What rights do I have in relation to moulds?

And even worse now, taken my left aid out and I've got the start of a pressure sore on my left side in the same place as my right.

I only emailed head office about my right. GRR.

Both sides are sore when I put in and take out aids, but left was was ok once it was in. I'm not winning. :(

I hope your appt. is very soon, then! And it's entirely possible the audiologist can shave very sparingly the molds so they fit better as well. That's what mine has done in the past to remove sore spots. If that doesn't work, then absolutely, new molds are made. Good luck! You should always speak up and not feel bad about it. Hearing aids and molds are useless if they don't fit us. It's up to you to give your audiologist the feedback necessary for he/she to do their job for you. They can't do it unless they know, right? So it's good that you emailed and it's good you have the appt. :)
Do you have a profound loss? It's the top part that is causing me the sore. I would love to get half moulds if I don't get any feedback.

I have severe-profound in the right ear. Sometimes the half shell does cause some feedback, but only because it's not in the ear just right so I have to adjust it until it quits feedbacking. I have that same issue with full shells too.
I'm going to try and get a Skelton mould done for my right.

Cut up my old moulds last night to just the canal bit and my left is feed backing but my right isn't which makes me think I can get away with Skelton for my right side. :) Very nice having air to my ears tho.
I'm going to try and get a Skelton mould done for my right.

Cut up my old moulds last night to just the canal bit and my left is feed backing but my right isn't which makes me think I can get away with Skelton for my right side. :) Very nice having air to my ears tho.

Don't get your hopes up regarding the skeleton molds. Those are the kind I had first (see in my siggy), and I have permanent scars in my ear from them. They caused a sore spot in the same spot on each ear, and having no option, I just dealt with it. My skin finally gave up on healing and calloused over, lol. The sore spot is the same as you're having now. I think that's a universal issue for most BTE wearers that requires tweaking.
Oh ok. AMazieLM- When you did have a Skelton mould tho, was the top more squashy (if that makes sense) as there is a gap in the middle? I've never had Skelton moulds before in all my life of wearing aids (25 years).
I've had soft skeleton molds in the past. Yeah, had the sores in that little groove/gap at the top of the ear, but that's always been my sensitive spot. Once audie filed down the bothersome spot on the earmold, then it was fine. Not once ever have I had hard plastic molds, they all were the soft silicone every time, no matter what style (full, half, skeleton).
Wirelessly posted (Blackberry Bold )

I actually found the skelton moulds more prone to making sores - because there is less contact with the mould and ear (which means more movement).

It's fairly typical to need minor adjustments to a new mould - my Audie says well over 50% of people need at least a minor adjustment done once or twice to get a comfortable "sore free" fit.
In my whole life 25 years of wearing aids, I've never had to have a mould adjusted due to it being sore, that is until this set.

There's been a few people (friends also) that say Skelton moulds are more prone to hurting.
I have an appointment to pick up my Naida S V UP monday at 4:00 yay!!!! But I may lose my mind and go all Van Gogh and cut my ear off before then!! First I one sore, then two, and now I'm pretty sure I have 3rd sore starting right at my ear canal. Eating a big sammich, which is like everyday with a subway 10 feet from my works door, is getting hard, opening my mouth wide enough to shoce the sandwich kills!!! But I've been sticking it out because I knew I had another appointment coming up anyway. The audi's office is 30 miles away, don't want to take extra trips!!

This mold is weird, is has a bit extra at the top, maybe I'll take some pics and edit them in, see if anyone else has molds like these, the canal seems way wider and stubbier than any I've ever had also.

I circled the weird spot on my mold, I've never had one that went up like that. I took pics of my boo boos too lol, so y'all can feel my pain. The last pic, I can't get a shot IN my canal so I put an arrow pointing to wear it is, and there's def one there! stuck my finger in my ear and came away with blood :eek3: The circle on the bottom, isn't a sore, yet but it's pink and hurts there so I think by my appointment I might have a 4th sore. Ima lose my mind, up in here, up in here. Wait, I'm talking to a bunch of deaf or HoH people, you prob have never heard that song huh lol


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lol, thats bad! I was feeling sorry for myself having one sore in each ear. :(

I've never had a mould like that but I have seen them before. I thought it was just the shapes of their ears but I may be wrong.

Hope you get your sorted out properly.

I get to see the Audi today but I bet he won't be able to make new moulds for me today as my ear are scabby and I still have my sores.
Well I'm without aids until a week Friday. Not a happy bunny as work will be impossible.

I've got silicone moulds but to shave them, he has to send them away to be done.

First time ever that I've had to have moilds shaved.

Does anyone else had to have their moulds sent away to be shaved?
No, that is weird, I wonder your audi can't do it? I've had quite a few molds, the first set I had needed to be shaved a couple times, and the audi did it. This is only the second set that caused me sores this bad that won't heal.
I've had the leave my aids out since Saturday night as I was in so much pain and they were bleeding heavily.

I was hoping to be able to wear them again.

Hope you get your sorted. :)
I remember when I was a kid, and figuring out how my mold had shaped up in my ears for years and got familiar my ears. Recently I told audiologist what I d like for her to put mold into my ear and asked her not to put mold where I get sensitive skin. It turns out fine. I have to know about my own ears before the mold put it in my ear to adjust before it become permanent. it is part of learning every time to visit audiology office. ;?
I remember when I was a kid, and figuring out how my mold had shaped up in my ears for years and got familiar my ears. Recently I told audiologist what I d like for her to put mold into my ear and asked her not to put mold where I get sensitive skin. It turns out fine. I have to know about my own ears before the mold put it in my ear to adjust before it become permanent. it is part of learning every time to visit audiology office. ;?
Google Image Result for http://farm6.staticflickr.com/5135/5494712579_9ea9dda871_z.jpg
I know mine and I know that I'm allergic to colored types like those (click on the link for image)
Gah I'm right there with you now NaidaUP. Those sores are now infected, and the pain has gotten pretty damn unbearable, especially from lunch time onward, I think moving my jaw that much rubs everything together too much. I've even been trying not to smile, that flippin hurts. I had been taking them out not long after I got home from work to try to give my ears the longest break possible, but it hasn't been enough. Yesterday afternoon one of my coworkers convinced that me I didn't really need to hear. He said I could have the clients write down what they need work on. I didn't bother to do that though, I just told my clients I had to take my aid out, so now I'm stone deaf, but that as long as they didn't talk too fast I could probably lipread most of what they said, and they could point to whatever area they wanted work on. Worked out pretty well actually, I'd been mostly lipreading the past year anyway, only catching a word here and there. I had to work again today, so i did the same thing. Aid has been out of my ear for over 24 hours. I have never been this deaf for so long ever, I feel very very odd. I have Sunday and Monday off, my appointment to get the Naida (w00t w00t) and to have the mold shaved down, is Monday at 4. I'm going to try to leave it out of my ear until then.

:D In other news my daughter has apps on her ipod that she's been learning some ASL with, she's knows the alphabet and some words. I've been using lifeprint.com , I'm up to lesson 6. I told her the other night if she needs anything try to sign to me, she signed to me later on "where's honey?" and I got it out of the cabinet for her. That may not seem like much, but I'm tickled pink about it!!
I know where your coming from Ambroisa, I was shocked as just how much Pain they caused.

Mine have been out fore more then a week now and they are still healing.
I left mine out for a few days, kept thing it was healed do put aid back in and I was back to square one.

Good luck for your Naida fitting, I'm sure you will love the aid and it has more power. :)
I think this thread jinxed me, lol. I don't have sores, but my ear seems rubbed raw at the canal entrance. It hurts to wipe it with a wipe, tissue, etc. Burns! At night I've been coating it in Hydrocortisone and putting in a cotton ball. The cotton ball HURTS, but it's the only way to keep it from rubbing off onto my pillow. There is always a circle of yellow puss absorbed into the cotton ball in the same spot every morning. Wish I could see back there better! It's fine during the day, it doesn't actually hurt until I take my aid out and put medicine on it.