What do you NOT look for in a relationship?

chris' mom

New Member
Jan 8, 2009
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We always talk about what you look for in a relationship. I want to know what you Do NOT look for..LOL Just a random question
I wouldn't want someone who is a control freak or a perfectionist..(been there done that ain't doing it again)
Mmm. Well. I think I would be careful about relationships in which the people in it have differing views on how often to have sex. If one person wants it a whole lot and the other is content with once or twice a month, then you are not going to be happy. *Sighs and shrugs*
Mmm. Well. I think I would be careful about relationships in which the people in it have differing views on how often to have sex. If one person wants it a whole lot and the other is content with once or twice a month, then you are not going to be happy. *Sighs and shrugs*

Isn't that the truth..
I mean, even if you wait 'til you get married, you should seriously talk about this. It doesn't sound all that important if you aren't in that situation, but, oh brother, it becomes important reallllyyyy quick if you aren't on the same page.
^ I can only agree that sex is a big part of a relationship. I don't like machos... egocentric and selfish men. I'm not a religious person at all and I wouldn't want a husband who is all about money!!! ;)

I'm sure there are couple few other things that don't come into my mind right now. I'm too tired :(

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* drugs
* controlling
* manipulating
* selfish/greedy
* ego/macho
* big mouth to others when it is supposed to be kept in private in between the 2 :squint:

I can't think of what else..... :hmm:
I don't want a partner who does not know how to love and take care of himself. I don't want a partner who is stuck and refuses to grow. I don't want a partner who puts work over family. And yes, that sex part is extremely important to me, luckily this time around I have a man who mirrors my appetite and attitude.
I'm a messy person and the last thing I want is to have someone cleaning up after me...if that makes any sense?

I don't want someone that'll preach to me about religion.
I definately NOT would look for someone who was selfish, self-centered, greedy, a "know it all", control freak and a manipulator.
Bad teeth is a dealbreaker. I get compliments all the time about how nice my teeth are. I expect my significant other to be the same.
*Bursts into laughter* WELL. That settles that for me. My sister and I have good teeth...she looks at all potential boyfriends in the mouth first, as it were...but, as for me, I didn't pay much attention when I fell in love. Can't say his teeth are the greatest but the rest of him is pretty dang hot!
Seriously. You do. She's very particular about it, and she has very nice teeth, I will be the first to say.

Now, that I completely get Moon-child. You have to feel something, preferably, a lot of something...
No control freaks, please. I had a boyfriend that I dumped after a couple months. He couldn't stop texting me 50 times a day wanting to know what I was doing, where I was, who I was with. And if I was with family, he wouldn't believe me. Thought I was sneaking out with some other guy. (Which I never was.) Dumped him pronto enough, and it still took me nearly 1 1/2 years to get rid of him.
No control freaks, please. I had a boyfriend that I dumped after a couple months. He couldn't stop texting me 50 times a day wanting to know what I was doing, where I was, who I was with. And if I was with family, he wouldn't believe me. Thought I was sneaking out with some other guy. (Which I never was.) Dumped him pronto enough, and it still took me nearly 1 1/2 years to get rid of him.

Been there!...He was obsessive and compulsative. A "hoarder" of anything! Could never just buy "one" of something! Drove me insane....called it "off"! And he stalked me over a year! Thank goodness someone else "snapped him up" (as they say)...since everybody said he was such a "good catch"! HEHE! Good looking, great job! Nice house at the beach!...Good luck to the "other" lady! HAHA! :wave:

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