last night so they seem to be helping, but they also make me extremely sleepy, so now when I get home from work, I get a shower and then lay down for a nap for about an hour or so, and then go to bed around 9:30pm.
And yes I am still working 9 hour shifts through all of this. My bosses and I have had arguments of letting me stay to work (which I want to do) and them wanting me to leave to rest.
I think Im a workaholic now.

Whether or not I get to change shifts this coming week is still hanging in the air- but I am hoping they allow it despite me recent health set backs. I still contend that I am able - they are probably going to tell me to wait another week to see how I do on debone. Fingers and toes crossed that all goes well tomorrow.
Now my main stressor is getting a matter between me and a coworker settled. She is now going around the entire plant telling everyone that her neighbor told her that I looked I had been sexually abused. WTF?!??!?! Then she was like - "Would I ever tell you anything just to hurt you?"
I may report this to my supervisor and have it settled there, but not sure if that is the best course of action at the moment. Part of me wants to slap her till she's unconscious, the other part of me wants to grab the double barrel shotgun and pepper her with some goose shot.