What Makes You a Sex Offender?

Right on....:thumb:

So maybe all women wearng no bras in a white shirt should.be hauled in for pre sex.crime...
Just in case god forbids it rains..
America really is losing its mind...
I didn't write the law but I can guess it had to do
I didn't write the law but I can guess it had to do with exposing genitals. You need to ask the legislators that question.
I didn't write the law but I can guess it had to do with exposing genitals. You need to ask the legislators that question.

Sure, but we can also use our heads and try to de fangle laws that just seem to be there to snag people into criminality
But im asking you, surely you dont consider peeing in pubkic s sex crime?
If one pees in public and does not get caught is one still a sex offender?
like if you break the law and donr get caught no laws been broken right...
Peeing in public?...not everybody wants to see somebody's junk!...Why do we have bathrooms? One for women, one for men....Americans aren't living in Vietnam when they had no bathrooms and just squatted and did their business anywhere....And it's called "exposing yourself"....If you think peeing in public is OK...how about pooping in public?
Peeing in public?...not everybody wants to see somebody's junk!...Why do we have bathrooms? One for women, one for men....Americans aren't living in Vietnam when they had no bathrooms and just squatted and did their business anywhere....And it's called "exposing yourself"....If you think peeing in public is OK...how about pooping in public?

If it wasn't for the unsanitary by product of either, I would not see an issue with it... But do not see why it is a sex crime.... This turns it into something far wore than it actually is. Exposing yourself.....A woman wearing a long skirt gets it lifted in a breeze can be hit with this at no fault of her own....
We live in a society that is so sheltered it is beyond sad....
I am seeing more unisex bathrooms in restaurants today , I used one today at a restaurant . Some places are not big enough to have 2 bathrooms .
Peeing in public?...not everybody wants to see somebody's junk!...Why do we have bathrooms? One for women, one for men....Americans aren't living in Vietnam when they had no bathrooms and just squatted and did their business anywhere....And it's called "exposing yourself"....If you think peeing in public is OK...how about pooping in public?

What are you talking about. No one sees your junk when you pee in publc. Ive done it countless times. In alleys, along highways, in a forest, , jeeeeze, really what the hell are talking about...pooping in public? i did camping, yesh im evil sex offender.....woahhh....your making no sense....for peeing in public as in outside, you know guess you never were in a car and guy had to really go you pull over, on freeay, so on, if cant find stop, long rides, hapoens all the time,,,country full of sex ooffenders yeah...damn.or in alley...
You know you find a spot, go close to wall, unzip facing wall, or whatever and let it out...
So why is that a sex crime...
I wonder did jesus ever pee? Did they have toielts back then? He must be sex criminal...wow...im sure jesus peed wandered arouns, and all that. who would of thought, whats next....farting in public? How about laughin in publc? Burping?
What are you talking about. No one sees your junk when you pee in publc. Ive done it countless times. In alleys, along highways, in a forest, , jeeeeze, really what the hell are talking about...pooping in public? i did camping, yesh im evil sex offender.....woahhh....your making no sense....for peeing in public as in outside, you know guess you never were in a car and guy had to really go you pull over, on freeay, so on, if cant find stop, long rides, hapoens all the time,,,country full of sex ooffenders yeah...damn.or in alley...
You know you find a spot, go close to wall, unzip facing wall, or whatever and let it out...
So why is that a sex crime...
I wonder did jesus ever pee? Did they have toielts back then? He must be sex criminal...wow...im sure jesus peed wandered arouns, and all that. who would of thought, whats next....farting in public? How about laughin in publc? Burping?

As for long trips...there are bottles or flasks to use by men...peeing in public is as if you are peeing with people around...if you can't find a bathroom, then find a secluded spot...Even then, some business owners don't want people peeing on their buildings....As for pooping in the forest...hope you brought toilet paper or you're gonna use ur finger or leaves....As for farting...:giggle:...(you bring up such weird stuff)...men do it all the time...but some people are more modest about it! Guessing you're not...but I would not tolerate a conversation with someone who deliberately farted in my presence.....Oops does happen, can be overlooked...and I have no idea if Jesus peed in public, I wasn't around then....and this is now...2015...not B.C.....
There's idotic "grey area" sexual offences, that shouldn't even be offences.... but there are just as many serious ones where the person who committed them need to be locked up for life!
Today, my daughter told me about an incident that she observed last night at the movie theater. She was headed for the ladies' room when she noticed a lot of people standing around outside the entrance to the ladies' room. She found out that there was a man in the ladies' room, and that security was going in to take him out.

The guy had been discovered by a 10-year-old girl who had gone into the restroom and saw him sitting on a toilet in a stall with the door open. She immediately turned around, left the restroom, and reported it to a theater employee. Security went into the bathroom and told the guy to get out. He was slow to respond and appeared to be drunk. Eventually he got up and was escorted out of the restroom and theater. She didn't know what happened to him after that.
So maybe all women wearng no bras in a white shirt should.be hauled in for pre sex.crime...
Just in case god forbids it rains..
America really is losing its mind...
Robin didn't say that, and I didn't either.

The school mother had no common sense of propriety. She wasn't dressed properly for a school activity, rain or no rain.

I don't think she should be arrested for a sex crime, unless there's more to this story than we know. Was there some other behavior involved? :dunno:
Sure, but we can also use our heads and try to de fangle laws that just seem to be there to snag people into criminality
But im asking you, surely you dont consider peeing in pubkic s sex crime?
If that's all he's doing, not a sex crime but at least a misdemeanor and fine.

If one pees in public and does not get caught is one still a sex offender?
like if you break the law and donr get caught no laws been broken right...
If he doesn't get caught, how would anyone know what happened? He still broke the law but he didn't get caught because no one saw him.

Totally disgusting behavior. I'm guessing it often results from drinking alcohol.
Today, my daughter told me about an incident that she observed last night at the movie theater. She was headed for the ladies' room when she noticed a lot of people standing around outside the entrance to the ladies' room. She found out that there was a man in the ladies' room, and that security was going in to take him out.

The guy had been discovered by a 10-year-old girl who had gone into the restroom and saw him sitting on a toilet in a stall with the door open. She immediately turned around, left the restroom, and reported it to a theater employee. Security went into the bathroom and told the guy to get out. He was slow to respond and appeared to be drunk. Eventually he got up and was escorted out of the restroom and theater. She didn't know what happened to him after that.

It's creepy but he was drunk. Maybe he didn't realize he was in the women's bathroom. I remember a case where a guy hid above the ceiling of the women's bathroom at Logan Airport in Boston.......http://consumerist.com/2014/11/24/n...hrooms-ceiling-allegedly-attacks-elderly-man/ THAT was creepy !
It's creepy but he was drunk. Maybe he didn't realize he was in the women's bathroom. I remember a case where a guy hid above the ceiling of the women's bathroom at Logan Airport in Boston.......http://consumerist.com/2014/11/24/n...hrooms-ceiling-allegedly-attacks-elderly-man/ THAT was creepy !
Yes, he was drunk enough to not read the sign on the door, see the feminine product machine right inside the door, notice that there were no urinals, and not shut his stall door. I don't think it was intentional.
A lot of homeless people and drunks that urinates in public and ended up going to jail. Public urinate is a nuisance and can be used as indecent exposure which can lead to serious charges such as SO registry.

There is some things that can lead make you a SO.... lewdness, incest, indecent exposure on school property or with minors present in the area.

Hugging or touching other minor too much could get you registered:

7) Giving another child a hug. There's been momentum recently to get rid of requirements that children register as sex offenders, the Wall Street Journal reported. Five residents of Colorado who were found delinquent for sex crimes as kids recently sued the state to fight a law that forced them to register as sex offenders, according to the Journal.

One of those Colorado residents had been accused of trying to hug a girl at his elementary school too much when he was 13.

Read more: http://www.businessinsider.com/surp...make-you-a-sex-offender-2013-10#ixzz3ZnPpXOFn

What are you talking about. No one sees your junk when you pee in publc. Ive done it countless times. In alleys, along highways, in a forest, , jeeeeze, really what the hell are talking about...pooping in public? i did camping, yesh im evil sex offender.....woahhh....your making no sense....for peeing in public as in outside, you know guess you never were in a car and guy had to really go you pull over, on freeay, so on, if cant find stop, long rides, hapoens all the time,,,country full of sex ooffenders yeah...damn.or in alley...
You know you find a spot, go close to wall, unzip facing wall, or whatever and let it out...
So why is that a sex crime...
I wonder did jesus ever pee? Did they have toielts back then? He must be sex criminal...wow...im sure jesus peed wandered arouns, and all that. who would of thought, whats next....farting in public? How about laughin in publc? Burping?

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