What do you want done with your remains when you leave this life


Well-Known Member
Dec 13, 2013
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So first things first.
It will be a tricky discussion given the censorship on any religious discussion so let's keep religion out of this
(A very interesting form of thought schiztiphrinia given how tied into our life and the after our religious or lack of religious thoughts are)

But the law is the law as they say.......
What do those here wish done to their remIns when you leave this life?

Fed to Wilde dogs

Ect ect

(Drags cigarette, inhales deeply, exhales smoke in the shape of hoichi dancing his way to oblivion)
Cremation...and my ashes scattered over the Beach where I used to live and was the happiest times of my Life....along with several pixs of my deceased doggies and of course with my present doggie...I do not plan to get another dog, feel she will be my last.
Cremate me, and my family can make a shrine around my ashes...
TCS and I will be buried. We already have our plots picked out and paid for. The VA will provide the markers.
What do those here wish done to their remIns when you leave this life?

Fed to Wilde dogs

Ect ect

(Drags cigarette, inhales deeply, exhales smoke in the shape of hoichi dancing his way to oblivion)
So, what about you?
TCS and I will be buried. We already have our plots picked out and paid for. The VA will provide the markers.

Do you have a specific cemetery? I'm guessing yes since you stated your plots are picked out and paid for. Is it a military cemetery?
Do you have a specific cemetery? I'm guessing yes since you stated your plots are picked out and paid for. Is it a military cemetery?
It's a regular community cemetery. Our daughter and her hubby have their plots nearby, too.
No fureal no bs sympathy or boohooing once im gone . Just burn my body n feed the ashes to the worms as well as some to the fishies. Dont speak my name no more. Life is for the living not for the dead to dwell
Scatter them about n let the wind take the pieces farther and further apart

Dont want to become a zombie n come back to life. Yuck. Burn n scatter the ashes.
cremate me and throw me into long island oceans. So people can keep the lands.
Lol, I don't think I will care what is done with my remains.
Hoichi...So strange, hubby and I were just talking about this. We both decided......

Cremated but then the urn burried. We did that with my dad and that is what my mom wants too. She will be burried in the same plot as my dad.

When my son died we felt best to have him cremated. We thought having a small caskett would just be too much for everyone. After the service his ashes were scattered in the church garden. Well we moved........On one of our visits, there was a chain link fence around the garden because the whole thing had been torn up. I can't explain the feeling of such losss....again.

I like having a place to go to feel close to my dad. I definitely will need that with my mom.

Definitely an organ donor if possible.
Donating my body if anybody will take it. I'm gone. I don't care what happens to the remains. I hope it can help somebody in some way.
I haven't really decided on this yet. I keep going back and forth on being buried or cremated. Such a mixed feeling about this. :hmm:
Probably cremation.

My cousin who passed away from illness years ago requested her body donated to university for research and anatomical donation.
I don't care

I told my daughter she can push me off the cliff in a W/C and say OOPS ! It's hoichi turn.

But I doubt that my daughter will do that , so my next wish is me cremated and have my ashes mixed with Finlay . I wanted to have our ashes taken to the woods where we spend so much time together but t's illegal to throw the ashes out in public places in my state.
Hubby and I have plots, but we are planning on selling or gifting them. We have decided to go with cremation and ashes scattered.

My father was cremated with ashed scattered in ocean. If Mom dies while we are in FL, then she will be scattered (after cremation) in ocean. If it's after we move, then her ashes will be potted with a rose bush that has her name. Father-in-law is in a VA cemetery and MIL will be there as well.
I told my daughter she can push me off the cliff in a W/C and say OOPS ! It's hoichi turn.

But I doubt that my daughter will do that , so my next wish is me cremated and have my ashes mixed with Finlay . I wanted to have our ashes taken to the woods where we spend so much time together but t's illegal to throw the ashes out in public places in my state.

I think it's illegal in most states, not for sure though. BUT everyone still does it.
Cremation, and my ashes spread over a Wolf preserve.
