okay you stated after the ww2 ends...
how many wars before the ww2 era?
how many wars after the ww2 era? i'm sure there's more war before the ww2 era..
You are right, there is many wars before the WW2, like WW1, etc.
remember many soilders are MEN during the ww2 era... and they are out fighting. it takes a man and a woman to produce babies.
once they're back home.. there's no war and they are finally reunite with their family.. and make babies.. that time in 50's is a popular year for produce babies. my grandparents gave birth to 5... supposly to be 9 kids but 4 died right after birth and 1 died in the babyhood times. i'm sure many of those family have many many kids too as well in the 50's just becuse the budget is easy to handle with.
Yupp correctly, when army left the war, they usually reunite with the families and really desired for new babies.
again please state how many war after the ww2 era and before ww2 era.. not only USA..but worldwide.
Look at my answer above
and i personally don't believe that vietnam is the worse caustlies(sp).. i believe that ww1 and ww2 is the worse for whole world.
Well I research through the Wikipedia and it said that there is 72,155,800 deaths from the World War 2 (World War II casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), then I found out there is not lot of deaths during the Vietnam War (Vietnam War casualties - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia), but I know there is very powerful people rebel against the war at that time which makes us to prevent the draft. You are right all the way, World War 2 is the worst, especially Soviet Union.
it doesn't mean that i believe that people should die... its just a life and death sitution that we will never end it.
Yupp we are in the cycle of deaths, the death is part of our life and we can't stop it.
i somewhat agree with china to limit to one kid.. but what i see sad thing is.. they kill their daughter or son.. if they want a girl they kill the baby boy.. if they want a boy they kill the baby girl. but also i disagree that they should do to limit their freedom. i know it will make the population down.. because simply 2 people giving a birth of 1.. losing 1 people per generation.