JennyB said:
*When they think I am lying when I say that I am Deaf
Ugh, that annoys me. My dad's said before that I'm just "faking being hard of hearing". I must be really good, because I managed to trick that machine thing that detects the sound coming out of your ear, and trick an audiologist! I don't have 20dB hearing loss in my left ear and 50-70dB hearing loss in my right ear, no. I must've just tricked it! :rl:

You'd think your dad would be more considerate, but no.
I have to agree with the covering of the mouth when someone's talking, too. That annoys me, but I think this one annoys me more: when they're talking to you, and they start rubbing their face (including mouth) with the palm of their hand and don't stop talking, and then say, "Well? Whaddya think?"
Another thing that annoys me a LOT is when I go round a friend's house,
they have the TV the quietest volume known to humankind, and they don't turn it up much. They never subtitle even when I ask them to, my friend wants to, but his girlfriend is an overbearing bitch, basically, and tells him he
can't put the subtitles on "because they annoy her", and then she gets even more annoyed when I'm not watching the TV at their house but sitting in another room or reading a book, I'm "being ignorant".
This woman on TV once said, "My kids are mainstreamed and use only speech, but they will always be deaf, they will never be normal". Ouch. That really shocked me.