What rights do I have in relation to moulds?

Ah no Mazie. Not good, you can get a little mirror, put it up against your ear and line it up to a mirror on the wall and you should be able to see it your ear. That's how I do it. :)
Got my molds back yesterday and you can't even see that they have been shaved.

He sent them off to be shaved and I'm glad he did as the job was a better job.

So far so good, no hurting.
Glad they're doing better for you now!

I have figured out using vaseline doesn't burn like Hydrocortizone does, so I'm using that instead. Still have the raw spot.
My left is perfect but my right is now hurting again. Not a bigger enough area was taken off. It will be going back when I go back on Wednesday. :(
Glad they're doing better for you now!

I have figured out using vaseline doesn't burn like Hydrocortizone does, so I'm using that instead. Still have the raw spot.

You should go back to your Audi if it's still causing trouble. I normally forget I have my aids in but with these problems molds, I kept thinking I wish I could take them out but didn't as I wanted to hear. I hate not wearing them. I wouldn't be able to live with problem molds, was driving me crazy.

I'm using nappy rash cream. It's antibacterial cream which adds a layer of protection. Found in the baby area in the shops. lol. Hope your heals.
I had been using aquafor (it's what I had for my new tattoo) it's a healing ointment. There's no anitbiotics in it though, so today i picked up some neosporin. Going to try that, since he's shaved them down they're not pushing into the sores anymore so it doesn't hurt as bad, but since I wear them so long they're not healing very well...and they've been infected. ugh

But I can hear!!!! :D mostly lol
Yeah, I've been leaving my aids out whenever I'm home to let them breathe. It's doing better. Have an Audi appt on Friday, so we'll see what she wants to do.
Finally found a solution to my problem molds! Even after been sent away and shaved 4 times, they were still causing sores in the same place. More so my right.

Took sand paper to my right today as was fed up with my ear bleeding. It works! So much relief now. Was holding off going bak to Audi and getting it sent off again as hate not being able to wear my HAs.

Will alway have sand paper to hand now. In total 6mm have been taken off from the top of the mold (5mm from Audi and roughly 1mm from me).
sometimes it's best to do it yourself, as long as you sand a small bit off at a time and trying the earmold again before getting it just right.
Very true. I was being very carful as I read that other people have sanded it down to much and it's caused feedback. :)