What kind of Jewish are you?

What kind of Jewish are you?

  • Messianic

    Votes: 4 100.0%
  • Orthreox

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Reform

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Conversim (sp?)

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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gnulinuxman said:
AGREED! There's no need for that.

I am a Catholic, but we celebrate everything Jewish people do (like on Easter we also celebrate Passover and make that just as prominent as Christ's ascension into heaven). We also mention Chanukkah (however it's spelled) in December, and off the top of my head I can't name any more.... but yeah, we do celebrate our Jewish heritage. (Many Protestant faiths don't seem to.)

but anyway, I wish Heath would shut up with his anti-Semitic views. We don't need that trash all over again. (Heck, we didn't even need it the first time in Egypt...)

I didn't read anything that's anti-Semitic in any of Heath's posts. What's next, we're going to disagree whether or not to stop at a red light because it's not in your favourite shade of red? :roll:

Plainly put, the Jews of the Old Testament and the ones today who call themselves that (of which they're actually not) KILLED their Messiah. It doesn't get any plainer than that.
Heath said:
I am not going to stop when I know I am right. I caught that and stopped her right there so she will not get away with it. Never let a jew get away with something when you know the real truth.

:thumb: Amen, Heath! They don't want to admit they crucified their Messiah. :cry: His precarious death on the cross brought LIFE to me, though.

Praise God for the Cross!!! :thumb:
pek1 said:
:thumb: Amen, Heath! They don't want to admit they crucified their Messiah. :cry: His precarious death on the cross brought LIFE to me, though.

Praise God for the Cross!!! :thumb:

Your messiah, perhaps, not ours. Jews then and Jews now did NOT believe Jesus was the messiah. There's also been significant amounts of evidence brought forth stating that Jews were not the only ones involved in the killing of Jesus. In fact, a lot of research points to Pontius Pilate as the one who allowed, ordered, according to some research, the killing of Jesus.

Let's set up a hypothetical situation here and say the Jews did in fact kill Jesus. So what? Someone had to kill him so you would be saved, right? So what's all the complaining about? Besides, I really don't see why what a group of people did 2,000 years ago is any reason to hate them. The Nazis attempted to exterminate the Jews 60-odd years ago, and most people don't still hate all Germans.
Heath.....no offense but pls just stop before u hurt someone's feeling and all just pls stop before things get worse thanks pls respect to some jewish ppl here don't incorrect them or judge them or tell them that ur right abt anything cuz u cud be wrong abt this..... Sorry folks if it off topic or anything like that *bows in apology*
No disrespect intended, but dont you guys know that all organized religions are full of shit.... :)
Also, heath, take your tinfoil hat off. It just makes u look funny.

No, I don't have a tinfoil hat. You should check out the names of the jews in a who's who book full of government leaders, hollywood actors and some big names etc then that will open your eyes big time, man. You will see how really bad American society has been judazied when American society should rightfully have been a Gentile society, not a judazied society.

Jew Watch is a Not-For-Profit Library for private study, scholarship, or research.

This is NOT a hate site. This is a scholarly research archive of articles. We Achieved 5 Million Hits Last Year.


and to see names of who's who in jewish Hollywood go to:

Heath said:
No, I don't have a tinfoil hat. You should check out the names of the jews in a who's who book full of government leaders, hollywood actors and some big names etc then that will open your eyes big time, man. You will see how really bad American society has been judazied when American society should rightfully have been a Gentile society, not a judazied society.

Jew Watch is a Not-For-Profit Library for private study, scholarship, or research.

This is NOT a hate site. This is a scholarly research archive of articles. We Achieved 5 Million Hits Last Year.


and to see names of who's who in jewish Hollywood go to:


I have noticed that u always say american do this or do that......if u are so shame of what american do to this usa then why not move to country eh? America aren't meant to be perfection....it abt freedom....pls shut up abt how bad america are since u are american urself......so speaking for urself! Years do change a lot....so live in 2006 why need to complain abt jewish? All of us are human and all of our blood are red all of us are same female and male only different are skin that it it not like they will give u diease by touch u with their tan skin or something like that.....man u need a help! No offense
Hello Heath, why cannot you accept that God made everything in the earth right now? I know some in Earth is bad, of course. No one or no everything are perfect. God made black people, jewish people, native american people, japan people, everybody EVEN animals.. I accepted everything, everybody and even myself. I dont judge on people for stuffs. Im just back off abt that stuffs, I cant tell them what to do or whatever like that. And, I know that some of everybody do love Jesus Christ and some of everybody do hate him also. It's not my business. So it should not be your business also, you should be back off abt that general and being think abt yourself. :roll: I sometime dont understand why you must be judge on people without think twice to not do that and give them your own respect because I bet everybody do give you their respect because it's who you are but you dont give them your respect for them because it's who they are. :roll:
Heath said:
Actually Teresh I caught you here right there. Yes there is a way to find out if you have Jewish blood through DNA. That testing is called Jewish Genetics to check your DNA. Do an internet search on Jewish Genetics.
... :ugh2:

It's not JEWISH blood...it's just....oh man, would it REALLY make sense if I tell you it's HUMAN blood? human blood involves type A, type B, and type O blood in every human possible. familiar with that?
Heath how you know Jewish people control things? They are a tight knit community and they help with business and family etc..

Those things you said has nothing to do with Jewish!
I am gonna have my thread removed.. I asled the mod to do this.. Heath.. it was simply a question not to get out of control.. sigh!
Was this thread supposed to switch my jewdar on ?

Because that is something that can not be switched off once somebody's eyes have been opened like mine has been and I am real happy because now I see world events and here at home and I can detect wheter there is a jewish hand in some local or international matter.

A brief description of what jewdar means .....

The innate ability to detect jewishness in another person. Like a sixth sense.
pek1 said:
I didn't read anything that's anti-Semitic in any of Heath's posts.

I'm really surprised that you don't catch the anti-Semitic buzzwords in Heath's posts. If you are a journalist, you need to develope a sense for not just the dictionary meanings of words but the hidden meanings and feelings they convey. A journalist should be a wordsmith.

Red flags:
"Jewish agenda", "race-mixing", "Jew Watch" (why do Jews need "watching?), "jewdar", "judazied society"

Plainly put, the Jews of the Old Testament and the ones today who call themselves that (of which they're actually not) KILLED their Messiah. It doesn't get any plainer than that.
Technically speaking, the Romans crucified Jesus.

But Christians are not supposed to hold that against the Jews today. Even Paul said, "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved." (Romans 10:1)
Steel X said:
... :ugh2:

It's not JEWISH blood...it's just....oh man, would it REALLY make sense if I tell you it's HUMAN blood? human blood involves type A, type B, and type O blood in every human possible. familiar with that?
:cold: The Nazis created the "Blood Protection Law" in 1935. That was one of their first steps toward the Holocaust.

hootster said:
No disrespect intended, but dont you guys know that all organized religions are full of shit.... :)
Your statement is full of disrespect, and you know it, so don't say "no disrespect intended."
Reba said:
I'm really surprised that you don't catch the anti-Semitic buzzwords in Heath's posts. If you are a journalist, you need to develope a sense for not just the dictionary meanings of words but the hidden meanings and feelings they convey. A journalist should be a wordsmith.

Red flags:
"Jewish agenda", "race-mixing", "Jew Watch" (why do Jews need "watching?), "jewdar", "judazied society"

Technically speaking, the Romans crucified Jesus.

But Christians are not supposed to hold that against the Jews today. Even Paul said, "Brethren, my heart's desire and prayer to God for Israel is, that they might be saved." (Romans 10:1)

Great job, Sister Reba....

Hey Heath, watch out your tongue or Jesus would probably not let you into their the Heaven so that you will have to go back to our Earth and birth with your new Jew parents or Muslim family.....
Heath said:
Yes Ayala920, Jewish people are both a race and a religion. Look throughout your Torah for frequent examples of race-mixing when God warned the jews not to race-mix...
Do you understand the reason God didn't want the Jews of the OT to intermarry with non-Jews was to protect His chosen people from outside pagan influences? God didn't want idol worshippers to bring their cult beliefs and practices into the congregation of His people.

On an individual basis, God did accept and bless Gentiles in the OT. Read the Bible book of Ruth, for example. Ruth was accepted by God because she turned from her pagan religion and trusted God Jehova. "And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God"
Reba said:
Do you understand the reason God didn't want the Jews of the OT to intermarry with non-Jews was to protect His chosen people from outside pagan influences? God didn't want idol worshippers to bring their cult beliefs and practices into the congregation of His people.

On an individual basis, God did accept and bless Gentiles in the OT. Read the Bible book of Ruth, for example. Ruth was accepted by God because she turned from her pagan religion and trusted God Jehova. "And Ruth said, Intreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee: for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest, I will lodge: thy people shall be my people, and thy God my God"

That is what the liberal ministers want you to believe.

Let's look at the real issue here.

Liberal ministers have had a very difficult time reconciling the Holy Bible with their crusade to promote inter-racial marriage. Quite frankly, the Bible demands Segregation of the different races.
The Apostle Paul: Acts 17:24-28 says that God made man "and hath determined the bounds of their habitation." Genesis 28:1, says that the Canaanites (blacks) were the "servants of servants" and Isaac called Jacob and said unto him, "Thou shalt not take a wife of the daughters of Canaan."
Jeremiah 13:23 stresses the fact that we can not make white people out of the blacks in these words: "Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots." This is a warning that blacks could breed Whites down into mongrels but that we can never breed them up into Whites.

Then here is what Honest Abe Lincoln said and he knew this and the liberal establishment tries to hide this fact but it is also in the Library of Congress records too.

Abraham Lincoln, in his debate with Senator Douglas at Quincy, IL, on Oct. 13, 1858 and quoted in Abraham Lincoln - Complete Works, published by The Century Co., 1894, Vol. I, page 273 stated:
"I will say, then, that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of bringing about in any way the social and political equality of the White and Black races - that I am not, nor ever have been, in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes - nor of qualifying them to hold office, nor to inter-marry with White people; and I will say in addition to this that there ia a physical difference between the White and Black races which will ever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality, and in as much as they cannot so live, while they do remain together, there must be the position of superior and inferior, and I, as much as any other man, am in favor of having the superior position assigned to the White race."

then here is another one into the time table .....

The interracial breeding of the races was not promoted as an issue until Roosevelt became President with Communist Party chairman Earl Browder's support. Roosevelt issued the first "civil rights law" on June 25, 1941 in the form of Executive Order No. 8802. This established the Fair Employment Practice Committee (FEPC). It banned discrimination based on "race, color or creed" among all private businesses receiving defense contracts.

I can show you more not just from the Holy Bible and weigh these facts with what famous men have said throughout the ages and we are bearing witness to this very fact today that this social experiement by the liberal establishment in race mixing is not working at all and a person in an interracial marriage is 70% more likely to be murdered than if the person was in a same race marriage ( White man + White woman marriage or Black man + Black woman only marriage ) Statisitics speak volumes and I can get you more links to this subject on both liberal ministers as well as on the subject of race mixing and what famous people had to say throughout the ages.

NAACP was founded by Arthur Spingarn, a Jewish lawyer.

If you really look closer at the founding members of different organizations that are working for the destruction of the USA then you will see they all are jewish.
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