Hey Fuzzy,
Since I'm the person in question, just wanted you to know I did *not* take any offense at all! And as stated above, I make the joke myself about looking like my poodles. They are both elegant silver-greys. You assumed right, actually, that I like the picture because my beautiful doggie and I match. It's ok - we benighted poodle people are like that.
My sisters and I give each other the benefit of our considered opinions re: hair and fashion advice and general appearance all the time; that's what sisters are for, right? So I have a long history of not taking offense at stuff like your comment which far as I could tell was not meant to be offensive at all.
Far as I'm concerned, it's all good. Not to worry. I will even Knight you into the Society for the Advancement of Beautiful Poodles and Their Owners, should you so desire. Botts, also being an owner of Beautiful Poodles, is also an honorary member. ;-) (This will come as news to her...)
Miss B-G,
thank you for your generosity

I really didn't mean to be criticizing the way you look.
Like I've said, it just occurred to me- with new HAs why not go for the whole new look? sorry I've suggested that.
It of course doesn't mean you don't look good right now, because you do.
You asked me for my opinion re: your age, lol
It's always a bomb hiding, yikes!
Before I answer you, though, I need to let you know I as a former esthetician assess pple age slightly different than average person perhaps,
as I was trained to look at skin from professional pov.
I still have my misses, you know, particularly as I am to to guess from a picture, which always is very hard to do.
So, here goes. A head so full of gray is not impossible at 30, but extremely rare, so I'd say it's safe to assume you'd be past 30, hmm?
then there is the question of your eyes - I am not sure if I am imagining it but I have an impression that the outer layer of your irises are lighter than the inside, which would put your age as being older than 40 +
but I don't know if you always have had eyes this way, or indeed they are getting lighter with age?
it could also be an effect due to the light from the camera, so....
now, the best indicator for age would be hands, decollete and neck
which tells me either you inherited great genes or you are barely 40ties.
Your face is beautiful your skin is perfect, spotless, barely any wrinkles.
Now I am not going to draw attention to anything else but other signs would tell me that you might be a bit older than that, but let's settle that since I can't see you in real life, only from the picture, which is never 100% the same,
you can be anywhere from 40 to 50, but your excellent wrinkle free decollete works for your favor so I am deciding your age on close to 45, no more!
btw you also have fantastic white teeth, they are in such excellent condition that I am green with envy!
How's that? how did I do?
please don't beat me up!
I will even Knight you into the Society for the Advancement of Beautiful Poodles and Their Owners, should you so desire.
Fuzzy humbly thank you for the great honor, your Majesty
Casey teeth are too, to die for

white like snow, pointy and sharp. I can tell you take great care of her! (him?)