Oooo... you said her children are terrible and then
are they worthless thaat should throw their lives away like a toliet? I'm sure that children have both dark & bright sides. It could not be one side they have.. actually, I grew up in deaf school and was bullied brutelly by some students for some years but I turned out okay. I have a harder life, just like her children, so my life should be killed off?
You see, i'm tried of unwanted *bastard* children have no value as people claim, and do we have no value of lives if we are not wanted? One time, I was asked by a child asked, "what if I am not wanted, can I be killed?" That's so depressing... COS... her parent always told her that they wish they should abort her while they still loved her. Right front of me, I'm not joking.. What's a kind of love is that?
In the fact, the girl is a threatren (sp) survivor of abortion.. (to see what is an abortion survivor -
TEN DIFFERENT TYPES OF "ABORTION SURVIVORS") That website is similar to that child's life, the 10 years old girl.