Hi. I am new to this site. What aggervates me about hearies is that when I was born I had trouble hearing. Some of my family members didnt realize something was wrong until my first grade teacher noticed I wasnt getting instruction from class. The teacher then had my school take me to get my hearing checked. Found out that I had been born with a hearing loss in both ears. I was taken out of my class room and put in a special ed class. There I learned sign language. For a year I was in that class. After that my parents never learned sign language and neither did anyone else in my family. After awhile I lost everything I had learned.
When I got to a college in Florida a friend introduced me to a church called Shiloh Baptist where they had a deaf ministry. I started learning sign again

. I have enjoyed signing a lot. I have a lot of people tell me they want to learn sign language. I am teaching a sign language class now at another church in Alabama. My family still does not sign. I have a best friend who is a sister to me that is learning

. She has even had to sign to me for the past few weeks because my hearing aid broke and didnt have a back up. She has shown me that someone cares about communicating with me. It upsets me because she isnt blood related but treats me better than my own family.
Also one of the places I work at I have recently discovered through my sister is an unsafe environment. I currently work in a dish room (cant wear my hearing aid because it could damage it) and cant hear people walking up behind me with hot pans or with knives. She looks out for me where most dont even bother. My employer knows I am deaf but yet during my evaluation put down that I dont listen. Also when the other manager wants to talk yells my name or asks a question and instead of looking at me walks off. Like someone else said I wont chase her mouth. But after having my sister point out that this isnt fair or right I am starting to understand that I do deserve to be treated with respect even though I cannot hear it doesnt make me dumb or stupid.
I have also had a teacher in college tell me that I dont listen either. That bothers me a lot. But I wont let it get me down I have a bachlors degree and am going to get my masters sometime soon hopefully. I also have my associates. I have achieved a lot and I am proud of it but I am tired of the deaf being treated like we are by the hearing society. Praise God that my sister and best friend points things out to me. I also have a Strong desire to interact more with other deaf (which I havent done in a VERY long time). I want to associate with more people who understand my struggles.
Also my best friend in Alabama asked me one time can the deaf drive someone else also said that and I snapped back we are deaf not blind. It makes me soooo mad.