What will you get for $20K?

Mine is 2007 Scion tC. I prefer 2-dr coupe. I hate 4-dr sedans, especially compact-size cars because it's harder to get in and out due to the narrow doors.

Nice, yeah I love the 2005 tC - 2010. In 2011 they got all boxy and squared out. I don't like the back windows on the newer ones, they just look all weird. People HATE getting in and out of my car, but it's my car and I always drive it. So if they want a ride, they can deal with the smooshing in and out I say. :D :laugh2:
Agreed, I'll stick to my little old '99 Kawasaki EX500. Ever notice how trike riders are jerks? They never wave and never return a wave, cruiser riders are iffy if they they wave or return one, but sport bikes almost always wave. Might just be that I'm not 'one of them' so they don't wave.

Anyway, I digress.

Well a Honda Shadow is a Cruiser.... so I am a cruiser rider.... I usually wave, but sometimes I'm thinking about other stuff and I'm not going to flip beans over someone not waving. Do I wave to others in my car? Nope. :laugh2: ( Unless they let me out or something nice, then I wave. ) I usually always try and wave at any cruiser I see, and trikes would be considered a "cruiser" even though they're in a completely different category. I don't often wave at sport bikes because those to me seem to be the jerks. Take the recent issue in NY over those jerks on sport bikes. That's about how 90% of them drive. Showing off, and irresponsibly because most riders don't start out with cruisers, they're young and start off with sport bikes. I'm not saying ALL sport bike riders are douches, but when you get a group of cruiser riders with a group of sport bike riders, the bigger jerks tend to be the sport bike riders. Not to mention sport bikes tend to look more like mopeds when I'm approaching them than cruisers do. :laugh2:
Well a Honda Shadow is a Cruiser.... so I am a cruiser rider.... I usually wave, but sometimes I'm thinking about other stuff and I'm not going to flip beans over someone not waving. Do I wave to others in my car? Nope. :laugh2: ( Unless they let me out or something nice, then I wave. ) I usually always try and wave at any cruiser I see, and trikes would be considered a "cruiser" even though they're in a completely different category. I don't often wave at sport bikes because those to me seem to be the jerks. Take the recent issue in NY over those jerks on sport bikes. That's about how 90% of them drive. Showing off, and irresponsibly because most riders don't start out with cruisers, they're young and start off with sport bikes. I'm not saying ALL sport bike riders are douches, but when you get a group of cruiser riders with a group of sport bike riders, the bigger jerks tend to be the sport bike riders. Not to mention sport bikes tend to look more like mopeds when I'm approaching them than cruisers do. :laugh2:

How can you mistake it for a moped on the interstate when the speed limit is 70 MPH? lol I have actually wondered that myself at one point. You do realise not all bikes in that NY thing were sport bikes, right? I saw quite a number of dirt bikes in there too. When I used to picture bikers, I used to think about it's criminal element, which are mainly cruiser riders; you know, the murdering druggie gangs?

Anyway, I digress. If I had $20k, I'd get a DeLorean DMC-12 and yes I know it's PRV V6 is a joke and a snail, but it's just a great looking, unique car. I'd be happy ideally with a $15k DeLorean and spend the rest on an older Ninja ZX600 all black.

The DeLorean seems to be a car people love or hate, not much of a middle area between. If you love it like I do, you accept it isn't a speed machine, doesn't sit for long periods of time well, but is the only sports car ever built in Ireland, only production vehicle ever made in stainless steel, the gull wing doors just look fantastic and I do love it being rear engine. I has rack and pinion steering, no airbags, weak engine to name a few obvious shortcomings, but it's a very unique car that will get more attention than a Ferrari if parked side by side, just off it's looks alone.

I hope maybe one day I'll have an income that will enable me to own one, but that dream is quite a ways off, if it is even a realistic dream. I would like to point out one thing, just picture the cars on the road back in 1981 and then place the DMC-12 on the street next to them, it was an unusual looking car then and it still is now.
How can you mistake it for a moped on the interstate when the speed limit is 70 MPH? lol I have actually wondered that myself at one point. You do realise not all bikes in that NY thing were sport bikes, right? I saw quite a number of dirt bikes in there too. When I used to picture bikers, I used to think about it's criminal element, which are mainly cruiser riders; you know, the murdering druggie gangs?

Anyway, I digress. If I had $20k, I'd get a DeLorean DMC-12 and yes I know it's PRV V6 is a joke and a snail, but it's just a great looking, unique car. I'd be happy ideally with a $15k DeLorean and spend the rest on an older Ninja ZX600 all black.

The DeLorean seems to be a car people love or hate, not much of a middle area between. If you love it like I do, you accept it isn't a speed machine, doesn't sit for long periods of time well, but is the only sports car ever built in Ireland, only production vehicle ever made in stainless steel, the gull wing doors just look fantastic and I do love it being rear engine. I has rack and pinion steering, no airbags, weak engine to name a few obvious shortcomings, but it's a very unique car that will get more attention than a Ferrari if parked side by side, just off it's looks alone.

I hope maybe one day I'll have an income that will enable me to own one, but that dream is quite a ways off, if it is even a realistic dream. I would like to point out one thing, just picture the cars on the road back in 1981 and then place the DMC-12 on the street next to them, it was an unusual looking car then and it still is now.

my friend acquired a Delorean couple years ago. It's sitting in his warehouse.
my friend acquired a Delorean couple years ago. It's sitting in his warehouse.

I consider your friend lucky, but I hope your friend properly stored it, they really don't like to sit for long periods of time. I'd trade my car right now for one, but it isn't worth as much as a DeLorean is sadly.
I consider your friend lucky, but I hope your friend properly stored it, they really don't like to sit for long periods of time. I'd trade my car right now for one, but it isn't worth as much as a DeLorean is sadly.

he also bought a military hummer and restored it. sux that it doesn't have a power steering :lol:

bout yea both vehicles are operable
How can you mistake it for a moped on the interstate when the speed limit is 70 MPH? lol I have actually wondered that myself at one point. You do realise not all bikes in that NY thing were sport bikes, right? I saw quite a number of dirt bikes in there too. When I used to picture bikers, I used to think about it's criminal element, which are mainly cruiser riders; you know, the murdering druggie gangs?

Anyway, I digress. If I had $20k, I'd get a DeLorean DMC-12 and yes I know it's PRV V6 is a joke and a snail, but it's just a great looking, unique car. I'd be happy ideally with a $15k DeLorean and spend the rest on an older Ninja ZX600 all black.

The DeLorean seems to be a car people love or hate, not much of a middle area between. If you love it like I do, you accept it isn't a speed machine, doesn't sit for long periods of time well, but is the only sports car ever built in Ireland, only production vehicle ever made in stainless steel, the gull wing doors just look fantastic and I do love it being rear engine. I has rack and pinion steering, no airbags, weak engine to name a few obvious shortcomings, but it's a very unique car that will get more attention than a Ferrari if parked side by side, just off it's looks alone.

I hope maybe one day I'll have an income that will enable me to own one, but that dream is quite a ways off, if it is even a realistic dream. I would like to point out one thing, just picture the cars on the road back in 1981 and then place the DMC-12 on the street next to them, it was an unusual looking car then and it still is now.

Not saying on the interstate, local streets. When it's getting dark, the head lights of a street bike look more like a moped than a cruiser does. The only reason cruiser "drug gangs" seem more prominent is because the one's there ARE, are huge. There are far more little street bike rider gangs, especially here in the Tampa area. They're everywhere.... As I said, not ALL street bikers are like that, just the majority. Google street bike riders and you see the majority ( again not all do not stuff words in my mouth ) are young males who are doing stunts and stupid crap. Cruisers? So you see a ton of old dudes. Those younger crowds are far more likely to encounter drugs than older ones. Also, working in an Emergency room as a P.A. guess who I see the most mangled and destroyed? Yup, STREET BIKE riders. Why you ask? They were out show boating and crashed ( usually causing a collision ) and messed themselves up. The cruiser riders? Usually hit by grandma not looking while she was merging. The street bikes? Yup, 95% of the time show boating and injuring themselves. Being as I work at a major triage hospital ( The number one in Florida mind you ) I see the worst of the worst, and lots of it. 95% street bikes incidents are their own fault. Again, I didn't say all, I said most. I stitch up and operate on more of those show boating street riders than any other type of cycle. Bicycle, motorcycle, moped, trike and yes even electric powered wheel chairs. Combine all those, and street bikes account for most of the accidents. Again, they are the most likely to CAUSE an accident, they're rarely hit. Can't tell you how many times I'm cruising down the highway and I hear a ZZZZZ randomly and before I know it a street bike passed me around 120. Street bikes account for more traffic fatalities than I'm comfortable getting into. And yes, again.... they're USUALLY the ones at fault. Again, not always.... but usually. 95% of the time. Motorcycle Accidents. Sport Bikes Versus Cruisers at Cyril Huze Post

Any study you look up, you will find street bikes are the cause for most accidents they're involved in, and cruisers are far less likely to be the cause, so much as a victim. Also cruisers are involved in FAR less accidents nation wide in general.
Not saying on the interstate, local streets. When it's getting dark, the head lights of a street bike look more like a moped than a cruiser does. The only reason cruiser "drug gangs" seem more prominent is because the one's there ARE, are huge. There are far more little street bike rider gangs, especially here in the Tampa area. They're everywhere.... As I said, not ALL street bikers are like that, just the majority. Google street bike riders and you see the majority ( again not all do not stuff words in my mouth ) are young males who are doing stunts and stupid crap. Cruisers? So you see a ton of old dudes. Those younger crowds are far more likely to encounter drugs than older ones. Also, working in an Emergency room as a P.A. guess who I see the most mangled and destroyed? Yup, STREET BIKE riders. Why you ask? They were out show boating and crashed ( usually causing a collision ) and messed themselves up. The cruiser riders? Usually hit by grandma not looking while she was merging. The street bikes? Yup, 95% of the time show boating and injuring themselves. Being as I work at a major triage hospital ( The number one in Florida mind you ) I see the worst of the worst, and lots of it. 95% street bikes incidents are their own fault. Again, I didn't say all, I said most. I stitch up and operate on more of those show boating street riders than any other type of cycle. Bicycle, motorcycle, moped, trike and yes even electric powered wheel chairs. Combine all those, and street bikes account for most of the accidents. Again, they are the most likely to CAUSE an accident, they're rarely hit. Can't tell you how many times I'm cruising down the highway and I hear a ZZZZZ randomly and before I know it a street bike passed me around 120. Street bikes account for more traffic fatalities than I'm comfortable getting into. And yes, again.... they're USUALLY the ones at fault. Again, not always.... but usually. 95% of the time. Motorcycle Accidents. Sport Bikes Versus Cruisers at Cyril Huze Post

Any study you look up, you will find street bikes are the cause for most accidents they're involved in, and cruisers are far less likely to be the cause, so much as a victim. Also cruisers are involved in FAR less accidents nation wide in general.

Interesting post because out my way you will basically be shunned by all riders if you dont wear your gear (that means full face helmets and proper leather gear, back protectors are becoming really common too) and start doing stunts and for those riders who like to go fast either take it to the track to ride with some commonsence.

Either get the new ZX10R or buy my car again
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Not saying on the interstate, local streets. When it's getting dark, the head lights of a street bike look more like a moped than a cruiser does. The only reason cruiser "drug gangs" seem more prominent is because the one's there ARE, are huge. There are far more little street bike rider gangs, especially here in the Tampa area. They're everywhere.... As I said, not ALL street bikers are like that, just the majority. Google street bike riders and you see the majority ( again not all do not stuff words in my mouth ) are young males who are doing stunts and stupid crap. Cruisers? So you see a ton of old dudes. Those younger crowds are far more likely to encounter drugs than older ones. Also, working in an Emergency room as a P.A. guess who I see the most mangled and destroyed? Yup, STREET BIKE riders. Why you ask? They were out show boating and crashed ( usually causing a collision ) and messed themselves up. The cruiser riders? Usually hit by grandma not looking while she was merging. The street bikes? Yup, 95% of the time show boating and injuring themselves. Being as I work at a major triage hospital ( The number one in Florida mind you ) I see the worst of the worst, and lots of it. 95% street bikes incidents are their own fault. Again, I didn't say all, I said most. I stitch up and operate on more of those show boating street riders than any other type of cycle. Bicycle, motorcycle, moped, trike and yes even electric powered wheel chairs. Combine all those, and street bikes account for most of the accidents. Again, they are the most likely to CAUSE an accident, they're rarely hit. Can't tell you how many times I'm cruising down the highway and I hear a ZZZZZ randomly and before I know it a street bike passed me around 120. Street bikes account for more traffic fatalities than I'm comfortable getting into. And yes, again.... they're USUALLY the ones at fault. Again, not always.... but usually. 95% of the time. Motorcycle Accidents. Sport Bikes Versus Cruisers at Cyril Huze Post

Any study you look up, you will find street bikes are the cause for most accidents they're involved in, and cruisers are far less likely to be the cause, so much as a victim. Also cruisers are involved in FAR less accidents nation wide in general.

the statistic shows that in most motorcycle accidents, the riders tend to be between legal age to ride to 24 and middle-age to up.
I'll retract my statement when a single trike returns my wave, so far, not a single one I have ever passed has and has left me 'hanging' so to speak.

I haven't seen this, but I have noticed since Virginia changed the law for mopeds, less are on the road and when I started riding, almost all of them wore no helmet, flip flops, shorts and a t-shirt. What makes me laugh is when I'm at a light and one of them revs it's engine to get my attention. I'll still return their waves, why not.

huh weird. for me - I get a V-salute most of times from all kinds of riders. it might be because of the way you look? :dunno:
Interesting post because out my way you will basically be shunned by all riders if you dont wear your gear (that means full face helmets and proper leather gear, back protectors are becoming really common too) and start doing stunts and for those riders who like to go fast either take it to the track to ride with some commonsence.

Either get the new ZX10R or buy my car again

Yeah, you forget common sense doesn't really exist these days.... Just look around..... :doh:
the statistic shows that in most motorcycle accidents, the riders tend to be between legal age to ride to 24 and middle-age to up.

I heard that roo, Inexperance and people who havent touched a bike in 20+ years
in my motorcycle club - we lose about 2 members a year due to driver's fault. we just lost one couple weeks ago :( he was a motorcycle legend. I met him at the club party couple years ago. he was a very very large fella like a Titan.

Victim of Warren County crash was a legend in motorcycle community, subject of book | lehighvalleylive.com


unfortunately - I couldn't make it to his wake but there was a huge turnout.

I'll retract my statement when a single trike returns my wave, so far, not a single one I have ever passed has and has left me 'hanging' so to speak.
"Passing" as zooming past in the same direction, or passing in opposite directions? Maybe you're going past too fast for them to respond. Most of the sport bikers I see on the road are so busy passing everyone and changing lanes frequently that they don't have time for any waves.
How can you mistake it for a moped on the interstate when the speed limit is 70 MPH? lol I have actually wondered that myself at one point. You do realise not all bikes in that NY thing were sport bikes, right? I saw quite a number of dirt bikes in there too. When I used to picture bikers, I used to think about it's criminal element, which are mainly cruiser riders; you know, the murdering druggie gangs?
I guess it all depends on your experiences. All the cruiser riders I know are patriotic people who tear up :tears: at military funerals, memorials, and welcome home ceremonies. Very few sport bikers ever show up. When they do, they are fully welcome.

There are good guys and bad guys in any group.

My dad rode his bike, which would be called a cruiser now, right after World War Two. His club looked like the wild bunch but really just enjoyed riding and racing (on tracks, not city streets). Many were family people. My parents rode their Indian Chief from Connecticut to Florida for their honeymoon.
Went on big bike like that few weeks back first and last time i was terrified
he also bought a military hummer and restored it. sux that it doesn't have a power steering :lol:

bout yea both vehicles are operable

I had to drive various models of the HMMWV and didn't care for any of them. The worst one to drive was the up armour, I'm very uncomfortable in small spaces and that thing was beyond cramped and when the turbo in the up armour kicked in, it sounded like a jet engine at full throttle, but was the slowest thing in the world to drive.

Hope he at least got an older USMC version (Notable exhaust running up the side of the vehicle) because the Army one just isn't as fun when fording really deep water.
blah, 20K, let's have some fun, like buy a used Fiat Bambina, and a written of RX7 turbo (or just the engine from the wreckers (junkyard you call it) swap out the engine, braces, the frames and put in stiff suspensions for safety measures (wheelie bars at the back too, make it electronically retractable so you don't attract cops), put in hot rod wheels the kinds you see in racing Mini coopers (old ones not the german Bmw-made BINIS)

paint it in cool color

go for driving in he cities, have a drag against some unsuspecting morons in bloated V8's LOL

that's be very achievable for about 10K

and have 10k left for other fun stuff... like partying
blah, 20K, let's have some fun, like buy a used Fiat Bambina, and a written of RX7 turbo (or just the engine from the wreckers (junkyard you call it) swap out the engine, braces, the frames and put in stiff suspensions for safety measures (wheelie bars at the back too, make it electronically retractable so you don't attract cops), put in hot rod wheels the kinds you see in racing Mini coopers (old ones not the german Bmw-made BINIS)

paint it in cool color

go for driving in he cities, have a drag against some unsuspecting morons in bloated V8's LOL

that's be very achievable for about 10K

and have 10k left for other fun stuff... like partying

I have know of a few hayabusa engines to end up in tiny cars like mini's, im told its one eye opening experance
blah, 20K, let's have some fun, like buy a used Fiat Bambina, and a written of RX7 turbo (or just the engine from the wreckers (junkyard you call it) swap out the engine, braces, the frames and put in stiff suspensions for safety measures (wheelie bars at the back too, make it electronically retractable so you don't attract cops), put in hot rod wheels the kinds you see in racing Mini coopers (old ones not the german Bmw-made BINIS)

paint it in cool color

go for driving in he cities, have a drag against some unsuspecting morons in bloated V8's LOL

that's be very achievable for about 10K

and have 10k left for other fun stuff... like partying

Orrrrrrrrrr......................... BOOKS! :laugh2:

God school blows..... :doh: