I had a GREAT time today! My son and I went to a friend's wedding. DHB couldn't go cuz of work. I totally understand! Anyway the wedding went so WELL!!! I really enjoyed it and I almost cried when the Justice Peace pronounced husband and wife! I had to hold back the tears!

I am SO happy for them! And I took their dog, Angel home so they can spend time alone! She was GREAT and stood between mama and daddy a lot! So cute! I'll see them tomorrow to chat and pictures cuz it is their memory card. I took TONS of pictures then my camera, the battery went dead! Oh boy! It was full charged when I left...Oh well! At least I took tons, that's great! Others did took pictures so I am SURE they'll give me pictures to keep.
I am so BEAT..I've been up since 6:30 AM and drove 4 hours (2 hrs each way) to the wedding. So time for me to get off and relax! Good night!