What Induces Fear?

Sleeping in a room i have never slept in before.

I have the same issue, but it is with beds. I will not sleep in anyone's bed except mine, and my fiance's. I can't even sleep in a hospital bed. I was hospitalized for frequent kidney infections a couple months ago, and I didn't get one damn wink of sleep. It has a LOT to do with my having lived in foster care hell. I feel the most comfortable and the safest in my own bed because it is my own bed and it is a very familiar place for me. I am able to sleep in my fiance's bed too, only because I have been to his place quite often, but his bed is too firm, so I still prefer mine anyway.
I have the same issue, but it is with beds. I will not sleep in anyone's bed except mine, and my fiance's. I can't even sleep in a hospital bed. I was hospitalized for frequent kidney infections a couple months ago, and I didn't get one damn wink of sleep. It has a LOT to do with my having lived in foster care hell. I feel the most comfortable and the safest in my own bed because it is my own bed and it is a very familiar place for me. I am able to sleep in my fiance's bed too, only because I have been to his place quite often, but his bed is too firm, so I still prefer mine anyway.

I'm sorry. I understand.
My biggest fears:
People causing me to lose the ability to breathe (choking, suffocating, sitting on top of me, etc) just for the hell of it. Loss of ability to breathe freely causes me to panic automatically no matter what.

I'm sorry you had to go through this. I've also been there. I really thought they were going to kill me.
If I recall correctly... Lucia does not like crowdy place either.

I usually do not like crowded places, but I am not blind at all, I just wear regular glasses, that's all...crowded places bother me because it is rather distracting and also because when there are so many people, it makes me nervous since I can't keep my eye on everyone. So, my anxiety is heightened. But not all crowded places bother me. It depends. If it is a festival, then I am ok. But if it is Wal*Mart at a very busy hour, then I get annoyed, anxious, and VERY irritated. It depends on where I am, and what I am doing at that place, and how I am feeling at the time.
I have never, ever been comfortable in speaking/signing in front of large groups. Not one bit. The speaking part because I know my voice isn't like that of a hearing person and I wonder how many in the group/audience are understanding everything or if they're too polite to raise a hand and say "can you repeat that?" And for some reason I'm the same about signing, but not because of my signing level. I'm fluent in ASL. It's just the whole being in front of a group thing that petrifies me. My knees knock! And I found out in my class today that all of us have to give a verbal presentation at the end of the semester in front of the class, the IT dean, the college president, the works. Oh man! I'm gonna spend the next months worrying about this!

I do not like giving presentations in front of large groups, either, be it a deaf or a hearing group. Doesn't matter. I just hate public speaking. I start shaking immediately.
Oh, god. Mine, too. It's the closed in space issue that scares me about it. I know I'll be dead, but the thought of being buried is terrifying to me. It's why I refuse to be. I'm going to be cremated instead.

The thought of being cremated scares me. I am terrified of fires why would I want to be cremated??!!? EWW just the though gives me goose bumps.
I'm surprised no one said clowns yet!

Didn't anyone see Stephen King's IT? Saw it when I was 9. I'll NEVER forget. Coincidently, Hurricane Andrew came to Miami a few days after seeing IT. I spent a lot of time awake at night because its too hot to sleep and it's too dark to do anything else (no electricity/AC for weeks), so imagine being terrified of a clown that likes to kill kids during this time!

Whenever people say stephen king..
This picture always flashes back in my mind:


It's Jack Torrance from the Shining.
There is no question flashbacks are terrifying. I hate having them, especially in public places or when people are trying to talk to me. (I get them a lot in class and am always terrified my professor will ask me a question when I'm mid-flashback.)

How do you deal with your flashbacks when they occur during class? I have PTSD, but I have never had a flashback, so I have no idea what they are like and how one would deal with them.
How do you deal with your flashbacks when they occur during class? I have PTSD, but I have never had a flashback, so I have no idea what they are like and how one would deal with them.

i'm curious about this as well -- especially since you mentioned that the subjects mentioned in your psychology class trigger your flashbacks.
no, that's not true. blindness doesn't affect how much anxiety a person feels. that's based on the individual and how they handle a situation emotionally -- not their disability or lack thereof.

I am not blind, deaf or HOH and I have alot of anxiety that is triggered by being in public places or even family gatherings for the holidays.
*anyone* who is angry frightens me. <shudder>

Same here. Especially my dad and his wife. They scare me. I am and always have been afraid of them. I avoid them at *all* costs. I make up excuses not to go back home to visit him and his wife, and when I am in town visiting my friends I don't tell them that I am in town. I avoid the far southside/Oak Creek area whenever I am in town since that is where they live. I spend most of my time on the north side or the lower east side. But I have not been back in town since around 2005 because I just do not have the money to do so.

I still remember seeing my dad's eyes when he is/was very angry, and that frightens me. His eyes turn very cold and a very steel blue with very tiny constricted black pupils. It made me feel very :cold: And that was over my re-arranging some of the family pictures in a multi-photo frame that he and his wife gave me shortly after I went into a foster home. I had rearranged them to include some pictures from my late mother's side of the family, since I felt they were important to me, too, and that made him very angry. When his eyes became that way, they sent cold chills down my spine, and I was very scared and frightened. Fortunately, there were too many witnesses at the place I was at, so he could not hit me or hurt me at that point, thankfully. But it scared me so much that, after he left, I put everything back in their original places so he would not get angry like that again. My dad and his wife have always frightened me no matter what the reason is. :( I felt like this :cold: with his eyes like that. They could also burn holes in me as well (not literally, but you know what I mean, the way they look).

I do not like angry people at all for that reason and if I see someone who looks angry I quickly walk or run in the opposite direction now. I do not like to feel :cold: every I see an angry person.
I had the same problem. When I used to have 2 dogs (both have passed) every so often they'd twitch their ears, indicating they could hear something going on outside. Or, they'd sit and stare at the front door. Or, they'd even bark at the front door. Made me nervous to no end. It became a catch-22 situation. On one hand, I was not that worried about a burglar because the dogs' barking and big teeth (we're talking a BIG lab dog and a BIG retriever-mix dog) would be enough to scare off any potential burglar, but at the same time, just their indications that they were hearing something within close proximity was enough to keep me sleepless. As much as I miss those dogs, I actually sleep better these days in complete ignorance of what might be going on outside.

I have the same problem sometimes, too. I have three cats, and I always watch their behaviors since I am deaf. Last week, they behaved in such a way that I thought they were hearing someone trying to get into my apartment from my front porch. It made me very uneasy and paranoid and very scared. I would check outside like 10 times and then finally decided that there was no one outside, and that my cats were just spooked, and that if I want to sleep, I would have to put my cats in my very large walk-in closet (with plenty of food, water, and a litter box) to force them to settle down so I could go to sleep. It was at like 2 am. Putting them in the closet for the night helped a lot, I was able to go to sleep, and then I let them out of the closet when I woke up in the morning to pee (about 4 or 5 hours later). This rarely happens, though.