What do you do to make yourself happy when your sad?

Read, play with the dogs, go to the rifle range and put holes in targets, walk in the woods and take pictures, read message boards online, or cook something complicated.
When I am sad (hate to saying that) I sit around, but most time when I am sad I tend gets up and go out to somewhere trying not to getting into bad despression..... Stay away from that VERY HARD for me...

When I am happy very happier WOW so different weird, too ha I always do something exciting talk to friends or logon myspace to comments, and here on AD when I am happy in love I always post on here.. or talk to.... my sweetie...... sighs! CANT SAY IT! geez
If I get sad, I can always beat the hell out of my boxing ballon and kick boxing! It better way to let off steam! ha