
Thats a good vent and you are brave to say aloud. It almost blew my hair away off my head. :giggle:
I agree with you that we should all get along and not bashing one another. I refuse to go into any thread thats involves bashing and fighting and I keep myself out of it. Thats why I don't post very much and if I do, it is usually in a friendly threads.

Thats a good vent and you are brave to say aloud. It almost blew my hair away off my head. :giggle:
I agree with you that we should all get along and not bashing one another. I refuse to go into any thread thats involves bashing and fighting and I keep myself out of it. Thats why I don't post very much and if I do, it is usually in a friendly threads.

lol blow your hair away off your head?? funny!! :giggle:
Hey Rebel..

yeah it did make me feel bad for others. That why i don't post very much in here, just know my limits are. I just don't like to be middle or bashing against at. I'm sorry for everyone who get hurted, but hope people would learn what right for themselve. Glad u have courage to stand by.

some people think i'm mysterious, and sorry if they feel that way. I'm very laid back and just enjoy and learn alots things from AD here. Surely alots good and nice people here. Also I don't have much of feed back, or anyone to talk to me. Which i don't care.. i'm come here for myself to enjoy there.

Once again, thanks and applause for Rebel!
:::walking into this room::: Wha...a great thanksgiving dinner today few hours ago along w/my father in law and my family together... I'm so stuffed the full somatch.. At last settle I came into the log on this site and stunned surprised what you've spoke out of loud straighten forward your venting!!!

Quite impressive... How much you felt so fusterate and fed up whoever members become out of control or bickering each togehter or more others blunting wha..ever.. My eyes already wide open and read whole your statement and goes make sense "Advice them as condiser wake up call!"

I hope this time will come and clear crystal for everyone as general..

am I dunce yet?
Let me guess I think I'm sit and corner.... :D

btw your vent/rant quite good loud of clear crystal!
i agree with RG on this
we need to stop be against each other just leave things alone rather blashing on each other or hurt other ppl feelings don't think that other ppl have no feelings THEY DO HAVE FEELINGS and they get their feeling hurts by anyone who does hurt them

we need to grow up we are not children
I agree with ya Angela. Great Post!! Alls I was doing was just finding out the real truth. I have my own opinions & I didn't even state 1/2 of them. Just enough for people to know theres more to that story then what was being told. I just don't want to see everyone being mislead into a mangled up spider web full of bull. That's why I crashed right in the middle of it. There was other certain things that will probably never get answered. But that's life.
Interesting thread, I'm glad that Rebelgirl created a thread here then we learn to understand where some members come from...

JLFWildKat made a good point. I'm with him on this. I like to see cons and pros on both sides because they are facts. I listen BOTH sides without involve their posts and tell them what to do or tell them off but show respect on their POV (point of view). I made my post if I disagree something without take their post personal.

I beleive that it's important for everyone to get cons and pros information, feedback etc. Everyone has the right to know cons and pros on this information/feedback... It's good education for us to learn what right or wrong. Its about respect when everyone have different POV on any issues. If there're debate with pros and cons, then we have to limit our feeling... We show our feelings on anyone who needs our feedback, tips, rant/vent, support because they need our support/advice, not debate... This is a difference.

I have no problem with anyone to agree/disagree with me but I has a problem with anyone who took my post personal. I choose to firm anyone to not take any posts personal. Firm is not an insult or a bash but firmly fixed. Some members see it as harsh, bash/insult which I see it's firmly fixed, not harsh. I has to accept if they felt my post is a harsh/bash/insult and ask them to accept my apology. It's their choice, not mine if they are still angry and don't want to accept my apology. I can see that it create more problems to debate agree/disagree with people who can't open their mind and use common sense or made immaturity posts, that's why I think it's best to not quote their post or don't post anything toward them but make your own post in general way.
that's just me. on the other hand.. i'm not soft hearted... I can be if i want to.. but when it comes to getting deeper and deeper.. it has to stop somehow.. someway... someday!

Yes I second that.

Yes we are guilty to make harsh remark to some members sometimes. I know that everyone including me are not prefect people but anyone can't expect us as nice people all the time. It's normal when we could be hard sometimes because it has to stop before it goes sour.

if you don't like me.. put me on your ignore list...

I think to put "ignore list" do not solve anything but listen both sides until learn to understand where they come from. Its about patience. It's immaturity to quote member's post to provoke them because they don't like them. Ignore their post is the best and visit other threads... or try to listen both sides until learn to understand where they come from... I doesn't get on well with some members but I still debate with them agree to disagree or give them feedback/tips or share my posts with them instead of put them in my ignore list... If I don't want to post then is my decision. IMO.

put me on your ignore list... or try to work it out with me... your choice..

I'm agree that it's people's choice.
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Thats a good vent and you are brave to say aloud. It almost blew my hair away off my head. :giggle:

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: "blew my hair away off my head... good one!!!

I admire Rebelgirl for stand what she think and feeling... She doing for us... I :applause: her for that.
RebelGirl : well, I know who you're referring to ... when the member said "drama, drama.... or jump on bandwagon.. I understand its annoying.. but have you said this before.. maybe not those kind of words.. or maybe you have... but I do recall in threads that you have said quite of a few things that were off. I'm not only blaming you.. but i'm going to say that each and every one of us have said stuff. I definitely know I have. You have, other members have. Only to think.. that when its annoying you, me or others .. we don't like it.. we say something about it. Well, you got to the point you didn't like what that member said, and you were fed up. but that member isn't alone.. I believe each and every one of us have been bashed, talked about and stuff.. but honestly....

its like this... when we're bashed on.. go running to your daddy (Alex) and tell on that person.. is NOT GOING TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM. only to make things worse. when there's a problem.. we have to figure out a way.. if the problem doesn't solve.. then ignore it. for example.. if you don't like me.. put me on your ignore list... or try to work it out with me... your choice.. I'm pretty sure that Alex is getting tired of it and he's probably feeling that he has put us through alot of strain and stress because of us fighting, insulting, etc. I don't know how he feels, but I can imagine that he's probably thinking of closing AD or just don't want to come in here and see more problems. you know? He has paid so much money for us to be in this forum because he is MOTIVATED to keep the deaf/HOH/CIs/Hearing community together.

Of course, I am aware of that. I don't run to daddy ( Alex ) or other moderators when someone push the button under the avatar, if there's a problem. I will just simply ignore or be more helpful by explainin' things to help a person to understand. Try to use positive/soft words and be more direct, then maybe some ADers will not think or feel negative towards it. I am learnin' each day everyday from this AD by readin' everyone's posts and get to know them.

I know its not easy to ignore but when tensions are building up.. it just makes it worse for everybody and all the "stress" we get from chatting in Alldeaf. I mean, come on.. Alldeaf stressing us out? sigh.. I just want to be able to see peace.. I know its almost impossible but at least do this in an adult way and think twice before typing.

what if I died tomorrow? How are some of you going to feel.. some of you are going to feel regrets.. some may not care... but as for me.. I would feel totally bad for the person's passing and I didn't have the chance to say "I love you no matter what even if we aren't friends" that's just me. on the other hand.. i'm not soft hearted... I can be if i want to.. but when it comes to getting deeper and deeper.. it has to stop somehow.. someway... someday!

Well, I don't attempt to make THAT MANY friends from this AD. Only very few. If, you happen die tomorrow, then I will be sad and say a few nice words and even, thou you and I are not makin' friends.

I have a few that I don't like in here but I continue to speak to each and every one of them regardless. Yes, I may be blunt at times.. just out of honesty and what my heart says.

CyberRed, i'm not blaming you at all.... I was just speaking for everyone really..
well its interesting that even through that this thread is made to be an anti dramaic and yet i m seeing alot of drama oh well i have an tendency to ignore people who insults me so i dont really have an problem
Uh-oh ! :iough:

I doont know what is going on because i don't visit here very much since i focus another things.

I hope someone can resolve this problem ASAP
I didnt bash anyone since I apolized two person. I always say Whatever because I don't want argue. I let them go.

You know that it is hard to ingore someone's post in someone else's thread. I already explained to Alex about that. We cannot help if we want to look at someone else's thread. I would say WHATEVER if they speak bad thing to me.

I did bash two person once because they insulted me. But I apolized them already. okay?
I do not know what was going on yesterday while I was out of town. Truthfully many time I get bashed and not many of you feel bad for me cuz I am not exactly popular person here. I am fine with it and I do not complain about it. But when I read here, I see one side of group here, inner circle friends to stand up for others and protect them. I first came here Ad here because it was alike everyone is everyone, no one side group but now I was wrong. Now I begin to see one side of group here. Anyway I am sorry anyone get their feeling hurt and we all need to remind oursleves once awhile we are no different from them. After all we only are human being with weak heart.