Bottesini I am sorry about this jerk of a waitress, but having been a waitress when I was 23 I can tell you the one way to hurt her without saying a word. Her tip, now I don't mean don't give her one, but I would say give her like, a dollar, enough to know you didn't forget, but enough to let her know she screwed up. Trust me she will remember the next time.
From my side though I had the luxury today of being told by my little girl's dad that my being hoh is hurting her development and maybe I should let her live with someone who could teach her right. If he weren't in Maryland and I was here, you wouldn't see this post I would be in jail for kicking his ass.
I don't care who you are just because you hear it does not make you right, I know. Look I heard much better as a youngster and it wasn't til my late 20's that it started getting so hard for me to understand the world around me. I was stupid in those years and look back and I go, would that I could go back. I can't and there are times I cry myself to sleep from the enormity of the job I have to do now to compete in a world I don't understand and deal with the hoh part of me that is newly accepting of it.
To all that have come before me, and I say this whole heartedly, you have my respect.