what if fcc cut vrs already right then what you do next?

You get it wrong way! It is like telling person who can't walk do not need a wheelchair, so that they can get better school, urgh?
Without VRS, deaf won't be able to communicate with hearing people, and most hearing people HATE TTY relay service, and believe me, they prefer VRS over TRS.

Wow, do you think US focus on spend in war only? More money spend will support deaf school better than VRS. :D
You get it wrong way! It is like telling person who can't walk do not need a wheelchair, so that they can get better school, urgh?
Without VRS, deaf won't be able to communicate with hearing people, and most hearing people HATE TTY relay service, and believe me, they prefer VRS over TRS.

They didn't teach deaf well on english and type skill. Oh poor them. That's why Deaf school need to push that hard with extra money. psst psst. :cool:

VRS is still common as TRS as they hang up on me. :roll:
You get it wrong way! It is like telling person who can't walk do not need a wheelchair, so that they can get better school, urgh?
Without VRS, deaf won't be able to communicate with hearing people, and most hearing people HATE TTY relay service, and believe me, they prefer VRS over TRS.

VRS and SIPRelay from same company (Sorenson). What's your point?

I like to use relay on mobile so I can use it at anywhere unlike VRS.
Let put this way, what they means "SEVERE" in other words VERY DEEP cuts on VRS rates. What scares me is that the more cuts, the possible of longer wait time for next available operator may be inevitable. We do not want go back to the days when we wait for hours for next available operator. That is the whole point. DO something or FCC thinks you don't care and go ahead cut them more,

Yup, You will get more risk to be lay off or lose your job if VRS is shut down or in financial trouble.

I don't think it would happen if FCC get alot of attention from us.
Exactly, The less deafies work, the more government is going to pay for SSI/SSDI. So, whats difference?

Yup, You will get more risk to be lay off or lose your job if VRS is shut down or in financial trouble.

I don't think it would happen if FCC get alot of attention from us.
Exactly, The less deafies work, the more government is going to pay for SSI/SSDI. So, whats difference?

If government is goes to pay for SSI and SSDI then our SS tax (including with medicare) would risen and probably more subtract from our payroll, that make me so upset. I had noticed that we paid more on SS tax (including with medicare) than federal tax does.

Other countries don't have SS system but different system is not sure.
ARE YOU INSANE???? So that they can spend more money on wars in middle east??? You think it is good idea? WOW, you are really insulting Deaf World, go and sleep with Richard!

I don't get it. How is suggesting Sorenson sell their VP's rather than giving them away insulting Deaf World?
Read again, Poweron THINKS we do not need VRS at all! Wants it divert to school better educate to deaf youngs, that is what I think is really stupid.

The problem I see is that hearing people really surpress ASL, thinks it is ugly language. They don't understand that ASL itself is a language, and historically they REFUSED to acknowledge and accept it as deaf's native language. If we use VRS, and educate what the ASL is all about, then in long run deafies would be able to develop better English once they understand ASL itself. Just like hearing people have to take English courses in their early lifetime in school. That is how hearing people can improve their English and have better ability to learn other language. Sadly, Deaf people lack this education part, thus in long run they struggling with English. TTY will NOT solve the problems, and they cause miserable misunderstanding.

In additionally, like hearing people they were able to chat on telephone close to if they are in person each other, while TTY is so impersonal, you can't really tell who the person in other end, VP takes away that impersonal part of TTY.

If you really want to be true Deaf Activist, quit thinking negative, and look for positive that is helping Deaf.

And here is perfect example, you misunderstand based on this English. This grammer is so clear, yet you got wrong idea, where do you find anyhing mentioning selling VP? If I were told you using ASL on Video or in person. You won't even misunderstand us at all.

I don't get it. How is suggesting Sorenson sell their VP's rather than giving them away insulting Deaf World?
diehardbiker diehardbiker diehardbiker

I don't think you fully understand what I'm try to tell. Use common sense in business. Business sell telephone and people pay service. So, in deaf world, we pay TTY, we pay telephone svc. That mean, it should be same as we pay VP equipment and we pay ISP. Is that simple? Or you can't afford such as 50 to 100 dollars for equipment?

And I thought it would be good idea than waiting list to get VP200 that many deaf complain and wait to get the fancy one. Sticking with VP100 is stupid and behind technology.
Let put this way, what they means "SEVERE" in other words VERY DEEP cuts on VRS rates. What scares me is that the more cuts, the possible of longer wait time for next available operator may be inevitable. We do not want go back to the days when we wait for hours for next available operator. That is the whole point. DO something or FCC thinks you don't care and go ahead cut them more,

To me this means the end of the sweet yellow brick road for the big "S" in Utah that has tried to monopolize the VRS industry and has been playing Title 15 games with the other 5 big VRS providers since then.

This issues with FCC is not just about the company that you mentioned. It is about ALL VRS, it apples to every VRS companies, and know who will hurt the most? That is the smaller VRS companies that is going to hurt real bad, are you supporting that idea?

To me this means the end of the sweet yellow brick road for the big "S" in Utah that has tried to monopolize the VRS industry and has been playing Title 15 games with the other 5 big VRS providers since then.

I understand your concern, this is not about equipment. This is about service that FCC is considering cut down. Cut down the service can impact greatly on VRS *EVEN* if the equipments are sold instead of free give aways. Here is real proof, in Europe they had VRS, and it now gone out of business because neither of government willing to pay for the service, plus deaf people don't want to buy the VP because it is pricey.

diehardbiker diehardbiker diehardbiker

I don't think you fully understand what I'm try to tell. Use common sense in business. Business sell telephone and people pay service. So, in deaf world, we pay TTY, we pay telephone svc. That mean, it should be same as we pay VP equipment and we pay ISP. Is that simple? Or you can't afford such as 50 to 100 dollars for equipment?

And I thought it would be good idea than waiting list to get VP200 that many deaf complain and wait to get the fancy one. Sticking with VP100 is stupid and behind technology.
Good - less deaftards (deaf retards) to deal with.

I'm already a member of the Facebook group "I judge you when you use poor grammar."

Are you mocking at poor deaf children from deaf school? That's not funny to do that because numerous of deaf school don't get enough funds from state to improve the education and many of their parent have issue with public school in their hometown or some public school like in San Bernardino is really bad but most school in San Bernardino isn't from inner city, just mostly like suburb.

I quitted from deaf school in 2005 for personal reason then transferred to hearing school with heavily of Mexican students (roughly 70%) and this school is alright, some classes are bad. I had passed state exam (English, Math and Essay) to got HS diploma. It was located in inner suburb in valley area.

In fact, One of my teacher told that my grammar is improved than 4 years ago.
This issues with FCC is not just about the company that you mentioned. It is about ALL VRS, it apples to every VRS companies, and know who will hurt the most? That is the smaller VRS companies that is going to hurt real bad, are you supporting that idea?

Not to mention the success of the VRS industry enjoyed at the expense of the deaf communities. The VRS industry exacerbated interpreter shortages and the deaf communities paid a big price for it through loss of employment, loss of independence, loss of life, loss of safety, and loss of justice. I can go into the details of these losses.

Now it's time the VRS industry pays the real price of their success.


starship winger

Thank you for understanding in what I'm trying to say, bascially it is true many get everything all misunderstanding by talking on the messenger or writing an E-mail and they get everything mixed up, that's why I said VRS face to face is the number #1 is the best way to communicate to understand each other clearly than the E-mail and Messenger...

Also including the chatroom which is the most misunderstanding too, I've seen people foughted like cats and dogs in the chatroom oh boy and that's why I said VRS face to face is the best to solved the problems beside messenger and E-mail...

I've sent an E-mail to this one person I met in the chatroom, she mistooks my E-mail the wrong way, she either may or may not jumped into the wrong conclusion that she thought I was attacking her and saying bad things to her, but I never attack her nor did I says anything bad to her, I was just explaining to her in a very nice way what she did to me wasn't nice for calling me some names in the chatroom and she turned around and lied to my fiance that I attacked her in the E-mail and that I said awful things to her and I had to forward my E-mail to my fiance to read what I wrote her and he saw nothing I did wrong, he find that hard to believe that she lied about me, So I never talk to her again, she just wasn't a very nice person anyway.

yes you are Damn Right,,lol
Not to mention the success of the VRS industry enjoyed at the expense of the deaf communities. The VRS industry exacerbated interpreter shortages and the deaf communities paid a big price for it through loss of employment, loss of independence, loss of life, loss of safety, and loss of justice. I can go into the details of these losses.

Now it's time the VRS industry pays the real price of their success.


Who knows that you could be right.

In my opinion, I do not think that VRS is broke. But, if it is no longer use the VRS, then we are still using the Video Phone one by one without an interpreter as well. If the VRS wants all VPs back to the company, what are they doing with the VPs. It is impossible for the VRS company to return them to the manufacturer or no refund. Right?
Not to mention the success of the VRS industry enjoyed at the expense of the deaf communities. The VRS industry exacerbated interpreter shortages and the deaf communities paid a big price for it through loss of employment, loss of independence, loss of life, loss of safety, and loss of justice. I can go into the details of these losses.

Now it's time the VRS industry pays the real price of their success.


I can't figure out if you're just a dumbass or if you're actually retarded & I should feel bad for debating with you.

I thought I had dumbed this down for you in the past. Apparently not.


As long as deaf people use VRS, it is NEEDED. Every one of the interpreters who is interpreting for vrs is NEEDED. Instead of bitching about Sorenson, who you so deeply despise (Which is retarded in itself considering all VRSes are paid equally, as i've said BEFORE,) you need to start telling deaf people not to use VRS. When they stop using it, we'll stop interpreting for it.
VRS is not taking interpreters. Deaf people are using vrs. Therefore the NEED is there.
You're anti-VRS because you're anti-ASL and anti-interpreters. WE GOT IT. Now stfu and give it a rest.

You'd think you'd support fighting the FCC cutting funding considering Sorenson (yes, the company you hate) has training programs to help get MORE people into interpreting. Which will help with the interpreter shortage, in community AND vrs.

I can't figure out if you're just a dumbass or if you're actually retarded & I should feel bad for debating with you.

I thought I had dumbed this down for you in the past. Apparently not.


As long as deaf people use VRS, it is NEEDED. Every one of the interpreters who is interpreting for vrs is NEEDED. Instead of bitching about Sorenson, who you so deeply despise (Which is retarded in itself considering all VRSes are paid equally, as i've said BEFORE,) you need to start telling deaf people not to use VRS. When they stop using it, we'll stop interpreting for it.
VRS is not taking interpreters. Deaf people are using vrs. Therefore the NEED is there.
You're anti-VRS because you're anti-ASL and anti-interpreters. WE GOT IT. Now stfu and give it a rest.

You'd think you'd support fighting the FCC cutting funding considering Sorenson (yes, the company you hate) has training programs to help get MORE people into interpreting. Which will help with the interpreter shortage, in community AND vrs.


No, you don't understand.

Many Deaf College students are suffering because Sorenson took almost ALL of the qualified and certified interpreters. We are stuck with shitty interpreters that ruined our chances in getting good grades.

One of my interpreters is new and can only interpret 25% of the time in 2 of my classes! I complained to the interpreter coordinator about it and she said I need to put up with the interpreter I have for those 2 classes. I was upset and annoyed because I have the right to equal and high quality of education! I asked the coordinator to state the reason for not being able to replace my bad interpreter. She replied, "Well, SorensonVRS took almost all the best interpreters, so we have to make do with provisional interpreters for now. And we are not the only colleges or universities to have these kind of interpreter problems!"

Is that fair to sacrifice years of my education just to "train" my bad interpreters how to do better?? In the meantime, worrying about my interpreters takes me away from understanding the lessons in my classes.

I hope FCC will decide to cut back VRS somewhat so the best interpreters can come back to colleges so the Deaf students can have better education so we all can get a better job when we graduate. There's email and AIM for keeping in touch with other people, jobs, employers, etc. I don't see VRS as the ONLY way to communicate with other people.
About RUIN issue; it not ruinned yet. They have VRI provided while there are shortage interpreter.

VRS is benefit that include your future job and easier to communication. My family doesn't want me use the tty ever again with the text relay. It is easier and fast time to communicate while my parents can ask by what I am try to say something.

In college or the school felt ruin by Sorenson VRS? I don't think that has to do with Sorenson VRS, what about the CSDVRS or HOVRS. It will affect VRS FUND cutted by FCC. Right now, I am start see VRI is getting deman and that will being able using VRI and VRS.

Again, I don't see any ruin yet.:ugh3:

Have you met anyone who don't do well with English or ablility to communicate with Deaf and Hearing. Most of the percent that the hearing people doesn't understand us by what we are saying.

Again, Deaf Commuity's fault not using interpreter that much due preferred use with kid and interpreter for parents.

Interpreter has had training as almost like Deaf communication and they want to service us. They are not living in cup board or the dog house and eat that from empty table that no one appericate or thankful to person become interpreter.

Without them; VRS, VRI, IP Relay, and TRS. Where we will go? Probably stuck with not ability do yourself or myself.

So it is not ruin unless FCC cut and then it is ruinned everything; their job position require 70 percents to use call. It could lead them to change position due deman from customer or the people. Something that position require us to using phone and communicate with hearing people.

About Richard that I am watch him that video is silly by tear up the paper and like this?

Please cough up himself and what about he did part of TTY and did anyone using TTY mostly than the videophone. If he has a proof that we are or I am wrong.

I would like see how that TTY can success without VRS?

No, you don't understand.

Many Deaf College students are suffering because Sorenson took almost ALL of the qualified and certified interpreters. We are stuck with shitty interpreters that ruined our chances in getting good grades.

One of my interpreters is new and can only interpret 25% of the time in 2 of my classes! I complained to the interpreter coordinator about it and she said I need to put up with the interpreter I have for those 2 classes. I was upset and annoyed because I have the right to equal and high quality of education! I asked the coordinator to state the reason for not being able to replace my bad interpreter. She replied, "Well, SorensonVRS took almost all the best interpreters, so we have to make do with provisional interpreters for now. And we are not the only colleges or universities to have these kind of interpreter problems!"

Is that fair to sacrifice years of my education just to "train" my bad interpreters how to do better?? In the meantime, worrying about my interpreters takes me away from understanding the lessons in my classes.

I hope FCC will decide to cut back VRS somewhat so the best interpreters can come back to colleges so the Deaf students can have better education so we all can get a better job when we graduate. There's email and AIM for keeping in touch with other people, jobs, employers, etc. I don't see VRS as the ONLY way to communicate with other people.
No, you don't understand.

I hope FCC will decide to cut back VRS somewhat so the best interpreters can come back to colleges so the Deaf students can have better education so we all can get a better job when we graduate. There's email and AIM for keeping in touch with other people, jobs, employers, etc. I don't see VRS as the ONLY way to communicate with other people.

Did you miss the part where i said Sorenson is training new people to become interpreters? Cut funding and programs like that will be cut, leaving fewer interpreters all around. Sorenson isn't taking interpreters. People like YOU are using VRS and there is a need for vrs interpreters.

People bitch and whine when they have to wait for VRS hold times (because there ARENT ENOUGH interpreters.) then they bitch because "vrs is taking all the interpreters."

I really can't dumb it down anymore.

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