What do you want done with your remains when you leave this life

Regardless of the choice, I hope that everyone has their wishes clearly written down and discussed with family members so that they aren't left with having to make the decisions when the time comes. It's really unfair to dump that on the survivors.
cremation as according to my religion and culture.
Burn me in the oven, with Boy Scouts singing "Kumbaya" as they load me in. :fruit::fruit::fruit::fruit::fruit:

Already have an area picked for disposal. Not sure my family will be able to oblige me 100%, but even a few pebbles of old SWK dropped into the location I want will suffice. They know where. It is a matter of "can they, legally?"
My grandpa kept his favorite irish beer stein on the bookshelf next to his recliner and would let us know from time to time to put his ashes in it. And so that is what happened. Fit his jokester personality!
Friend of mine wants burn himself in Diesel engine (BioDiesel). For me cremated then spread over Pacific Ocean.
Which are what?

Reba, don't get me started. I don't want to discuss religion in this thread, let alone any AD thread. However, if your curiosity gets the best of you, just PM me with this inquiry.
Cremate me and have a wake, a party and celebrate knowing me. Rejoice that I am in heaven and no longer struggle and not in pain. I want singing and dancing and stories. :)
Reba, don't get me started. I don't want to discuss religion in this thread, let alone any AD thread. However, if your curiosity gets the best of you, just PM me with this inquiry.
I'm only asking about your beliefs regarding mode of disposition of your remains. After all, that's the topic of this thread.

Everyone's decision about their remains is according to their beliefs.

I'm not asking what your theology is; only about the mode of burial, if there's something specific about how it's done.

If there isn't, that's fine. :)
Probably buried. Already have the plot (parents bought plots for their 4 I married daughters when they bought theirs). My husband's cremated remains are in my plot. At that time I had to pay for my "burial", so the only things my girls will need to pay for, I think, is a coffin & whatever type of viewing/funeral they want (those are for the living as far as I'm concerned). I told the girls that I'd prefer burial, but as long as it's respectful, I don't care what they do with my body since I will no longer be inhabiting it.
Edit: I do want a funeral Mass with my body there, so they will have to rent a casket if they decide to cremate me. That's what I did with my husband.

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I would like military honors and PGR Flag line as part of the graveside service.
I'm only asking about your beliefs regarding mode of disposition of your remains. After all, that's the topic of this thread.

Everyone's decision about their remains is according to their beliefs.

I'm not asking what your theology is; only about the mode of burial, if there's something specific about how it's done.

If there isn't, that's fine. :)

I want to be buried according to my Christian beliefs because this shows respect to the deceased person. In the Bible, the bodies of the wicked were burned, but the bodies of the righteous were buried.
I'll be dead and my spirit done moved on so it doesn't really matter to me I'll leave it up to my family. The body is just a shell. Besides I'll be too busy haunting people after I die to care about it anyways :laugh2:
I'm an organ donor, so if there's anything usable they can take it before I'm buried. The way things are going, there might not be anything worthwhile left but if there is, it's available.
I cant donate my organs if not i would. Becuase of that just whatever is the cheapest cor my family or may e i would have paid for it somehow before that happens. But if its a burial i hope they dont take a presit or something like it.
I want to be buried according to my Christian beliefs because

Make sure to use effective communication so everyone knows how you want to be buried.

As for me, well if I plan things right there won't be anything left to bury. :D
I will physically remain forever - roped, stuffed, mounted, and nailed to the wall! :P

all useful bits of me donated then rest cremated like half ash in North sea where I live other half into a river in wales but not sure if you can do that...or little cemetery near me that do green burials you go into cardboard box and tree planted on you