You make unemployment sound attractive. So why do you do all of this? Why bother working?
That doesn't even include the Federal income tax that we pay. As independent contractors, it's about 30%.
Then there's the overhead: Hubby's business=fuel, equipment, supplies, repairs, maintenance, uniforms, advertising, and insurance.
For me=vehicle upkeep, fuel, professional insurance, membership fees, certification tests and maintenance, and continuing ed.
Let's talk about income for a minute. Most likely one or both of you draw Navy pensions.
Which we pay income tax on.
My pension didn't begin until I turned age 60, this year.
You also have jobs that pay, taking a guess, in excess of 50k each. Your home is paid for, most likely. So, you have a household income of 120k.
We don't even make half that much, including pensions.
Our home is not yet paid off.
My $3,200 2000 Jeep Cherokee is paid off.