Whatever you feel like......... Anything goes! Part V

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I have so many errands to do today but my body feels tired and achy cuz I had no rest for two weeks due to being so busy. I really need to do all this stuff today so should I relax today and do all the stuff tmw or go ahead and get them over with and relax tmw? I am the kind of person who CANT relax until everyting on my list is done! :giggle:
Id do it all today then relax and not have to worry about it not already being done tomorrow.

BTW - did your kids enjoy Halloween? Maddie made off like a bandit with all the candy. We've already hidden some of it, LOL. And some of it was safely stashed in my tummy. :D
Id do it all today then relax and not have to worry about it not already being done tomorrow.

Alright..it is Pajama day for all of us! Thanks!

BTW - did your kids enjoy Halloween? Maddie made off like a bandit with all the candy. We've already hidden some of it, LOL. And some of it was safely stashed in my tummy. :D

Alright! I will make today a pj day! LOL! Thanks!
Same here with hiding the candies!

My son was sick on Halloween so we decided not to take him trick or treating but when he saw the trick or treaters come to our door, he started having fits about going outside so I told my husband to let him go trick or treating at a few houses. Well, they were gone for an hour and half!!! When they got back, I asked him if everything was ok cuz I was starting to get so worried...my hubby said that Nathan had a blast running to people's houses and knocking on their door and signing to them saying "Give me Give me Give me!" so they did the whole neighborhood! When they got back, nathan wouldnt let go of his candy bucket...he had a fit when we had to take it away. Everyday, he begs for candy so we had to hide it. LOL! Yep, we stole some candy too.

My daughter went trick or treating with her dad since he hadnt taken her in years.
Yes...my son had fun till he said I HAD ENOUGH of WALKING!! My feet are TIRED! I asked him are you sure you don't want more CANDIES!? I was SHOCKED when he said that! :eek3: He said NO! ROFL!

Id do it all today then relax and not have to worry about it not already being done tomorrow.

BTW - did your kids enjoy Halloween? Maddie made off like a bandit with all the candy. We've already hidden some of it, LOL. And some of it was safely stashed in my tummy. :D
LOL everyone comments about Halloween trick n treat...

Yea.. My son was exciting and having trick n treat and gathering some of candies and my husband took the pictures of weird Halloween theme their property. Pretty fun! While I'm sitting in the car and drive around slower follow lead w/my son and hubby too. (Chuckles)
I drove around another side of my former old area where I used lived.. I drop my son off and spotted his old friends. He screaming and happy hugged friendly w/his old friends and tag along walk around the houses for trick n treat..
Everything went well great until 830pm. I hollered my son's name and time up finished trick n treat and noticed few houses are light on not really many around due candies runs out.. So come over into the car.. *zoooooooooom* return my home

He was exciting and opened his candies spreading... I bring huge bowl reason dislike candies put it there! He did.. some of candies dislike put into the huge bowl...
My daughter came home and toss rest of all candies into the huge bowl.. I asked her why aren't you take some of candies.. She said, nah, Not really crazy about candies.. Just take some fewer she loved eat her favorite kinds. Wow she is quite changed being fuss about candies.. We are pretty happy have those bunch of candies.. took some of candies... (chuckles) pretty bad temptation have eat little candy portion.

Thank you Lake Tahoe explanation to IceTeaRulez about Braxton Hicks alike?
Welcome! I had experienced with BH. Painful! But at least I only had like 2-3 times. So now ya waiting for the baby to pop out! HURRY UP! :giggle:

Thank you Lake Tahoe explanation to IceTeaRulez about Braxton Hicks alike?
what a nice day i had.. i went visit friend and went out for lunch.. i had wonderful time!!! we went for a country drive.. it was sooo beautiful day!!! then here i am! back at home.. finally i am relaxing.. haha.... :)
Great day! best of all ending my day was spending time with my Lucky dog. He's the best friend a girl can ever have.
I feel like tired and tired. I am ready to go bed. My lovely dear lady is sleeping and my lovely dear daughter is sleeping. My lovely dear dog is sleeping. All are quiet and dark. Yep, in few minutes, I will adjust the time then stare at ADers and ready to go bed.
Great day! best of all ending my day was spending time with my Lucky dog. He's the best friend a girl can ever have.

Is the smoke still hazing around in your area, California?
I am doing just relaxing...and clean little by little in my office...I need more boxes so that I can label three boxes...keep, toss (trash), donate/give away so I wanted LESS stuff in my office and get rid few furnitures if possible. And get some storage boxes to store my 12 by 12 scrapbook papers and few others to keep my office stay organized
Man it feels so much later that it really is - its going to take a while for me to get used to the new time. I figure that by 8pm I'll be ready to crash, lol.
Man it feels so much later that it really is - its going to take a while for me to get used to the new time. I figure that by 8pm I'll be ready to crash, lol.

I have to get used to the daylight savings down here too, we moved our clocks forward a week ago. Still haven't gotten to it!
weird - we moved ours an hour back so now are we 2 hours more difference than before?

besides this is a burning question for me--

Who or what gave man the power to move time???
google is our best friend.. so check the info out online. :P
but still if traveling through time were as easy as resetting the clocks - Im still not convinced we should be moving time to meet our own agenda...... :P
weird - we moved ours an hour back so now are we 2 hours more difference than before?

Not too sure, depends the time over there.

besides this is a burning question for me--

Who or what gave man the power to move time???

The caveman invented the daylight savings ;)
Its 8:17pm here mate. 11/4/07
Its 8:17pm here mate. 11/4/07

It's 1:17pm here - 11/05/2007

EDIT: Altered the time to match yours. Apparently since I have edited this post, it is 1:21pm
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