Aww Jillo.. sorry to hear of the mishaps. you are lucky you heard that. compare to my brother- he didnt hear for like a week and the water co called and said are you aware that you are in thousand of dollars on the bill now? my brother said what you mean? they didnt use any water just regular washing dishes, clothes, and taking showers? so my brother was like hmm so he went outside and look around.. sure enough the line from city water line to the house had busted.. so the water have been constantly leakin out for a week!

thank goodness the water co had dismissied the thousand dollars. it was nice of them to call as they were concerned. Not many would do this out for being greedy of money you know? dont worry theres always tomorrow. new beginning and new week. things will look up better.
Dixie- you going to atu? I think thats cool. Good luck! you will need all of it! Hugs! my two nieces are going there. Alison is in her 3rd years, lianna is starting her first year this fall. they both know sign languages. Lianna is a pro at it and love to SIGN AND SIGN! Alison is pretty good at it but she forgot as she's been away and living in RV right now so I dont see her much as I like to.

its a shame! grrr.
I'm chillin here and surfin online ... catching up on emails and websites. Wow unbelivable.. hard to keep up with that after not being online few days! LOL :P