What the Hell, Ask AJ Anything

I just use fender picks but my gutiar is not a fender i don't excactly remember what it is lol.
Lil_country_gal said:
I just use fender picks but my gutiar is not a fender i don't excactly remember what it is lol.

how long have you been playing?
AJ said:
id rather live in the country

boogie boarding has nothing to do with surfing. if you cant boogieboard, that doesn't mean u cant surf.

body surfing is a lot more easier than board surfing. board surfing is pretty hard.

i play both acoustic and electric guitars. they are both Fender Squiers. my eletctric is a Stratocaster.

Squier!? Bwahaha. Child's toys. :rifle:
cental34 said:
Squier!? Bwahaha. Child's toys. :rifle:

yeah yeah i know, i get made fun of for my squiers. but they are my babies. and my acoustic makes a beautiful sound. i wouldn't trade them in for anything. not even a better guitar.
Change the pickups and you're Strat might be alright.

I'm actually getting a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier this weel. Beat that, hot shot.
cental34 said:
Change the pickups and you're Strat might be alright.

I'm actually getting a Mesa Boogie Dual Rectifier this weel. Beat that, hot shot.

.................................................... i have a ukelali
cental34 said:
:Ohno: Are you aware that I feel threatened by you gaining on me in post count?

no im not aware of that. i did not know we were in competition.
AJ I've been playing for about a year and a half i quit for awhile and just resently started back up
Lil_country_gal said:
AJ I've been playing for about a year and a half i quit for awhile and just resently started back up

Keep at it. It really pays off.
Mayflower said:
What are your favorite nuts?

my favorite nuts are...mine! haha just kidding

my favorite nuts are almonds.
lisa marie presly is fine as hell. she has gorgeous eyes.

so whats the prize then that u mentioned???