What women want ...

I can post my don't's in a man .. wishy washy, weasl-worded, going back and forth, noncommittal.

He needs to be strong, courageous, and good companionship. A well-being man would be nice and treat a woman like a lady. Be respectful and be a good leader :)
I don't believe in PMS. I think it's just an excuse for bad behavior. I have never suffered from that. And postpartum depression is false, too. I think it's just an excuse for women to go to night clubs and party it up all night.

u think postpartum blue is false?? i have went thru it.. BOY u wouldnt want to be in my shoes.. after i had the babies..my body went thru changes due to having a baby.. the body is confused and out of balance so you felt blue and cry easily.. all i want to do is stay in bed and sleep.. some women wouldnt want to hold baby and feed them so that leave to the father to do the job. so it takes time for body to go thru and it usually will go away by 2 weeks to 6 weeks.. sometimes longer depend on women's body.

i guess you never experience birth of baby and having postpartum blues. go figures why u think its false.. u are wrong.. its REAL!!!!!

i do know pms really do exist.. moody swings, cravings, headaches, sore breasts, water gain, back hurting, just feeling lousy in general.. i do have pms.. all women HAVE it.. mild or serious.. again like i said it varies on womens bodies.. not all are same... ok..
Sometimes all you chicks want is a hug, am I right? I know I'm right. I'm always right!
A nice and cozy log cabin on the high hill to view a city down below... with lots of trees around the log cabin... to give some breeze and warm thru the sun. In winter, I will have a fireplace to keep me warm and have a nice hot tea ready on a table. :)

Summer : Swimmin' in the pool where on the bottom floor that reads : AllDeaf.com :lol: J/K But, yeah it would be nice just to swim in the pool at log cabin .. just alone and more privacy. :D

Right on Maria, I second that. I just want to be happy, period!!! Being married to my hearing husband is no picnic. We have different views and all we ever do is fight like the battle of the sexes. We are just different. I don't know why men and women can not getting along as equal partners and show a lot of respect for each other and just be happy. Marriages or having the relationship with boyfriend or girlfriend are not crack up what we thought we will be getting along well. I can not figure out why men like to do violence stuff while the women seem to like nuturing and caring stuff. We women want men to be nurturing too because of the children and also treating us like first class person along with him, not second class. It does not make any sense why God made us different that we can not get along with each other. I love living out in the country very much with the log cabin or cottage plus the fireplace all by myself and also have privacy. NO MEN ALLOW!! :pissed:
Wow, this form has gone the opposite direction then the other. I think that is soo interesting. I know I like to be alone and just relax. I also know that women like to do that mostly. Also, there are women out there that just want to replay `Debbie does Dallas.´ in fact, I work with one and she is married too. Those type of women just piss me off.
Sometimes all you chicks want is a hug, am I right? I know I'm right. I'm always right!

Sometimes I can't stand women myself. Sometimes I can't reason with them. I like to hang out with guys sometimes. I find women being more supportive. But I don't like living with women, they make bad roommates.
Right on Maria, I second that. I just want to be happy, period!!! Being married to my hearing husband is no picnic. We have different views and all we ever do is fight like the battle of the sexes. We are just different. I don't know why men and women can not getting along as equal partners and show a lot of respect for each other and just be happy. Marriages or having the relationship with boyfriend or girlfriend are not crack up what we thought we will be getting along well. I can not figure out why men like to do violence stuff while the women seem to like nuturing and caring stuff. We women want men to be nurturing too because of the children and also treating us like first class person along with him, not second class. It does not make any sense why God made us different that we can not get along with each other. I love living out in the country very much with the log cabin or cottage plus the fireplace all by myself and also have privacy. NO MEN ALLOW!! :pissed:

Aww, I am soo sorry Bebonang. I know how you feel, because I was married before. And, it ain't no picnic either because, of fightings and arguments. It ain't no fun. Blaah

I would love to have my whole room ( space ) for myself because, of peace and quiet. I like the quiet atmosphere. More comfortable and stress-free. It's okay to have friends comin' over and chat. They can come and go anytime just for visit. I can enjoy anywhere anytime I want without havin' to worry about " husband " at home. :lol:

I would love to have my whole room ( space ) for myself because, of peace and quiet. I like the quiet atmosphere. More comfortable and stress-free. It's okay to have friends comin' over and chat. They can come and go anytime just for visit. I can enjoy anywhere anytime I want without havin' to worry about " husband " at home. :lol:


I would love to do same .. but I am a man :naughty:
Sometimes I can't stand women myself. Sometimes I can't reason with them. I like to hang out with guys sometimes. I find women being more supportive. But I don't like living with women, they make bad roommates.
Please don't get pissed with me when I say this, but with the posts I have read from you, it sounds as though you don't like to hang around gals, cause it compitation against guys, even those you don't want to do that. You like to be the one in charge and control, but fall easy with beautful eyes and body.

I work with one gal, and that is why she hates working with other gals. To her, it means there is another pussy for guys to pick from, and she hates it. The only difference I have seen in your posts and this co-worker, is you hate that feeling, while she trying to bang every dick there it.
Please don't get pissed with me when I say this, but with the posts I have read from you, it sounds as though you don't like to hang around gals, cause it compitation against guys, even those you don't want to do that. You like to be the one in charge and control, but fall easy with beautful eyes and body.

I work with one gal, and that is why she hates working with other gals. To her, it means there is another pussy for guys to pick from, and she hates it. The only difference I have seen in your posts and this co-worker, is you hate that feeling, while she trying to bang every dick there it.

I don't know what you are talking about. I am trying to say that
gals are too critical. I got to wear makeup or get new hair style.
I have to talk properly. I have to follow their rules.
I can't fit in if I don't do those things. They can be so unfair.
Anyway, that is why I like to hang out with guys because
they are more easy going. I love acting like a jerk with them and they
are so fun. Make me laugh and have a good time. I don't like the way they think that I can't do a man's job and they think I am a lesbian because I turn them down. I just want to be their friend.
I want a man to be responsiblity, honest and not mommy boy!!

Respect me what I wishes....

No prevert
No cheat
No play game
No make the house messy
No lazy
No sleep on the couch
No excuse to pay on his own bills
No Mommy boy
No pee on the toilet seat
No throw dirty clothes and towels on the floor
No messy hairy from shave beard on the bathroom stink
No leave dirty dishes in the kitchen stink
No pile up the trash
No leave newspaper all over on the floor or table
No leave TV on all the night
seems quite simple what you want :)

I want a man to be responsiblity, honest and not mommy boy!!

Respect me what I wishes....

No prevert
No cheat
No play game
No make the house messy
No lazy
No sleep on the couch
No excuse to pay on his own bills
No Mommy boy
No pee on the toilet seat
No throw dirty clothes and towels on the floor
No messy hairy from shave beard on the bathroom stink
No leave dirty dishes in the kitchen stink
No pile up the trash
No leave newspaper all over on the floor or table
No leave TV on all the night
I want a man to be responsiblity, honest and not mommy boy!!

Respect me what I wishes....

No prevert
No cheat
No play game
No make the house messy
No lazy
No sleep on the couch
No excuse to pay on his own bills
No Mommy boy
No pee on the toilet seat
No throw dirty clothes and towels on the floor
No messy hairy from shave beard on the bathroom stink
No leave dirty dishes in the kitchen stink
No pile up the trash
No leave newspaper all over on the floor or table
No leave TV on all the night

good Posting!!!
haha, I agree "no Mommy boy" i wont take a man, if he still stuck with his mom... and pee on the toilet seat, it would be not clean *jeeeez*
I want a man to be responsiblity, honest and not mommy boy!!

Respect me what I wishes....

No prevert
No cheat
No play game
No make the house messy
No lazy
No sleep on the couch
No excuse to pay on his own bills
No Mommy boy
No pee on the toilet seat
No throw dirty clothes and towels on the floor
No messy hairy from shave beard on the bathroom stink
No leave dirty dishes in the kitchen stink
No pile up the trash
No leave newspaper all over on the floor or table
No leave TV on all the night

Aww why "no mommy's boy"? I am very proud of being a mommy's boy...

I would want a man who would be more understanding by paying more attention to my feeling, be more caring, supportive and most of all to love me and accept me the way I am...

I have already found that " gentleman "
Nooooo *aaaaaargh* silly you! :)
I never think, that you are very proud of thing about Mommy´s boy

Yupp I am very proud of being mommy's boy, I look like her and talk like her. I love my mom, but I can't understand why women refuse to date with a mommy's boy? What's wrong with mommy's boy?
Women refuse to date mommy's boy because when wife argues with husband.
Husband will tell his mommy. And his mommy will come over and argues with
wife. And if Husband gets sick, mommy will come over and makes him soup.
If wife gives him hard times, he will run home to mommy and spend the night there.

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