Being raised at the end of the Appalachian trail, in a poor Southern family, we ate food we thought was pretty normal. Now it is "gourmet" or adventurous. We ate squirrel, rabbit, raccoon and other small game. We ate tomato sandwiches often. As a treat we had store bought white loaf bread with mayo and canned pineapple sandwiches. Our normal bread was biscuits or cornbread. We had cheese grits, fat back bacon or "streak meat". Fried squash blossoms, dandelion greens, poke salet, water cress (crease), ramps ( a wild onion/leek), duck eggs, muscadines, fox grapes, wild crab apples, leather breeches (dried green beans), fresh caught fish, home made butter, home made cottage cheese, home raised yeast in breads, paw paws and scrambled squash for instance. We thought that fried balogna was very fancy. I did not see broccoli, cauliflower or many other vegetables until I was much older and moved away. The normal veggies were tomatoes, squash, corn, onions, potatoes and okra unless you gathered poke, lambs quarters, ramps or such.