As for me, I think they are a waste of time. Most fo those classes are the once you take at high school and other you don't even need for your major at all. And well saves lots of money. But what you think? Useful, not useful?
If I wasn't required to take gen ed classes I wouldn't be a photographer now... I took art to satisfy liberal education requirements and it snowballed. I'm glad I took it. Gen eds were always my favorite courses... I know so much useless info now about clouds, Greek mythology, anthropology, anatomy and bones (I can now tell what race, gender, and age a skeleton is!), nutrition (not useless).... I don't regret doing gen eds... And I definitely wouldn't have discovered art if I wasn't pushed into it.
I was able to test out of some corses such as spanish, lower english classes and some calc stuff but not all the things i went through high school. For some reason we would tske the AP classes and then not be able to take the test. And for some ithers. You had to take the class even if you passed the AP exam. So not way out of it. Im happy im done with most of my general education. And my 4th time taking biology, cuz one time is not enough...(forced to take it in 9th grade and ciz there was no chemistry for 10th grade, forced to take it again, again in community college, and once more at university after i transfered)
Try reading about writing...that must be the most boring thing ever,
What about foreign language requirements? Many people think that it isn't needed for their field of study. Maybe they are right. Maybe not. If those people thought hard, they'll realize how important it is to have taken a foreign language class or 2 for their field of study.
Then again, I'm very thankful for all schools that offer foreign language as a requirement. How many ASL students and future interpreters to be will we have if it was not for schools that offered language requirement?
I would imagine that the same would apply to GE requirements.